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Post Posted: 29-12-2018, 03:05:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please only post bugs regarding Return to Karazhan.

If you want to confirm a bug that is already posted please just use - like - button, otherwise we will delete your post.
When reporting a bug please use the template at the end of this post.

* bugs known so far

Opera Hall: Wikket

Opera Hall: Westfall Story

Opera Hall: Beautiful Beast

Maiden of Virtue

Attumen the Huntsman


The Curator

Shade of Medivh

Mana Devourer

Viz'aduum the Watcher


WoW Freakz link:
Bug description:

When you are adding an image or a video to your report as proof please use the [spoiler] feature.

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Post Posted: 01-07-2019, 15:26:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Karazhan Viz'aduum the Watcher, on phasing to phase 3 you can sink through the floor.
Of Note: It appeared after having issues with boss reseting on first attempt (forgot to screenshot), it was possible to release mid-fight. It wasn't constant falling, the character was rising to the floor, if very slowly. Reset happened after phase 2.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-07-2019, 15:35:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

-After mana boss when we get back our normal size, we are keep falling and dieing. This dungeon is uncompleteable without a heal who is not affected and who can do aoe ress(not all player has this problem, mostly nelfs and goblins have this issue). Its like we would spawn inside the texture or idk what is happening.
Upper enemy force:

-The reason why we die after 3rd boss is that the mana wryms are oneshoting before u could kill it(combat log empty), not just the one that comes after the 3rd boss but all other that is spawned in that room
-Chess event and animation of assembling the floor is missing(it would be ez % giver so its quite bad)
-Bats are doing something completely different thing on freakz than what they should do, they put a perma aoe while it should be only a dodge attack also they should be tauntable which should cause them to come down
-Wrathguard Flamebringer should do more than just plain auto attack

- (2:00 bats, wrathguard; 6:20 wryms; 7:10 chess event)

Last edited by Grazzia on 09-12-2019, 00:55:16; edited 6 times in total
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Post Posted: 01-07-2019, 23:28:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lower Karazhan:
Maiden of Virtue:
-Sometimes you don't get the debuff while standing in the ground
-Sacred ground should stack, it only refreshes its duration

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-07-2019, 13:57:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

-Opera: bosses are random, they should change each week(like affixes) on all difficulty so all who attempt to do this dungeon will meet the same bosses on the given week
-Moroes: Dinner guests: They are also random, they should also change with affixes each week on all difficutly so all who attempts to kill this boss will have to deal with the same adds each week.

The guide mentions this before opera tactics and moroes tactics and doors too.

-Doors are not scripted, all open, opera hall is mandatory to access any other boss in the dungeon(on all difficulty), after you can decide which one to do from lower and as you progress bosses, shortcuts should open
-To access upper kara you must kill moroes first(he has the key to the door on the broken stair) on m0

Last edited by Grazzia on 19-07-2019, 13:43:31; edited 4 times in total
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Post Posted: 03-07-2019, 02:34:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

-Mana Devourer: Most of the times when you soak orbs and try to clear your stacks game crashes, haven't got a clue what exactly is causing it, but it always happens when you enter that purple stuff.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2019, 06:35:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Upper Karazhan
The Curator - Power Discharge ability hit box is slightly too big compared to retail.
(NPC ID: 11424702 ) (SPELL ID: 227465 )

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2019, 13:16:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description:
1:Mobs have more health in heroic than mythic (atleast the firts ones i tested) and problably dmg (not really easy to test it)
2:Bosses as well have a similar bug, atleast the "horse boss" have the same health in heroic and mythic (could have test it better but i dont have 955 ilvl to check it fast or deeper - )
Proof: I would upload my pictures but the forum dont let you do it, just with and no, i wont register to another web wich also need my number, pretty complex is this report bug system. If you want to test it just go to the dung and check it, 2-3 min to find out the bug.

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Post Posted: 07-07-2019, 01:54:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

-you can interrupt the boss via charges only in the 1st phase and only if you are far from him(hitbox problem), in the following 2 phases on the ship this is not working(no path error)
-Transfer between the 3 phase is just not working, 1 out 10 tries when you wont fall down.(could be skiped by teleport, without any fancy animation)
-In the 1st phase if you charge on the boss or do any similar action while you have aggro(double jump) boss will fly up and attack you from there so melee cant dmg and the spawned portal is also unreachable unless you are DH
-if a dh can take the port but dies on the ship boss will come down back to the rest of the team and if you wipe boss will reset to the 1st ship so you cant even retry it anymore cause you cant reach it
-Command: Fel beam is not working, hits the target even if it is far from the marked area.
-Disintegrate: Same, animation is sometimes incorrect(doesnt hit you when it literraly went through you or you are not even close and still hits you)
-Stablilize rift is not working at all
-When you take the portal to the 2nd ship and boss starts to cast stab. rift there is a high chance boss will lose combat with all and wipe itself(regardless if the portal worked or you were falling again) leaving the team on the ship.
-When you take the portal to the 2nd ship and transfer bugs so team is "falling up to the ship" boss finishes casting stab. rift(which does nothing) and goes to kill all one by one in the air(you cant use any spell cause you are falling)
-After defeating the boss there should be an rp on the last ship between khadgar and medivh, after the rp khadgar should make a portal to dalaran so you can leave the dungeon
-on m0 it should also count for the emissary since its the last boss, yet it does not currently
-on the 2nd ship all adds are spawned by default( they should appear if u let stab rift to go therefore they are considered boss adds) and they are giving bolstering to the boss. They are the part of the boss encounter therefore neither fortified nor raging and especially not bolstering shoud apply on them

Last edited by Grazzia on 09-12-2019, 00:27:43; edited 6 times in total
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Post Posted: 08-07-2019, 23:55:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Opera events:
-Wikket: killing galindre causes the event to complete(bolst exp tyra): galindre and efyra should share HP but currently on fortified affix elfyra is buffed(should not be), galindre buffed on tyranical(not only galindre should be but elfyra too)
-Westfall story: same, killing Toe will complete the boss fight, adds and mrrgira buffed by fortified and raging while only tyrannical should be here on toe knee and mrrgria
-Beautiful and Beast: fortified/raging affix present on: babblet, mrs. cauldrons, luminore, additionally these 3 sometimes doesnt even respawn if you kill all of them but the main boss, and if you kill only two of them, those 2 will spawn the m0 version
-Trash below the ground can be pulled if aoe near the door and sometimes some other kind of mobs too if you aoe near walls(since nothing else should be accessable before you pass opera encounter, you could make both trash and bosses have asleep on them and this bug becames non-existent also enforces the retail boss order on keys)

-Dinner guests are buffed by fortified/raging.
-Garrote does not clear itself after boss's death if you have combat bug for whatever reason
-When you wipe on this boss(or sometime happens that its adds evade and wipe but boss stays), his adds may spawn 2 times(not even the same ones, it rerolls them) so next time you must deal with 8 adds instead of 4

-Key completes when you kill the horsemen while midnight is still alive
-there is an npc thats stays near boss if u wipe on it and keeps all incombat and dmges all(shadowmeld/vanish/feign death/ice block and so on causes this if you use while you have the intangible presence on you)
-pulling the boss without cleaning adds surrounding him should result all of them joining the fight with the boss
-Midnight buffed by fortified/raging

-Sacred ground void does not grow at all, so if you want to get that debuff you must find the center of the void(starting point acutally) to get it before mass repentance
-Scared ground does not stack at all now, it should stack if you spend too much time inside
-There are interesting cases where debuff is on you but it does not deal dmg so no chance to avoid being stunned
-you can release while boss fight
-Boss sometimes wipe mid-fight(when no players in line of sight while she casts mass repentance mostly but not always)

-Boss can be pulled out of its room which is againts the point of this boss(to use the place as efficiently as possible), this should cause boss to despawn and respawn at its initial location(so to wipe), also boss should patrol its room

- for wikket at 2:46 you can see both has the same hp(at the begining you can see its from 7.3 from lvl 1000 legos, thats why this hp) on fortified affix
- for beautiful and beast 5:32 to see and moroes dinner guests at 25:29 and midnight at the end.
- (8 adds of moroes)

Last edited by Grazzia on 23-12-2019, 00:55:53; edited 21 times in total
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Post Posted: 09-07-2019, 02:05:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mana Devourer
Unstable Mana
Energy Void

When u soak the Unstable Mana , and go to the Energy Void to remove the stacks the game crashes, we tried to complete this dungeon 2 times and 2 times happened it

Last edited by Suenwo on 09-07-2019, 02:11:10; edited 2 times in total
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[The king of Narnia]

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Post Posted: 13-07-2019, 03:21:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Maiden of Virtue
Sacred Ground
Mass Repentance

1. The Sacred Ground should stack instead of refresh
2. The Sacred Ground sometimes don't removes the Mass Repentance
3. Sacred Ground visual is too bigger than area effect, its like the animation is grwoing but the area dmg not

Theres a proof:


Update @ 13-07-2019, 04:21:33

Skeletal Usher

Flashlight should affect only if ure facing the mob

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-07-2019, 20:17:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

kark1 wrote:
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description:
1:Mobs have more health in heroic than mythic (atleast the firts ones i tested) and problably dmg (not really easy to test it)
2:Bosses as well have a similar bug, atleast the "horse boss" have the same health in heroic and mythic (could have test it better but i dont have 955 ilvl to check it fast or deeper - )
Proof: I would upload my pictures but the forum dont let you do it, just with and no, i wont register to another web wich also need my number, pretty complex is this report bug system. If you want to test it just go to the dung and check it, 2-3 min to find out the bug.

Confirmed for bosses, at least. Joined Upper Karazhan through RDF and The Curator had 160M health, the same health as 7.1 Return to Karazhan (when it was launched and not on RDF, as seen in this video:


The health for most NPCs were nerfed after 7.2 so Return to Karazhan could be joined through RDF. The following link shows the correct amount of health for the The Curator, that it's 90M.

With these incorrect numbers for 7.2.5 it's very hard for a low geared parties to kill some bosses (like Maiden and The Curator), and it takes a long time even for good geared people.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-07-2019, 01:28:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Upper Khara:
After killing 3rd boss (wyrm) you die by oneshot from wyrm, after that you keep falling under textures, every release you die due to falling under textues. Keys are not finishable. (somone already reported that before, im adding proof)
Here's proof:
I've survived with goblin glider kit and there's nothing down here xD

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Post Posted: 15-08-2019, 16:50:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: when you are killing that mob, he does an ability that disorientate you, and you have to turn around to don't apply you the cc (the ability name is "Lantern"), but that mechanic doesn't work good.


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