
[FIXED] [Monk][Mistweaver] Revival issues

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(since 03-05-2021 16:06)
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Post Posted: 18-09-2020, 11:30:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

**Revision required #1**

[Blessing's of Yulon]( should heal anyone who got healed by [Revival]( At the moment it ignores players that are over 30 y radius. While revival has [Revival]( 40 y radius.

** Fixed **
a. [Revival]( and [Blessing's of Yulon]( should not cause combat. Nor should it generate threat.

Retail Proof:

7:11- last hit on monk via flame shock by shaman
7:14 - Revival has been cast with blessing's of yulon HoT ticking
7:17 - Combat drops regardless the fact that Yulon HoT is ticking. Combat should drop after 6 sec. Here it drops after 3 sec after Revival meaning it does not put you in combat.

Shouldn't generate threat:

b. It also has range lower than 40 yards. It should be 40 yards as it says in description.

Freakz demo:

At range of 38 yards and revival didn't heal my priest partner. The difference isn't big. Around 2-3 yards needs to be added.

Freakz demo:

Trello Card Link :

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