
Unsure if Mod or Addon

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 21-02-2021 17:37)
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Post Posted: 01-10-2019, 02:09:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Name of suspect: various members of wxyz ally guild

Date/time: 9/30/2019 - around 8am CST ( US ) time not sure on server time

Details: During a couple of bgs I like to hotkey .ilvl to check others ( usually when i'm getting my rear kicked ) what item level they have and noticed every member of wxyz guild said 'invalid character' I have never had any problems checking alliance characters ilvl either when i'm on same or opposite side, so thought something was wrong, tried several times. Asked in global was told it might be a bannable offense. Not sure, but wanted to say something just in case, if it's not please forgive me.


On the screenshots in the chat log you can see 'Invalid Character' and a few that I could check you'll see their name and item level.

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Post Posted: 01-10-2019, 18:52:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Moved here since it's not a ban/mute reason. First check if you get the same issue if you disable your addons/search the those players on the armory/try the same command on a different character.


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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 21-02-2021 17:37)
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Post Posted: 02-10-2019, 01:21:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Did, in the screen shot it clearly shows where I was able to .ilvl other alliance players ( i am horde ) and it showed their name and .ilvl with no problem, it was just anyone in that wxyz guild, running some mod that hide their item level that I was concerned with, since I searched for a few hours to find any addon that would hide item level and couldn't find any. There was however mention of outside mods ( those run along side of wow ) that hide item level checks.

Should also note, that since I was using the .ilvl command, not a ui function, or addon, but the built in one by freakz, like .lfr ect, that no addon should be able to block that command.

Last edited by Stormblade on 02-10-2019, 01:25:15; edited 1 time in total
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