
Suggestions to improve PvP !
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Author Message9721

[Server's best ex]

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(since 24-04-2022 16:27)
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Post Posted: 23-01-2020, 09:52:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

thedeadman wrote:
Well tbh at first place I didn’t want to post anything because I already gave up on the idea of “freakz PVP will be back again”, because well…. since day 1 PVP was trashed in terms of GMs / Developers putting an effort to make it work having 1 of the excuses which is … PVP bring headache, (not to mention most pvp bugs / unbalance in class were reported since early days and some of the reports are still kind of ignored/ not fixed, I can recall paladin getting interrupted through divine favor or even cloned into his BB , Priest Penance firing 2 shots, Priest fear range(yard is not correct )and many more…..) and especially after what happened with me last season which was so ridiculous and unfair (not going to open this topic again because most PVP players know what happened last season in arena R1 story). BUT for the sake of improving PVP, and being a PVPer since I started to play WOW (and I will always Pick PVP over PVE) I will post in hope of finding improvement.

I’ve read all the previous posts, some are interesting & some are just “none sense”, but as far as I understood, most of the posts are related to BG which is ok BUT PVP foundation is based on 2 main things Arena and BG equally, and I would say Arena is even more important for PVPers because there you can show off your skills (individual skills) and in case you are still fresh or new you will struggle a lot, and well that’s why you need to beg on global for an hour sometimes even more to get Q ( and you might not get the Q) not to mention Teams dodging your team or just wait for you to go offline so that they can Q.

Without further talk, here's the list:

1- 1st and most important thing in PVP is to have a balance between all classes, a small example about that would be : Death Knight , since I joined freakz again, late 7.1.5 DK was broken and saw many reporting it and still till the current patch (7.2.5) DK is still as op as before. DK can kinda easily go 1 vs 2 even if he’s noob. Other example could be , Rogue , WW Monk , Druid (mainly resto druid who can top u in less than 5 sec @ 70%+ dampening , not to mention the 1 sec/hit full HP at lower dampening in arena + Feral damage which is so op but none kinda plays feral atm )
And this is an old example but works fine in terms of showing the lack of “caring for pvp” (Arcane Mage in 7.1.5 ( used to 1 shot ppl in literally 3 sec and didn’t get fixed until new patch came, which kinda ruined the pvp in 7.1.5 ))

2- The delay in applying PVP fixes , I know that GMs/Developers are working hard to make things work, but like … but like many pvp bugs were reported in Pre-season and 1st season (Arena season) and we started to get the pvp fixes in the last season (which is kinda too late but well better than never) so we had to play the previous season with huge amount of bugs / unbalance between classes ( again not to mention that many bugs were reported in Pre-season before the 1st season starts)

3- Adding an extra bonus for PVP items while playing in pvp instance, it could be a bonus set that only works for PVP items inside of pvp instances (arena ,BG) Because well you are kind of forced to play PVE to get some valid gear in order to competitive in PVP, not to mention that PVP items are harder to acquire like if you’re playing BG the average ilvl of the item you will get it 880+ and if you want to get a 930+ ilvl you need to play rated arena and have a 2.2k + rating to get it, while in PVE you can easily do a M15 and get a 930+ from weekly chest , even if you have low gear or you’re kinda “noob”, join a guild do a guild group and you’re fine.

4- Not sure if it’s possible BUT, PVP trinkets should be enabled in pvp instances (arena , BG). Sometimes you get pvp trinket that you can use with a CD of 2 min to give you 2k mastery or haste or w.e. or even the passive ones but well the ridiculous part is that you can’t use them in real PVP ( only in free world pvp (duels) which is lame) and this could really add extra diversity in terms of results.

5- Allowing healers in skirmishes is really essential because skirmish is the only option for you to test your comb if it’s valid or not. And a team with a healer should only join vs similar team (healer and dps ) even though it’s kinda okish to join vs 2 dps because sometimes you can face 2 dps in Arena rated.

6- Adding 3s skirmish ( healers allowed - 1 heal 2 dps ) so that people start practicing for 3s rated because well barely 1 or 2 team join 3s rated now and quit after 1-2 losses because they are not used to 3 vs 3 rated / they can’t practice for it, only way is to Q 3s rated.

7- MMR system in Arena, like a team with 2k rating should not instantly join vs a team with 1.5k+ there should be a kind of 1-2 min margin (in case there isn’t 2 teams with similar rating joining vs each other) so that both teams join vs each other. That to avoid all the false claim of “farming arenas / sniping low teams). And technically you can’t blame a team for farming arena when the MMR is not working and a high rating team join vs a low team instantly and win … because well arena Qs are so low so you can’t expect a team (high rating) that wants to play arena so badly not to Q when he sees a team in Q.
(And not sure if the arena points you gain when you win needs some modification )
8- Adding Rated BG….. not going to elaborate because people already did

9- In terms of BGs , I would say Vengeance DH or any other similar class should not be allowed in BG with flag mission, because simply they ruin the fun. BG with flag mission is cancer when you have a DH in the opposite team , because let’s say Vengeance Dh can take the flag in Twin peaks or WSG and cap it literally in around 15 sec + and end the bg in like 5 min.

10- The Balance of teams in BG , sometimes your team is 8 while the opposite team is 10 and stays like that till the end of the BG

11- The matchmaking in BG should be taken into consideration ( in terms of nb of healers / tanker in each group or prestige lvl or …)

12- Premade BG groups are find but if there is an option to make them join vs other premade group that would be great or if there is no other group at least they should wait X….. time before join vs random bg group ( and I’m not sure if that random BG group could be formed of similar prestige lvl as the premade group just to make things balanced)

13- Adding daily PVP quest for rated arenas + BG , kind of similar to World quest or daily quests , with honor rewards or Marks or honor or a pvp box.

14- Cross faction can sometimes be so annoying and lame because when you Q BG as horde ( and you expect to join a horde team )and you find yourself in Alliance team & you see the Horde team is full of alliance, people start complaining and sometimes instantly leave the bg ( happened many times )

15- PVP Events ( balanced / logical ones)
ex : Free for all you gather 20-30 player and they all fight vs each other inside of an arena and the last man standing is the winner
or 2 vs 2 / 3 vs 3 / 5 vs 5 tournament ( 1vs 1 is not valid because mainly all melee classes can 1 shot almost any caster , Priest , warlock, balance druid ….. can’t do much vs dk , rogue , ww monk , war ……)

16- Adding the option of removing 2 BGs from the Q , because many leave BG when it’s AV ( full of delays + lag) that would help them avoiding this type of bg

17- FIXING PVP ACHIVEMENTs , either for BG or Arena, if u noticed many pvp achievements are not completed even though you already did what is required

Not sure if I missed something , and sorry for the big text.

Thank you,


THIS is what we wanted and THIS is what we needed. Somebody to actually put some effort into composing a decent review of their PvP experience and Freakz, and some constructive criticism. First off, its a shame you feel that way about the PvP status at Freakz - I dont think its all that grim. I think if we work together we can shape it pretty well, and have a very solid PvP community and an environment to enjoy. Now, let me add on my personal views on the points you made first, and then afterwards, I'll ofcourse add your ideas to the main list.

#1 - I agree, we need balance, but I also think we shouldnt be making any major custom tweaks to the classes / specs just to balance it out. We want to retain the same balance 7.3.5 retail had in PvP, as it's only fair we keep it that way. However, I think its crucial that we fix class (spell, talent) related bugs that are breaking the balance in PvP as top priority, as that can indeed be devastating to the gameplay experience as a whole. So, while I do agree with the idea, I think this should only be implemented through the fixing of buggy formulas, skills, talents, items. Not any custom hotfixes such as "Rogues do too much damage, lets give them a flat 15% damage nerf".

#2 - Goes with what I mentioned above, but yes, definitely agree. I think it might be wise we open a new bug reports section for PvP, and keep all the PvP related bugs there. That way it'll be easier to dedicate some developers to fixing these out and providing a quality PvP experience on Freakz with healthy patch times, as right now, it's a bit of a ***. PvP related bugs are scattered everywhere throughout the forums, and may sometimes end up in very low priority brackets because of the way they were reported, even though they are extremely annoying and should be fixed with a priority. So yeah, I support this idea, and I think this one is mostly up to us, the staff to properly organise and distribute the PvP bugs related workload.

#3 - I already mentioned this, and I definitely back it up. PvP gear needs to be stronger in PvP. This is pretty important.

#4 - This sounds like something that could create a lot of new potential bugs and open a window of vulnerability for the exploiters, so I'll have to be neutral on this. I think it'd take too much time to properly implement with 100% safety of no backlashes, for what it brings to the table. I think others are more important and risk-proof, although I do understand your point and I do support the idea, if the devs think they can get it across safely.

#5 - Yeah, I agree on this one. We should do our best to make the skirmishes a healthy practice tool that lets you tweak things and play around with different strategies a bit without taking a penalty.

#6 - Goes with #5, but yeah, Skirmishes are one of the things that need to be implemented properly.

#7 - Yeah, agree. It would be okay to perhaps implement a widened search algorithm. Nothing major. Every 2 minutes in queue for example, it'd widen your potential enemy MMR by 100 points. So if you're at 2.2k rating, the first 2 minutes it'd only look for 2100-2300, from 2-4min mark it'd look for 2000-2400, so on and so forth, till it eventually queues you up with somebody.

#8 - Yeah, RBGs need to be a thing in 7.3.5., one way or another.

#9 - I disagree here. Vengeance DHs were the designated flaggers of Legion retail, just as Guardian Druids were prior to this. Thats just something we'll have to accept and live with. I dont think it's anyhow fair to remove a spec completely from one type of battleground. Imagine your main spec getting the banhammer from the battlegrounds you love the most? No, this isnt happening, nor should it. We need to make sure the mobility of DHs is blizzlike and not broken, I agree, but removing a class specialisation entirely from a certain feature in the game is a no. Big no.

#10 - Yup, needs to be fixed.

#11 - Yup, I already wrote that as a top priority. Matchmaking in arenas and BGs alike needs some work and dedication before it's properly implemented.

#12 - Thats a hard one and slightly unfair one to implement. Random BGs are the BG alternative of skirmishes. You'll always have stronger groups smashing weaker ones cause of their cooperation and organisation, and that's just how it is. This was a thing on retail too. Its just bad luck. Form your own premade and go up against them, and see who can pull it off better! -

#13 - Agreed, or even make it a weekly alternative to the mythic+ chest, with one big item a week.

#14 - Not top priority, but it is something to be considered. I already wrote it might be wise to make people able to decide which team they'll be queueing for and such.

#15 - Agreed, we need to show some love to the PvP community with thematic events.

#16 - Sure, I agree, though it might expand queue times by a certain margin if implemented. We'd have to monitor that a bit.

#17 - Im not sure which achievements are bugged, if its any major ones, then yes, should be a priority, otherwise this should be somewhat low on the list. I think we have so many wonderful ideas that would bring alot more to the table than this, this one'll have to wait a bit. -

Thanks a lot for your input. Feel free to let me know what you think about my opinions on the matter, and happy playing. Look forward to seeing you in-game!

GM Topgun

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-01-2020, 14:04:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

topgun750 wrote:
thedeadman wrote:
Well tbh at first place I didn’t want to post anything because I already gave up on the idea of “freakz PVP will be back again”, because well…. since day 1 PVP was trashed in terms of GMs / Developers putting an effort to make it work having 1 of the excuses which is … PVP bring headache, (not to mention most pvp bugs / unbalance in class were reported since early days and some of the reports are still kind of ignored/ not fixed, I can recall paladin getting interrupted through divine favor or even cloned into his BB , Priest Penance firing 2 shots, Priest fear range(yard is not correct )and many more…..) and especially after what happened with me last season which was so ridiculous and unfair (not going to open this topic again because most PVP players know what happened last season in arena R1 story). BUT for the sake of improving PVP, and being a PVPer since I started to play WOW (and I will always Pick PVP over PVE) I will post in hope of finding improvement.

I’ve read all the previous posts, some are interesting & some are just “none sense”, but as far as I understood, most of the posts are related to BG which is ok BUT PVP foundation is based on 2 main things Arena and BG equally, and I would say Arena is even more important for PVPers because there you can show off your skills (individual skills) and in case you are still fresh or new you will struggle a lot, and well that’s why you need to beg on global for an hour sometimes even more to get Q ( and you might not get the Q) not to mention Teams dodging your team or just wait for you to go offline so that they can Q.

Without further talk, here's the list:

1- 1st and most important thing in PVP is to have a balance between all classes, a small example about that would be : Death Knight , since I joined freakz again, late 7.1.5 DK was broken and saw many reporting it and still till the current patch (7.2.5) DK is still as op as before. DK can kinda easily go 1 vs 2 even if he’s noob. Other example could be , Rogue , WW Monk , Druid (mainly resto druid who can top u in less than 5 sec @ 70%+ dampening , not to mention the 1 sec/hit full HP at lower dampening in arena + Feral damage which is so op but none kinda plays feral atm )
And this is an old example but works fine in terms of showing the lack of “caring for pvp” (Arcane Mage in 7.1.5 ( used to 1 shot ppl in literally 3 sec and didn’t get fixed until new patch came, which kinda ruined the pvp in 7.1.5 ))

2- The delay in applying PVP fixes , I know that GMs/Developers are working hard to make things work, but like … but like many pvp bugs were reported in Pre-season and 1st season (Arena season) and we started to get the pvp fixes in the last season (which is kinda too late but well better than never) so we had to play the previous season with huge amount of bugs / unbalance between classes ( again not to mention that many bugs were reported in Pre-season before the 1st season starts)

3- Adding an extra bonus for PVP items while playing in pvp instance, it could be a bonus set that only works for PVP items inside of pvp instances (arena ,BG) Because well you are kind of forced to play PVE to get some valid gear in order to competitive in PVP, not to mention that PVP items are harder to acquire like if you’re playing BG the average ilvl of the item you will get it 880+ and if you want to get a 930+ ilvl you need to play rated arena and have a 2.2k + rating to get it, while in PVE you can easily do a M15 and get a 930+ from weekly chest , even if you have low gear or you’re kinda “noob”, join a guild do a guild group and you’re fine.

4- Not sure if it’s possible BUT, PVP trinkets should be enabled in pvp instances (arena , BG). Sometimes you get pvp trinket that you can use with a CD of 2 min to give you 2k mastery or haste or w.e. or even the passive ones but well the ridiculous part is that you can’t use them in real PVP ( only in free world pvp (duels) which is lame) and this could really add extra diversity in terms of results.

5- Allowing healers in skirmishes is really essential because skirmish is the only option for you to test your comb if it’s valid or not. And a team with a healer should only join vs similar team (healer and dps ) even though it’s kinda okish to join vs 2 dps because sometimes you can face 2 dps in Arena rated.

6- Adding 3s skirmish ( healers allowed - 1 heal 2 dps ) so that people start practicing for 3s rated because well barely 1 or 2 team join 3s rated now and quit after 1-2 losses because they are not used to 3 vs 3 rated / they can’t practice for it, only way is to Q 3s rated.

7- MMR system in Arena, like a team with 2k rating should not instantly join vs a team with 1.5k+ there should be a kind of 1-2 min margin (in case there isn’t 2 teams with similar rating joining vs each other) so that both teams join vs each other. That to avoid all the false claim of “farming arenas / sniping low teams). And technically you can’t blame a team for farming arena when the MMR is not working and a high rating team join vs a low team instantly and win … because well arena Qs are so low so you can’t expect a team (high rating) that wants to play arena so badly not to Q when he sees a team in Q.
(And not sure if the arena points you gain when you win needs some modification )
8- Adding Rated BG….. not going to elaborate because people already did

9- In terms of BGs , I would say Vengeance DH or any other similar class should not be allowed in BG with flag mission, because simply they ruin the fun. BG with flag mission is cancer when you have a DH in the opposite team , because let’s say Vengeance Dh can take the flag in Twin peaks or WSG and cap it literally in around 15 sec + and end the bg in like 5 min.

10- The Balance of teams in BG , sometimes your team is 8 while the opposite team is 10 and stays like that till the end of the BG

11- The matchmaking in BG should be taken into consideration ( in terms of nb of healers / tanker in each group or prestige lvl or …)

12- Premade BG groups are find but if there is an option to make them join vs other premade group that would be great or if there is no other group at least they should wait X….. time before join vs random bg group ( and I’m not sure if that random BG group could be formed of similar prestige lvl as the premade group just to make things balanced)

13- Adding daily PVP quest for rated arenas + BG , kind of similar to World quest or daily quests , with honor rewards or Marks or honor or a pvp box.

14- Cross faction can sometimes be so annoying and lame because when you Q BG as horde ( and you expect to join a horde team )and you find yourself in Alliance team & you see the Horde team is full of alliance, people start complaining and sometimes instantly leave the bg ( happened many times )

15- PVP Events ( balanced / logical ones)
ex : Free for all you gather 20-30 player and they all fight vs each other inside of an arena and the last man standing is the winner
or 2 vs 2 / 3 vs 3 / 5 vs 5 tournament ( 1vs 1 is not valid because mainly all melee classes can 1 shot almost any caster , Priest , warlock, balance druid ….. can’t do much vs dk , rogue , ww monk , war ……)

16- Adding the option of removing 2 BGs from the Q , because many leave BG when it’s AV ( full of delays + lag) that would help them avoiding this type of bg

17- FIXING PVP ACHIVEMENTs , either for BG or Arena, if u noticed many pvp achievements are not completed even though you already did what is required

Not sure if I missed something , and sorry for the big text.

Thank you,


THIS is what we wanted and THIS is what we needed. Somebody to actually put some effort into composing a decent review of their PvP experience and Freakz, and some constructive criticism. First off, its a shame you feel that way about the PvP status at Freakz - I dont think its all that grim. I think if we work together we can shape it pretty well, and have a very solid PvP community and an environment to enjoy. Now, let me add on my personal views on the points you made first, and then afterwards, I'll ofcourse add your ideas to the main list.

#1 - I agree, we need balance, but I also think we shouldnt be making any major custom tweaks to the classes / specs just to balance it out. We want to retain the same balance 7.3.5 retail had in PvP, as it's only fair we keep it that way. However, I think its crucial that we fix class (spell, talent) related bugs that are breaking the balance in PvP as top priority, as that can indeed be devastating to the gameplay experience as a whole. So, while I do agree with the idea, I think this should only be implemented through the fixing of buggy formulas, skills, talents, items. Not any custom hotfixes such as "Rogues do too much damage, lets give them a flat 15% damage nerf".

#2 - Goes with what I mentioned above, but yes, definitely agree. I think it might be wise we open a new bug reports section for PvP, and keep all the PvP related bugs there. That way it'll be easier to dedicate some developers to fixing these out and providing a quality PvP experience on Freakz with healthy patch times, as right now, it's a bit of a ***. PvP related bugs are scattered everywhere throughout the forums, and may sometimes end up in very low priority brackets because of the way they were reported, even though they are extremely annoying and should be fixed with a priority. So yeah, I support this idea, and I think this one is mostly up to us, the staff to properly organise and distribute the PvP bugs related workload.

#3 - I already mentioned this, and I definitely back it up. PvP gear needs to be stronger in PvP. This is pretty important.

#4 - This sounds like something that could create a lot of new potential bugs and open a window of vulnerability for the exploiters, so I'll have to be neutral on this. I think it'd take too much time to properly implement with 100% safety of no backlashes, for what it brings to the table. I think others are more important and risk-proof, although I do understand your point and I do support the idea, if the devs think they can get it across safely.

#5 - Yeah, I agree on this one. We should do our best to make the skirmishes a healthy practice tool that lets you tweak things and play around with different strategies a bit without taking a penalty.

#6 - Goes with #5, but yeah, Skirmishes are one of the things that need to be implemented properly.

#7 - Yeah, agree. It would be okay to perhaps implement a widened search algorithm. Nothing major. Every 2 minutes in queue for example, it'd widen your potential enemy MMR by 100 points. So if you're at 2.2k rating, the first 2 minutes it'd only look for 2100-2300, from 2-4min mark it'd look for 2000-2400, so on and so forth, till it eventually queues you up with somebody.

#8 - Yeah, RBGs need to be a thing in 7.3.5., one way or another.

#9 - I disagree here. Vengeance DHs were the designated flaggers of Legion retail, just as Guardian Druids were prior to this. Thats just something we'll have to accept and live with. I dont think it's anyhow fair to remove a spec completely from one type of battleground. Imagine your main spec getting the banhammer from the battlegrounds you love the most? No, this isnt happening, nor should it. We need to make sure the mobility of DHs is blizzlike and not broken, I agree, but removing a class specialisation entirely from a certain feature in the game is a no. Big no.

#10 - Yup, needs to be fixed.

#11 - Yup, I already wrote that as a top priority. Matchmaking in arenas and BGs alike needs some work and dedication before it's properly implemented.

#12 - Thats a hard one and slightly unfair one to implement. Random BGs are the BG alternative of skirmishes. You'll always have stronger groups smashing weaker ones cause of their cooperation and organisation, and that's just how it is. This was a thing on retail too. Its just bad luck. Form your own premade and go up against them, and see who can pull it off better! -

#13 - Agreed, or even make it a weekly alternative to the mythic+ chest, with one big item a week.

#14 - Not top priority, but it is something to be considered. I already wrote it might be wise to make people able to decide which team they'll be queueing for and such.

#15 - Agreed, we need to show some love to the PvP community with thematic events.

#16 - Sure, I agree, though it might expand queue times by a certain margin if implemented. We'd have to monitor that a bit.

#17 - Im not sure which achievements are bugged, if its any major ones, then yes, should be a priority, otherwise this should be somewhat low on the list. I think we have so many wonderful ideas that would bring alot more to the table than this, this one'll have to wait a bit. -

Thanks a lot for your input. Feel free to let me know what you think about my opinions on the matter, and happy playing. Look forward to seeing you in-game!

GM Topgun

I'm pleased that you backed most of the stated "issues" in your input. I will add a small review for each point to make it clear and simple.

#1 I agree, mainly we will have a kind of a balance between classes when (spell, talent) related bugs are being tackled / fixed asap and not neglected throughout the season. And i'm not asking to nerf any specific class but like 1 of the main issues related to "unbalance between classes" in pvp is dude to (spell, talent) related bugs. Once fixed properly, balance should be restored ( at lease a good portion of it ). And in case there is still some big difference between classes, i don't know what could be done.

#2 I agree and same to #1

#3 Agree

#4 I knew it might be something inappropriate, and your point of view is reasonable

#5 Agree

#6 Agree

7# Agree

8# Agree

9# I knew it might be something inappropriate, and your point of view is reasonable, but well i was just expressing my and many other players point of view concerning this point

10# Agree

11# Agree

12# Agree. And i kinda win most of the BGs i play without being in a premade and in case i'm in premade group it's kinda 100% win , but i was just trying to express it from the point of view of new PVP players

13# Agree

14# Agree

15# Agree

16# Agree but well it's worth waiting extra 2-3 min to get the Q rather than waiting 15 min + Deserter in order to be able to Re-Q again for BG and if you are unlucky, you will get another BG that you don't like and you will have to wait another 5 min + or in case you joined and you want to leave it, you will get Deserted for another 15 + min

17# Agree, [World Wide Winner] this is 1 of the achievements, not that important but just saying

Thank you, and sorry if i was a bit " rude" but i'm just trying to help in order to make freakz pvp great again. I used to play pvp on freakz since Cataclysm and it was great but for sure PVP is currently not in her best state.

I'm ready if you need any help.

Thank you,


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-01-2020, 01:40:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

thedeadman said it well. All the points he makes are logical.

To add my 2 cents, the starting priority must be class fixes. Before planning any kind of custom event. Before trying to fix matchmaking and the sort.
PGs, and so classes,are what we interact ingame. If they are not fun, be either broken or unbalanced, everything else doesn't matter.

Good to have matchmaking stable, 3 healers each team, 10v10 and not 11v9, but then that DH joins in tank spec, grabs the flag and leaps out of the map, or the warrior charges with the flag across the entire map, ignoring speed restrictions during flag carrying.
Or entire teams composed of unholy dks just because, well, we all know what currently unholy dks are doing ingame.

First the classes, second the blizzlike features, third any custom kind of events.

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Post Posted: 25-01-2020, 19:53:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

topgun750 wrote:
Felizaric wrote:
Stayfjurt said it nicely 3v3 skirmish is needed.

Topgun, we really need 3v3 skirmish to be scripted and working. Why? Well because that is place where u practice, test comps, learn how to play but there is no rating and no pressure.

Oh, I wasnt sure what the "skirmish bug report" he was refering to was. If the PvP community feels like a 3v3 environment without the pressure of MMR and rating drops is required, I can back that up easily, and I think implementing this shouldnt be too hard for the developers either. It's definitely a QoL change that would improve the state of PvP on Felsong.

rikymaru) wrote:
My point was about making events xd. It is players choice : make a pool and ask them how often they want the events to be hosted and wich days. This is the best move i think. Letting them choose.
I disagree with ur thoughts about the transmog vendor and pve players. yea, maybe they've lost weeks or months tryin to get some specific transmog item but why wouldn't we let them take the easy way and play arenas. Wich is our goal right ? to bring people to pvp. We'r losing people because we'r not back in 2005 when people were tryhardes playing 200 days per year to get some legendary shit. we'r moving so fast nowadays and we dont like spending months just to get the required stuff to play arenas.
am i wrong ? what is ur point of view about this situation? again , if we'r in doubts about this thing be free to ask the players in a pool.

About the events I agree, we need to provide some more inclusion to the PvP community.

Regarding the transmog vendor - if it's a transmog vendor for gear that can otherwise be obtained through grinding PvE dungeons and/or raids, I can get behind the idea, but Im not sure locking it behind a MMR rating requirement is the way to go. Here's a few scenarios that might occur:

1. Raid boss Y that drops item X isnt fully scripted (either the raid isnt, the boss isnt, or the loot isnt) - we add this item to the PvP transmog vendor. Suddenly, all of the PvE community is robbed from being able to obtain the item unless they take serious effort in PvP. The developers (and the staff in general) get a lot of pressure as in why we are making these items PvP-only even though they werent intended as such.

2. Item X has a very low chance of dropping from a boss Y, that's on a reset timer (raid lockout). This means that a player will have to grind weeks or even months to recieve this item, whereas a PvP player might be able to recieve this item in an hour or two. Again, making the PvP player highly privilleged in obtaining the item that was otherwise meant to not be recievable through PvP at all.

This feature Im afraid does not only encourage players to PvP, but it forces them to do so. And we do not want that. We dont want any player be forced to PvP or PvE against his will, just to achieve a certain goal. If somebody does not like PvP, that is fine. We cannot force them to engage in it. Simillarly how we cannot force anybody else to raid or run mythic + content.

Kind regards,
GM Topgun

exactly , this, i reported that multiple times allways declined or moved to "not important things to fix" yes i it will highly IMPROVE PVP cause :

1. people start queing skirmish , cause they wont be allways 2v2 dps only where u gonna meet premade double dk and u wont stand a chance
2. people with classes with doesnt fit into 2v2 skirm stompfest a.k.a shadow priests , enha shamans , balance druids etc. { those people also wanna play skirmish , cant be bullied for spec they play }
3. people who play healers will be able to play 3v3 skirm
4. everyone will be able to train 3v3 before rated and not get insta raped in 3v3 rated and then left after 1 match

this one little fix would IMPROVE PVP A LOT ! mark my words

ofc maybe enable skirmish rewards for 3v3 skirms

also if DKs wont be fixed all this ideas doesnt matter , cause they can 2v1 even if braindead

Last edited by Stayfjurt on 25-01-2020, 19:59:08; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 27-01-2020, 16:12:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello again. I've read these last few posts and they're pretty solid I hope we can test some of these ideas soon on the PTR. However, here I come with a different 'suggestion'. It would be nice if you could, please, handle the player 'Currents'. Every time he lands in a BG with a premade on his side he pops Bloodlust before the BG has a chance to start, just because he hates premades, and it doesn't matter if there's a premade vs premade situation. Also, for the majority of time while in these BGs he just walks around the map w/o doing anything useful. We report him as AFK but as soon as he gets the debuff he enters combat just to remove it. And then in come his text on the chat which range from teasing and taunting to full blown insults. For instance, in TOK a few weeks ago he got reported as AFK and got the debuff two times, and dodge it two times by entering combat. You can't force people to report him continuously. These repetitive incidents are happening since almost two months ago. In a 10vs10 BG having a one player handicap tents to be noticeable. This, to my mind, is wintrading but on a smaller scale. Please consider providing some help, 9 or 14 people shouldn't have their fun in PvP spoiled because of this one bad apple.


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Post Posted: 29-01-2020, 09:32:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

wbn wrote:
It would be nice if you could, please, handle the player 'Currents'. Every time he lands in a BG with a premade on his side he pops Bloodlust before the BG has a chance to start, just because he hates premades, and it doesn't matter if there's a premade vs premade situation. Also, for the majority of time while in these BGs he just walks around the map w/o doing anything useful. We report him as AFK but as soon as he gets the debuff he enters combat just to remove it. And then in come his text on the chat which range from teasing and taunting to full blown insults. For instance, in TOK a few weeks ago he got reported as AFK and got the debuff two times, and dodge it two times by entering combat. You can't force people to report him continuously. These repetitive incidents are happening since almost two months ago. In a 10vs10 BG having a one player handicap tents to be noticeable. This, to my mind, is wintrading but on a smaller scale. Please consider providing some help, 9 or 14 people shouldn't have their fun in PvP spoiled because of this one bad apple.


Hi wbn and thanks for your feedback!

I am well aware of the mentioned player and a few others who tend to complain a lot, and are just overall a source of toxicity in the PvP community at Freakz, but as long as he's not doing anything against the rules, there's really nothing we can do about it. In a way I do believe he wishes to improve PvP here aswell, and I do believe his toxicity and rage are in good hope (although they tend to cause the contrary effect).

That being said, if he (or anyone else for that matter) ever intentionally ruins battlegrounds, please do screenshot or film the occurance and we'll be more than happy to penalise him. I've personally been trying very hard to cleanse the battlegrounds and arenas of various exploiters, afkers and toxic trolls overall, but it is sadly something I cannot do alone and need your help with.

I take ruining battlegrounds and arenas for others as a very strict offense, but I cannot (and do not wish to) punish somebody just because of mine, or anybody else's personal beliefs. -

GM Topgun

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Post Posted: 29-01-2020, 21:44:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

make Brawl: Temple of Kotmogu a permanent game mode. Every time the event is on, I get insta-queued and people seem to like it more than the other battlegrounds.
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Post Posted: 30-01-2020, 21:30:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Remove the head pieces that people get if you get into another factions side on the Battleground, give out more rewards for normal battlegrounds and give the rewards a bit higher than it is now because it is extremely pointless to do battlegrounds for people that above 890 ilvl which is pretty much mythic 0 ilvl,

Brewmaster monks are completly and utterly broken, they can outdps anything and anyone inside the battleground even if they have 1 target for hot tub,

Rewards are not worth the playing of PvP at all, too much work for no gear at all, the ratings are all messed up because of no players which means you will get a really high rated team in arena even if you have 0 games played on that character, give better rewards and that will make players play it more. Nothing much you can do to get PvP to a better state since the server is promoted within the community as a really good PvE server. Appeal to a different base of players with PvP and that will make it better.

Fix the finding partner, which will help a lot more players play arena. Its really hard to find a healer if you are a dps and to find a decent dps if you are a healer.(Make it known that it is fixed since a lot players don't even know about the .challenge commands)

Don't expect people playing rated battlegrounds, no server has that going since there are a couple of PvP guilds with not that many of players inside to get into a 15v15 battleground

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Post Posted: 31-01-2020, 12:54:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Maniaz wrote:
Remove the head pieces that people get if you get into another factions side on the Battleground, give out more rewards for normal battlegrounds and give the rewards a bit higher than it is now because it is extremely pointless to do battlegrounds for people that above 890 ilvl which is pretty much mythic 0 ilvl,

Brewmaster monks are completly and utterly broken, they can outdps anything and anyone inside the battleground even if they have 1 target for hot tub,

Rewards are not worth the playing of PvP at all, too much work for no gear at all, the ratings are all messed up because of no players which means you will get a really high rated team in arena even if you have 0 games played on that character, give better rewards and that will make players play it more. Nothing much you can do to get PvP to a better state since the server is promoted within the community as a really good PvE server. Appeal to a different base of players with PvP and that will make it better.

Fix the finding partner, which will help a lot more players play arena. Its really hard to find a healer if you are a dps and to find a decent dps if you are a healer.(Make it known that it is fixed since a lot players don't even know about the .challenge commands)

Don't expect people playing rated battlegrounds, no server has that going since there are a couple of PvP guilds with not that many of players inside to get into a 15v15 battleground

Most of these things have already been covered tbh - regarding BM monks, I saw some people completely crush BGs with them yeah. Any ideas, is hot tub bugged? Or is it just monks being monks and kicking everyones ***? Although I'll be honest, I do remember from previous expansions tanks dominating battlegrounds aswell in battle of durability (since you generally cant break through them, but they'll eventually wear you out bit by bit), so Im not sure whether this is a Blizzard balance issue, or the issue lies in any of our spell / talent formulas.

Thanks for your input Maniaz! -

GM Topgun

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Post Posted: 04-02-2020, 19:04:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Since bgs are the only thing anyone plays here, people tryhard in them, including premades. They tryhard with 19 healers on their team, or vengeance dh in capture the flag bgs.

2. DAMPENING IN BGS (about 25%)

It is known that you are a higher quality human being if you press "change specialization" to healer. During the time a good dpser dealt 100M damage, a good healer healed 300M


I want to never see that snowy shite Alterac Valley, with it's bugs and "walk 5 minutes, die, walk 5 minutes, die... and so on..." boring gameplay


This can't be really helped cause it's Blizzards fault. And you probably want to stay as Blizzlike as you can. But we have to deal with Unholy DKs dealing insane damage, and Sub rogues hitting 1.5mil eviscerates...

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Post Posted: 04-02-2020, 20:53:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

laxzar wrote:

Since bgs are the only thing anyone plays here, people tryhard in them, including premades. They tryhard with 19 healers on their team, or vengeance dh in capture the flag bgs.

2. DAMPENING IN BGS (about 25%)

It is known that you are a higher quality human being if you press "change specialization" to healer. During the time a good dpser dealt 100M damage, a good healer healed 300M


I want to never see that snowy shite Alterac Valley, with it's bugs and "walk 5 minutes, die, walk 5 minutes, die... and so on..." boring gameplay


This can't be really helped cause it's Blizzards fault. And you probably want to stay as Blizzlike as you can. But we have to deal with Unholy DKs dealing insane damage, and Sub rogues hitting 1.5mil eviscerates...


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Post Posted: 04-02-2020, 23:44:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If you dont like Alterac Valley you shouldnt join. You can very easy click on "leave queue" (instead join battleground) and dislike the bg.
If you think there isnt more then walk 5 mins and die, then its the wrong for you may -.

The onliest thing i would change on alterac valley is rewards. I leave queue each time because the reward is same like any other bg, while the avg play time is most likely twice as high.

Last edited by Deamolution on 04-02-2020, 23:47:28; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 06-02-2020, 17:37:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i would like to thank freakz staff for bringing this topic in discussion despite it took a long time.
i want to say my words briefly.
1.first of all i think fixing classes should be first priority and then fixing other things related to pvp
2.Rated bgs could be a great idea
3.u can consider to make a parallel realm for pvpers where anyone can make instant 110 chars and everything be free of cost and there can be a cross-realm ability for joining arenas or can be also a place for training etc...(u can change details of this idea however)
4.bring back missing arena and bg maps.such as tol'viron arena etc...

Best regards

Last edited by Mirkwood on 06-02-2020, 17:42:33; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 08-02-2020, 22:11:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Regarding premades: It has come to a point that people see premade and at least 2-3 just go offline (because when offline it takes 5 minutes for them to get removed from bg and they can hopefully join other battleground on alt, at least smart people do it)

Last edited by laxzar on 08-02-2020, 22:17:37; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 09-02-2020, 10:17:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

- Giving proper pvp rewards to make ppl want to do pvp;
- Equal number of players in bgs, not 9 vs 12;
- No more mercenary mode;
- Adding new battlegrounds and arenas;
- Pvp events 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 weekly;
- Equal numbers of healers in bg from each side;

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