
[Monk] [Class Hall] Ban-lu, Grandmaster's Companion quotes

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Author Message4988

[Cats and dogs XD]

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Post Posted: 14-10-2019, 15:14:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: The mount should talk when summoned and say quotes. He will commentate about where he is troughout the world. Here are quotes he should say :

While swimming: Ah, a refreshing swim... Reminds me of the time I swam all the way to Kezan. Grandmaster Rochu wasn't happy about how shriveled his paws got!
While swimming: Don't worry about me, Grandmaster. I remembered my water breathing potions.
Do not concern yourself with failure, Grandmaster. Rather, focus on rising every time you fall.
Listen to all voices, Grandmaster. Surrounded only by those who share your views, your mind can never grow.
The best time to plant a tree is fifty years ago. The second-best time is now.
Remember to finish crossing the river before you tell the crocolisk he has bad breath!
A kite cannot fly unless the wind blows against it, Grandmaster.
To speak of change without being willing to take action is like digging a hole to catch a cloud serpent.
The wise brewmaster recognizes the importance of taking a drink... and the importance of stopping before the drink takes the brewmaster.
Have I told you the tale of the hozen and the buttercream pie? Hmm... Perhaps best saved for another time.
The wise monk chooses their own style, rather than letting popular opinion dictate it.
Idleness rarely leads to success, Grandmaster.
The lazy yak never gets washed.

He will also comment about you being AFK and idle-ing while mounted:

Ban-Lu says: Have I told you the tale of the hozen and the buttercream pie? Hmm... Perhaps best saved for another time.
Ban-Lu says: The best time to plant a tree is fifty years ago. The second-best time is now.
Ban-Lu says: A kite cannot fly unless wind blows against it, Grandmaster.
Ban-Lu says: Listen to all voices, Grandmaster. Surrounded only by those who share your views, your mind can never grow.
Ban-Lu says: The wise brewmaster recognizes the importance of taking a drink... and the importance of stopping before the drink takes the brewmaster.
Ban-Lu says: Idleness rarely leads to success, Grandmaster.



(at the end of the video you can see him talking while just being mounted onto the mount)

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