
State of the Server? Open letter to the devs.

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[the Insane]

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Post Posted: 01-10-2020, 15:59:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hey guys its me, cdr/irvd/tweedy.


So i am a Freakz player since 2017 and played in the early days of freakz.

Yes i can say Freakz early was a total hell (Legion wise) MoP had its own bugs but it was the best playable server out there.
Least for me.

So i kinda have an idea about the progress of freakz.

715 (703) till initial 715 Release, 7.2 Release, and now 7.3.5 Release.

I do not want to make a QQ report but in which direction is the server going?

Yes, we all can see that you still fix bugs - BUT - things getting worse in my opinion.

More and more quests getting broken. More and more issues come up. But how is that possible?

For example Aszuna was working fine 715(703) - 7.2.

Argus was working before, now it seems - broken -

World Quests which had small issues (Enigma/Barrel) - Kirin Tor World Quests had issues but were doable.

Classhall Disappearing Mission Table, force of relogging to see other players, state of dungeons and their pathing?

Please do not close this thread or see it as kind of hate - i love this server, but it hurts to see in which direction it goes.

It reminds me of another i don't know if you even can call that server, but yea.

This does not mean this server isn't playable or just bad

But is there something we can do as players except waiting and regular bug reports?

Increase the requirement to determine - bugs - ?

Last edited by tweedy on 01-10-2020, 16:00:58; edited 1 time in total
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 01-10-2020, 17:13:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The structure of the core / database changed a lot with the release of 7.3.5, we had to re-work almost everything from ~scratch because the scripts/tools, that we used in the past, were no longer compatible.

Yes, we all can see that you still fix bugs - BUT - things getting worse in my opinion.

More and more quests getting broken. More and more issues come up. But how is that possible?

The most important/new things are working. From what I see, if we are talking about your experience, you don't seem to have even touched any content that is above casual so your opinion is not valid in this case. I understand that you want to play the old content, but that will take some more time to be re-scripted. Our initial goal was for the players to enjoy the 7.3.5 experience / end of legion.

For example Aszuna was working fine 715(703) - 7.2.

Argus was working before, now it seems - broken -

World Quests which had small issues (Enigma/Barrel) - Kirin Tor World Quests had issues but were doable.

Classhall Disappearing Mission Table, force of relogging to see other players, state of dungeons and their pathing?

There aren't any bugs that prevent you from completing Azsuna or Argus storylines.

The Kirin Tor world quests were supposed to be disabled since they were not finished due to other problems.

If you have a very old character, you might be missing some phasing requirements that were added when the quests were re-scripted on 7.3.5, for that you need to open a ticket in-game and a GM should help you complete those.

But is there something we can do as players except waiting and regular bug reports?

Increase the requirement to determine - bugs - ?

As we already announced, there are some MAJOR changes coming soon, so keep an eye on the website.

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