
[REJECTED] [Warrior][Arms] Damage in instanced PvP
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Post Posted: 01-06-2019, 20:51:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Arms PvP Template stats are wrong, and Overall damage of all abilities in instanced pvp is 35%+ lower than should be.
Might be the same for Prot and Fury spec, didn't check(yet).

You can Skip part 1.
UPDATE: Part 2. Found 2 videos filmed on August 9!(S4 Ferocious) from Swifty in Arena/BG:
6:48 proof that it's from season 4 PvP
4:42 Bladestorm tooltip damage
1:44 Rend/Opportunity strikes/Overpower(1:49) damage Tooltips (watch in slow playback speed)
8:08 pvp stats(flask 1300 strength) and ilvl(933)

Now look and compare Swiftys stats with my PvP stats and Spell tooltips with same ilvl(933) in Arena here↓

I will write down spell tooltip numbers from the last 2 videos above with Swifty: you can see His Rend 94.342 vs my 69.721,
His Overpower 277.477 vs my 205.062, his Opportunity strikes 118.390 vs my 87.493, and his Bladestorm 1.4m vs mine 1m... 35%+ difference.

LE: 7.2.5 Mortal Strike 5:10:21 >
921 ilvl, blizz = 286.214
924 ilvl, freakz = 192.617

If I made some mistakes somewhere please tell me, I will correct and explain where/if needed.

Last edited by IronWill on 13-08-2019, 00:17:38; edited 20 times in total
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Post Posted: 11-06-2019, 23:45:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

yassine303 wrote:
i confirm this arms war damage is so low in freakz . in retail arms can execute plate dk with 1.2m and more but here execute on plate never goes more then 650k
This is true.

As proof they can see Swifty's damage and ilvl, he crits with execute (on unholy DK) for 1m+ without concordance proc, only flask and Shattered Defenses.


Last edited by IronWill on 11-06-2019, 23:49:55; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 26-06-2019, 15:42:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The issue might be with the formula from the spell itself. The numbers should be compared for each skill with the ones from 7.2.5 from retail on wowhead and do some math for each one individually. Except the wotlk expansion here on freakz, arms always had a lower dmg than normal. It's been 8 years since i place here and in retail and the dmg always felt lower compared to blizz. I made a similar post in catacylsm if i'm not mistaken but nothing has been changed.

I also have 943 Ilvl here and i only hit for 500k max mortal strike with sharpen blade active and may be 600-700k with execute ( we are talking about cloth players here, on plate its not even worth discussing ). But this is the dmg that i did also in the last patch so considering how many buffs arms received, the dmg should be a lot higher. And please GM's, before asking for "proof proof" have in mind that its ur job to look into something that we players report, we are not devs or encounter this issue daily. We just signal things that happen and we consider being wrong.

Look at 2:54 he hits that monk for 1 million mortal strike with sharpen and no avatar or concordance also in the video his rends hit for 220-260k crits
Also at 7:33 he hits that mage for 1.1 mil dmg MS and almost 1.3 mil dmg execute, yes with concordance on but still no avatar or something special other than that. That dmg is far higher that we can do on freakz.

Last edited by divinity4uuu on 26-06-2019, 15:58:33; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 30-06-2019, 23:22:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

divinity4uuu wrote:
The issue might be with the formula from the spell itself.

I don't think the problem is with spell formula, because the difference of damage is exactly 33% for all 4 spells specified(Overpower,Rend,Bladestorm,Opportunity Strikes) and this can not be a simple coincidence, the problem seems to be with PvP templates, even for furry and prot(will test those after this gets fixed).
divinity4uuu wrote:
And please GM's, before asking for "proof proof" have in mind that its ur job to look into something that we players report
Well yes, they should understand that we can not(or don't know how to) properly check formulas of certain spells mechanics whatsoever most cases when we clearly see that something is wrong, only than we make a post and try to explain and provide proof if possible.

But nevertheless, I provided proof that on freakz damage tooltips and Template stats do not coincide with retail, this should be enough to start investigating the problem... but looks like they don't even care to reply.

Last edited by IronWill on 08-07-2019, 18:03:48; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 15-07-2019, 21:30:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

resto shaman and arms warrior vs udk and holy paladin
look the arms warrior dps maximum hit with sharpen blade 500k

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Post Posted: 19-07-2019, 21:22:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

IronWill wrote:
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Arms PvP Template stats are wrong, and Overall damage of all abilities in instanced pvp is 35%+ lower than should be.
Might be the same for Prot and Fury spec, didn't check(yet).

You can Skip part 1.
UPDATE: Part 2. Found 2 videos filmed on August 9!(S4 Ferocious) from Swifty in Arena/BG:
6:48 proof that it's from season 4 PvP
4:42 Bladestorm tooltip damage
1:44 Rend/Opportunity strikes/Overpower(1:49) damage Tooltips (watch in slow playback speed)
8:08 pvp stats(flask 1300 strength) and ilvl(933)

Now look and compare Swiftys stats with my PvP stats and Spell tooltips with same ilvl(933) in Arena here↓

I will write down spell tooltip numbers from the last 2 videos above with Swifty: you can see His Rend 94.342 vs my 69.721,
His Overpower 277.477 vs my 205.062, his Opportunity strikes 118.390 vs my 87.493, and his Bladestorm 1.4m vs mine 1m... 35%+ difference.

If I made some mistakes somewhere please tell me, I will correct and explain where/if needed.

I had compared the values from with the values from simcraft and every NON-PVP hotfix has been applied, however, I've also checked and I couldn't find anything that is specifically related to a PVP Buff applied during 7.2.5 on one of the abilities mentioned by you or a Buff that was related to the Warrior template/Arms Warrior template

We've also checked the hotfixes regarding the nerf of the Warrior Strength template:

The values from our database are correct. It has not been applied twice or had an incorrect value.

Could you provide us more information about this (As in what exactly affects the Warrior PvP template or the damage of this specific abilities)??

Side note: Please refrain from posting anything irrelevant to the topic from now on. I've deleted all the useless posts made by the forum users. Please keep this clean.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-07-2019, 02:40:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Didn't I post in english, or am I blind Surprise... sometimes it feels like only I see those Videos and Screenshots? -
All seems so clear, at least to me. (Sorry, sarcasm or irony, or maybe both, or none, idk.)

skilzz139 wrote:
I couldn't find anything that is specifically related to a PVP Buff applied during 7.2.5 on one of the abilities mentioned by you or a Buff that was related to the Warrior template/Arms Warrior template

Neither did I find anything good on forums databases, that's why the best I could do was point on last 2 videos from August 9 @7.2.5 to make sure all hotfixes pvp/pve are taken in consideration for this Patch/Build we are playing on. What more can you ask for.

All those abilities have exactly 35%~36%(not more) buff on blizz compared to freakz at same ilvl(check video timestamps and all screenshots I posted), which brings to the conclusion that we are missing an overall damage buff in Arms pvp template. (I wanted to mention more spells, but it is hard to find a video that has an open character panel to see ilvl and stats in pvp)

We've also checked the hotfixes regarding the nerf of the Warrior Strength template
The values from our database are correct. It has not been applied twice or had an incorrect value.

Correct huh? Why do I post vids and screens if you guys don't look at them -
Secondary stats seem fine, but look at all main stats Strength/Stamina/Armor they are wrong.

Could you provide us more information about this (As in what exactly affects the Warrior PvP template or the damage of this specific abilities)??

??? I don't understand this question. Even that 1m+ execute on DK By Swifty should of been self explanatory(I mean we are no way near this numbers on freakz).

Last edited by IronWill on 20-07-2019, 03:02:43; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 20-07-2019, 09:11:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

IronWill wrote:
Didn't I post in english, or am I blind Surprise... sometimes it feels like only I see those Videos and Screenshots? -
All seems so clear, at least to me. (Sorry, sarcasm or irony, or maybe both, or none, idk.)

skilzz139 wrote:
I couldn't find anything that is specifically related to a PVP Buff applied during 7.2.5 on one of the abilities mentioned by you or a Buff that was related to the Warrior template/Arms Warrior template

Neither did I find anything good on forums databases, that's why the best I could do was point on last 2 videos from August 9 @7.2.5 to make sure all hotfixes pvp/pve are taken in consideration for this Patch/Build we are playing on. What more can you ask for.

All those abilities have exactly 35%~36%(not more) buff on blizz compared to freakz at same ilvl(check video timestamps and all screenshots I posted), which brings to the conclusion that we are missing an overall damage buff in Arms pvp template. (I wanted to mention more spells, but it is hard to find a video that has an open character panel to see ilvl and stats in pvp)

We've also checked the hotfixes regarding the nerf of the Warrior Strength template
The values from our database are correct. It has not been applied twice or had an incorrect value.

Correct huh? Why do I post vids and screens if you guys don't look at them -
Secondary stats seem fine, but look at all main stats Strength/Stamina/Armor they are wrong.

Could you provide us more information about this (As in what exactly affects the Warrior PvP template or the damage of this specific abilities)??

??? I don't understand this question. Even that 1m+ execute on DK By Swifty should of been self explanatory(I mean we are no way near this numbers on freakz).

You tend to be rather arrogant, but I have patience and I sympathize with your issue and frustration regarding this.

What I asked you is to provide more information so that we can have a better overall view regarding this. I even made sure to leave "As in what exactly affects the Warrior PvP template or the damage of this specific abilities" there so you could understand 100% what I meant by more information.

IronWill wrote:
Correct huh? Why do I post vids and screens if you guys don't look at them -

Check what I said there, again.

I've read everything you posted here and I checked everything that I could check. In order to fix the issue we need to understand where exactly is the problem. We can't just ninja buff the warrior class because It would break the class, it would become too overpowered and people will start complaining.

As a side note: You've received warns before for trashtalking the staff/having a nasty attitude, but again as I told you, I sympathize with your issue and frustration regarding this. Try to be on point with what I asked you. If you don't wish/want to participate do not make any more posts, we'll lock the topic and when we'll find something ourselves, we'll fix it (but it will take longer). This was a chance for the community to jump in and make the process faster.

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Last edited by Ayro on 20-07-2019, 09:28:57; edited 4 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-07-2019, 15:59:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

skilzz139 wrote:
You tend to be rather arrogant, but I have patience and I sympathize with your issue and frustration regarding this.
I try to not overreact in most cases, but try understand why this happens... Yes, sometimes I & others might seem "arrogant", usually when there is a serious issue and you guys delete or ignore the problem for way too long... only those that don't actually care will not get frustrated in such situations.
I appreciate your patience, maybe you will be the one who will try to understand before throwing bans/warns etc.

What I asked you is to provide more information so that we can have a better overall view regarding this. I even made sure to leave "As in what exactly affects the Warrior PvP template or the damage of this specific abilities" there so you could understand 100% what I meant by more information.

IronWill wrote:
Correct huh? Why do I post vids and screens if you guys don't look at them -

Check what I said there, again.

I've read everything you posted here and I checked everything that I could check. In order to fix the issue we need to understand where exactly is the problem. We can't just ninja buff the warrior class because It would break the class, it would become too overpowered and people will start complaining.

Aren't PvP templates separate for each Spec?
Not sure how increasing overall damage in Arms PvP template will break the Spec (why u said class idk)... would love to test my thoughts on this but I don't have test server up.
Is there any way for players to check PvP templates for all classes/specs on freakz DB? I don't seem to find.

Also, maybe this info helps with something. Click the link to see more useful details.
We also have a blanket "Mod Damage Done" aura on all of the PvP templates for when we want to reduce damage but not primary stat. Healers are the best application of this aura. We may want to buff a Restoration Shaman's healing output, but we don't want their lava bursts to hit like trucks. Currently, all healers have a 25% reduction in damage against other players. Discipline Priests are the only exception as doing damage is part of how they heal.

What I don't understand is why Quicksand doesn't want to participate in our discussion, isn't he who made fixes before to PvP templates?

I am doing what I can atm, searching for additional information here and there but no luck yet, will update if/when I find something more insightful.

Last edited by IronWill on 20-07-2019, 17:20:39; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 20-07-2019, 17:26:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

IronWill wrote:
skilzz139 wrote:
You tend to be rather arrogant, but I have patience and I sympathize with your issue and frustration regarding this.
I try to not overreact in most cases, but try understand why this happens... Yes, sometimes I & others might seem "arrogant", usually when there is a serious issue and you guys delete or ignore the problem for way too long... only those that don't actually care will not get frustrated in such situations.
I appreciate your patience, maybe you will be the one who will try to understand before throwing bans/warns.

What I asked you is to provide more information so that we can have a better overall view regarding this. I even made sure to leave "As in what exactly affects the Warrior PvP template or the damage of this specific abilities" there so you could understand 100% what I meant by more information.

IronWill wrote:
Correct huh? Why do I post vids and screens if you guys don't look at them -

Check what I said there, again.

I've read everything you posted here and I checked everything that I could check. In order to fix the issue we need to understand where exactly is the problem. We can't just ninja buff the warrior class because It would break the class, it would become too overpowered and people will start complaining.

Aren't PvP templates separate for each Spec?
Not sure how increasing overall damage in Arms PvP template will break the Spec (why u said class idk)... would love to test my thoughts on this but I don't have test server up.
Is there any way for players to check PvP templates for all classes/specs on freakz DB? I don't seem to find.

Also, maybe this info helps with something.
We also have a blanket "Mod Damage Done" aura on all of the PvP templates for when we want to reduce damage but not primary stat. Healers are the best application of this aura. We may want to buff a Restoration Shaman's healing output, but we don't want their lava bursts to hit like trucks. Currently, all healers have a 25% reduction in damage against other players. Discipline Priests are the only exception as doing damage is part of how they heal.

What I don't understand is why Quicksand doesn't want to participate in our discussion, isn't he who made fixes before to PvP templates?

I am doing what I can atm, searching for additional information here and there but no luck yet, will update if/when I find something more insightful.

Templates are separate for each spec, yes. It was just a way to say it, probably I should have been more concise about what am I referring at.

Speaking about testing. There's nothing else to test, I've virtually checked everything (Even the nerf hotfixes to see if they've been applied correctly). Every buff/nerf non-pvp/pvp has been applied.

Please make another post if you find something because whenever you're editing your last post it spams me with notifications.

If something is wrong with it, we must firstly find out what it is exactly and then we will be able to fix it.

Important note: Is this happening only in PVP or is it happening outside PVP as well? (However I don't think that's the case since all the Arms Warrior template modifiers are applied correctly)

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Last edited by Ayro on 20-07-2019, 17:33:48; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 21-07-2019, 01:52:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

skilzz139 wrote:
Important note: Is this happening only in PVP or is it happening outside PVP as well? (However I don't think that's the case since all the Arms Warrior template modifiers are applied correctly)
PvP only.

Can you provide a Link or Screenshot of Arms PvP template that is on freakz? So we can see Spell Multipliers and All damage done mod.

P.S. : Don't confuse with the basic template you linked earlier.

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Post Posted: 21-07-2019, 20:24:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Stop posting useless comments relevant to the thread, next ones will be deleted + warned.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2019, 15:27:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Can't believe it takes "forever" to do some simple changes, because all this is easy fix... they should only adjust Pvp template stats and modify spell multipliers in their Database. I don't understand why main pvp devs(Shock* and Quick*) are acting so weird, completely ignoring this issue, not a single reply from them to share their theory with us. If they have something personal with me than TALK to me in private, why all have to play with a broken spec because of this.

At least, for start change main stats Strength/Stamina/Armor to match retail values.

Question: are this(@Principles of War) template stat% numbers same/similar to freakz server values ?

Last edited by IronWill on 23-07-2019, 02:02:00; edited 3 times in total
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Post Posted: 23-07-2019, 13:43:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I apologize in advance if this is not relevant to the topic. I just wanna say this. You can check the posted videos or any any pvp video from 7.2.5 of arms warr and notice that our numbers don't come close to theirs in regards of the dmg and especially crit dmg. I don't know what the issue might be to be honest but we all must work together and see what it could be.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-07-2019, 14:55:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There is a great addon called PvP tooltips. It shows what spells have been nerfed, and also stat increases/decreases in PvP @7.2.5 last build for all classes/specs with exact values.

The problem is we don't have acces to freakz database values to compare, only they can tell us if it's same or not, but they don't want to share any real info. We can't help/participate further if we don't know what numbers they are currently using for their PvP templates.

Anyway, it's obvious somewhere in their DB they made mistakes and have to change or rewrite the codes/values, ignoring us and the problem will make more players quit.

Last edited by IronWill on 23-07-2019, 14:56:04; edited 1 time in total
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