
[REJECTED] The legendary i got is 910 not 970, and you close the bug report for no reason......

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2020, 13:43:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz item link:
Bug description: I've opend the weekly chest and received the legendary, but I had no free space in my inventory and got it 910 instead of 970 . I normally get 970 leg all the time... I got 910 cause of no space in my bags..... so you close the previous bug report and told me to do the quest to upgrade it .... for real man ????? You should remove that leg and give me 970, i'm not working extra for a freakz bug, on blizz if u have no space in your bag you get your reward proper ilvl, not 60 ilvl less. Ty for nothing, you just read the post and reject it... that's what you do, what a helper.

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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2020, 16:28:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You'll need to upgrade it to 1000 on 7.3.5 anyway (which is coming soon), we're focusing on 7.3.5 right now.

A lot of systems have been re-worked with the new patch, we'll test if it still happens on 7.3.5 so it can be fixed there.

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