
[FIXED] [SEAT] Viceroy Nezhar - "Shadowguard Voidtender" incorrect HP value

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Post Posted: 18-09-2020, 11:30:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


**Shadowguards voitender** HP are incorrect.

**(based on a +20 key):**
Retail: 20M
Freakz: 28M

So basically, **+20** **Shadowguards voitender**, according to retail, should have 20M (since guards to kill are two 40M total). Currently on Freakz guards have 28M instead of 20M, so in total you have to kill 56M which means that basically every time instead of two guards you're almost killing three guards. **This is an huge difference in high SEAT keys, since basically you're always almost killing three guards instead of two since the big HP difference**.

Values are not changing between tyrannical/fortified so basically guards +20 fortified should have 20M, guards +20 tyrannical should have always 20M.

You can check the big difference especially in high keys:
+28 retail guards have 44M hp
(so you basically play 2 guards so 88M HP total)
+28 freakz guards have 60M hp
(so you basically play 2 guards so 120M HP total)

an example:
if you kill 3 sets of guards on +28 retail:
88x3 = 264M
if you kill 3 sets of guards on +28 freakz:
120x3= 360M
360-264 = 96M
On Freakz you're basically playing 1 more set of adds **always** compared to retail.

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