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Eroare server csgo
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[Mentally Stable]
Status: Offline
(since 31-12-2022 08:06)
Joined: 09 Aug 2009
Posts: 20
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United Kingdom
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Posted: 24-11-2019, 03:35:43
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Salut , am eroare asta stie cineva de la ce e?
server csgo
Hello boys, who wants to make some money?
Teach me to resolve this, i have my servers down for a week .
I have this errors after update.
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:32: SourceMod error session started
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:32: Info (map "") (file "errors_20191124.log")
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:32: [SM] Unable to load extension "updater.ext": Could not find interface: ISourceMod
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: Error log file session closed.
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: SourceMod error session started
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20191124.log")
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load extension "game.cstrike.ext": Could not find interface: ISourceMod
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load extension "geoip.ext": Could not find interface: ISourceMod
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load extension "regex.ext": Could not find interface: ISourceMod
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load extension "sdktools.ext": Could not find interface: ISourceMod
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load extension "topmenus.ext": Could not find interface: ISourceMod
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load extension "clientprefs.ext": Could not find interface: ISourceMod
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load extension "sdkhooks.ext": Could not find interface: ISourceMod
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Exception reported: Fatal error creating dynamic native!
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Blaming: chat-processor.smx
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] [0] CreateNative
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] [1] Line 60, E:\GoogleDrive\SourcePawn\projects\Public\Chat-Processor\scripting\chat-processor.sp::AskPluginLoad2
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Failed to load plugin "chat-processor.smx": unexpected error 23 in AskPluginLoad callback.
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load extension "PTaH.ext": /home/client2872/service3357/csgo/addons/sourcemod/extensions/PTaH.ext.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "country_clantag.smx": Required extension "cstrike" file("games/game.cstrike.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "store_custom_model.smx": Required extension "Regex Extension" file("regex.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "playercommands.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "store-trade.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "abner_res.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "resetscore.smx": Required extension "cstrike" file("games/game.cstrike.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "mapcrashfixer-v1.0.6.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "clientprefs.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "countdown.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "basecommands.smx": Native "TopMenu.Display" was not found
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "kento_ghost.smx": Required extension "SDKHooks" file("sdkhooks.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "basebans.smx": Native "TopMenu.Display" was not found
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "fpvm_interface.smx": Required extension "SDKHooks" file("sdkhooks.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "store_arms.smx": Required extension "cstrike" file("games/game.cstrike.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "store.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Master_Admin_Change_Team.smx": Required extension "TopMenus" file("topmenus.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "funcommands.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "adminmenu.smx": Required extension "TopMenus" file("topmenus.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "killdistance.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "gloves.smx": Required extension "cstrike" file("games/game.cstrike.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "fix.smx": Native "AddNormalSoundHook" was not found
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "mostactive.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "quakesoundsv3.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "csgobullet.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "funvotes.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "basevotes.smx": Native "TopMenu.Display" was not found
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "c4timer.smx": Required extension "cstrike" file("games/game.cstrike.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "basecomm.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "mapchooser_extended.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "links.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "csgo_admin_esp.smx": Native "SDKHookEx" was not found
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "kento_rankme.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "TagMenu.smx": Required extension "Client Preferences" file("clientprefs.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "weapons.smx": Required extension "PTaH" file("PTaH.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "mapcrashfixer.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "admin_list.smx": Required extension "SDKTools" file("sdktools.ext") not running
L 11/24/2019 - 03:15:36: [SM] Unable to load plugin "BSLimiter.smx": Required extension "cstrike" file("games/game.cstrike.ext") not running
Last edited by
on 24-11-2019, 03:58:56; edited 1 time in total
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