
[REJECTED] [Battle Pets] Call Lightning ability: Lightning Storm buff

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Post Posted: 09-04-2020, 21:53:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: - example pet with this attack (level 2 spell)

Bug description:
Lightning Storm, the buff applied by the spell Call Lightning, seems to proc incorrectly and sometimes not at all.
As screenshot 1 shows: on round 3, my Thunderbolt triggered Lightning Strike on my pet and the opponent 4 times each (oddly, starting with my pet). None of my opponent's attacks caused Lightning Storm to proc, before or after that. The ability Thunderbolt is supposed to damage the opponent team evenly, which could have caused multiple procs, but it shouldn't affect my team at all.
Screenshot 2: My Harmonious Porcupette's Lightning Storm effect (applied by a teammate's Call Lightning) did not proc when using Scratch, either.


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