
[REJECTED] [Character] Toenibbler

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Post Posted: 11-12-2020, 06:22:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Character name: Toenibbler
Bug description:
Monk class hall quest chain. Taken from

Not enough room for an ingame ticket to fully explain the problem. Thank you
for understanding.

Have run both macros scripts that was sent via in game ticket to check complete
or not complete on each quest.

The two quests, Quest ID 41731 and Quest ID 43319 should be shown as completed on Toenibbler. Toenibbler completed these quests and went on to the next in the quest chain.

Once Toenibbler got to the point where Champions of Legionfall, Quest ID 47137 is available and taken Toenibbler can no longer continue the chain since Toenibbler can not get the quest Storm Brew 41087 and finish up the monk class hall chain and the broken shore chain.

Unless there is something somewhere that is not shown on any of the list of the monk hall class chain then it is only those two previous quests that where completed but show not completed stopping Toenibbler from advancing on the monk class hall preventing her from getting her mount, class title, last two champions and finishing up the broken shore chain since these two are linked at this point.

These two quests 41731 and 43319 need to be flagged as completed on this character.

Again these quest are no longer available since they where completed.

True Before the Storm
True 40236 The Dawning Light
True 40636 Prepare To Strike

Fists of the Heavens quest chain

True 40569 The Legend of the Sands
True 40633 Off To Adventure!
True 40634 Thunder on the Sands
True 40570 Into The Heavens Fists of the Heavens

Other quests for the artifacts are N/A as you receive all 3.

Monk Class Hall Quest Chain continued.

Quest ID Name of Quest
Check Comnplete
True 42186 Growing Power
True 42187 Rise, Champions
True 41115 Champion: Chen Stormstout Chen Stormstout
True 40704 Champion: Li Li Stormstout Li Li Stormstout
True 41945 Tianji of the Ox - Misson Board Missions

Tianji Needs Help

True 41946 Building Our Troops
True 42210 Scrolls of Knowledge - Mission Board Missions

Scrolls of Knowledge

True 42191 Tech It Up A Notch
True 41905 Report from Tian Monastery - Mission Board Missions

Investigate Tian Monastery

True 41728 The Defense of Tian Monastery
True 41729 Slowing the Spread
True 41730 Desperate Strike

False 41731 Storm, Earth, and Fire

***** Completed this quest and turned in, it is NO LONGER AVAILABLE. It
Did not flag as completed. If it was not completed should not have
been able to receive the next quests.

True 41732 The Hand of Keletress
True 41733 Rebuilding the Order

False 43319 The Way of the Tiger

***** Completed this quest and turned in, it is NO LONGER AVAILABLE. It
Did not flag as completed. If it was not completed should not have
been able to receive the next quests.

True 41734 Champion: Taran Zhu
True 41735 Champion: The Monkey King
True 43062 Further Training
True 41907 Appropriations
True 41909 Tracking the Tideskorn - Mission Board Missions

Tracking the Tideskorn: Highlands
Tracking the Tideskorn: Restless Dead
Tracking the Tideskorn: Savage Beasts
Tracking the Tideskorn: The Gates of Valor
Tracking the Tideskorn: Storm Drakes

True 43054 An Ample Stockpile
True 41849 The Iron Fist
True 41850 The Master of Swords
True 41852 No Monk Left Behind
True 41853 Zero to Hiro
True 41851 Quelling the Tide
True 41854 Brick By Brick
True 41737 Champion: Hiro Hiro
True 41738 Champion: Sylara Steelsong Sylara Steelsong
True 41736 Champion: Angus Ironfist Angus Ironfist
True 41038 The Mead Master
True 41039 Stolen Knowledge
True 41910 Freya's Spring
True 41040 Halls of Valor: The Brewmaster
True 41911 Amaranthine Hops
True 41086 A Peaceful World
True 43151 Making A Trade
*** At this point ran the dungeon Halls of Valor and reran it after getting the in game tickter response ***
True 41059 Halls of Valor: Odyn's Cauldron
True 32442 Impending Danger

At this point character Toenibbler is on both Champions of legionfall and should be able to goto NPC Iron Body Ponshu and receive the following
quest Storm Brew

Because the previous 2 Quests did not flag on the character as completed she is unable to finish the class
campaign and continue on the Broken Shore quest line as well.

False 41087 Storm Brew
False 41739 Champion: Aegira Aegira
Flase 43359 A Hero's Weapon

As you can see, she should not have been able to do the following quests after the so called Not Completed
quests. She progressed because she turned those in and completed them.

Again this is on the Character itself or Server Side where it shows completed quests. The two quests can NOT
be done as they are no longer available. She needs to receive credit for those quests as Completed. Not sure
if that is possible and I beleive it is impossible to spawn the quests for her to do over.

We have tried to talk directly with someone but all we receive from in game tickets is 'Run this macro and
check the class hall list of quests'

We did that, 4 times, twice before even putting in a single ticket. Those that we have been contacted by
either do not comprehend the problem and sent us two scripts with the response 'run this script'.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, but as you can see, this character is stuck and cannot
advance any of the story lines for the monk class hall campaign.

Proof: Can not get the quest

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Post Posted: 11-12-2020, 07:13:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please create a new ticket so I can complete the last 2 quests for you and flag them as completed.

A server crash could have been the issue here since I've checked your character multiple times and yield the same result.

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