
[DUPLICATE] [General PVE] How trajectories work on Felsong

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-07-2020, 17:49:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bug description:

A lot of spellcasts or mechanics which involve a projectile which travels in a trajectory deals damage at not only its target- but also its starting location. However, this does seem to occur at a pretty inconsistent rate.
In the following i collected footage of myself and guild members who encountered anomalies while playing on freakz.

Disclaimer, there are spoken reports of people claiming to have gotten multiple deaths by getting hit multiple times in a single frame by something that should not, getting oneshot as a result of it. Examples would be General Xakal's Shadow Slash or Warlord Parjesh's Crashing Wave. This non-exhausted list. It is not an end all be all list as this is a report regarding all kinds of mechanics involving trajectories.


These kinds of bugs not only occur for entities but also for players.

Although in case of the Prototype Personnel Decimator the bug only happens visually it still follows the same line of logic and from my understanding is the exact same bug.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-07-2020, 02:45:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Here is a sample scenario from Eonar HC fight the main problem here is the Spear of Doom .
The problem is hard to replicate(INTERMITTENT) I tried moving inside the aoe but it ticks normally 1 damage instance per second.
When im going from mid to bot I jumped from the edge and there was a Spear of doom green thing on the floor it did damage every 0.01 sec and killed me instantly.

It says on my details that the Fel wake debuff was being reapplied every 0.1 second thats why it does many multiple of instances of damage per second instead of only 1 damage instance per second.

Last edited by honradajulius on 30-07-2020, 02:52:04; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 30-07-2020, 19:31:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is more related to areatrigger spells like xakal wave and tidal wave also.
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