
Tiragarde Sound storyline quests & A sound Plan Achievement.

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Post Posted: 28-12-2020, 23:38:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This post is a full guide for the achievement A Sound Plan. Each of the quest is linked to a youtube video showing how you do it , all the videos are from retail not from any other private servers

The first five chapters play out linearly and can't really be skipped ahead.

The Norwington Estate and The Shadow Over Anglepoint can be completed independently of one another, but there is a breadcrumb to Anglepoint from Norwington.

The Ashvane Trading Company

Starts from the Scouting Map in the Harbormaster's Office in Boralus.

[110-120] Tiragarde Sound
[110-120] The Smoking Gun
[110-120] The Ashvane Trading Company
Complete all of:
[110-120] Suspicious Shipments
[110-120] Labour Dispute
[110-120] Small Haulers
[110-120] Message from the Management
[110]-120] Under Their Noses

Castaways and Cutouts

Continues from [110]-120] Under Their Noses

[110-120] Sampling the Goods
[110-120] Stow and Go
[110-120] The Castaways & [110-120] Lured and Allured
[110-120] Lovesick and Lost

These quests are not in the above quest chain, but are necessary to complete Castaways and Cutouts:

[110-120] My Favorite Things
[110-120] Glimmering Locket
[110-120] Silencing the Sisters
[110-120] Blood in the Tides
[110-120] Local Flavor

Not necessary for completion of Castaways and Cutouts

[*] Sided quest:[110-120] Toxic Community


Continues from:[110-120] Lovesick and Lost
[110-120] Freehold
[110-120] Papers, Please & [110-120] The Irontide Crew
[*] Side quests:[110-120] The Beatings Will Continue , [110-120] Rig Robbing [110-120] Loaded for Bear
[110-120] Dress to Impress
[*]Optional side chain starts with:[110-120] Aged to Perfection
[110-120] Rodrigo's Roost & [110-120] Raise a Glass!
[*]Side chain:[110-120] Flew the Coop , [110-120] Rodrigo's Revenge , [110-120] Missing Treasure!
[110-120] The Big Job
[*]Side quest:[110-120] Recruiting Efforts
[110-120] Fairwind's "Friends"

Defenders of Daelin's Gate

Continues from[110-120] Fairwind's "Friends"

[110-120] Defenders of Daelin's Gate
[110-120] No-Landing Zone
[110-120] A Desperate Defense
[110-120] Farmers Who Fight , [110-120] Air Raid & [110-120] Numbing the Pain
[*]Side quest:[110-120] Cat on a Hot Copper Roof
[110-120] Hands Off My Booty!
[110-120] For Kul Tiras! & [110-120] Cease Fire! & [110-120] Righteous Retribution
[*]Bonus objective:[110-119] Enemies at the Gate
[*]Breadcrumb to Freehold:[110-120] Freehold: A Pirate's End (in Bolarus)

Enemies Within
Continues from [110-120] For Kul Tiras! & [110-120] Cease Fire! & [110-120] Righteous Retribution

[110-120] Bearers of Bad News
[110-120] Prepare for Trouble
[110-120] Make Our Case
[110-120] Enemies Within & [110-120] Clear the Air
[110-120] Hot Pursuit
[110-120] Proudmoore's Parley

The Norwington Estate

Breadcrumb in Boralus.

Optional breadcrumbs:[110-120] The Norwington Festival , [110-120] The Glory of the Hunt
[110-120] The Stoat Hunt & [110-120] Bolas and Birds & [110-120] An Element of Danger
[*][110-120] Settle the Score (optional side quest)
[110-120] Runaway Rider
[110-120] Following Eddie's Trail & [110-120] Saurolisk Escape & [110-120] Troublesome Troglodytes
[*]Side quest:[110-120] Stone Soup
[110-120] The Lord's Behest
[110-120] Be Our Guest

[*]Side quests and breadcrumbs:[110-120] WANTED: Raging Earthguard , [110-120] Anglepoint Wharf
[*]Side chain:
[110-120] Safety First & [110-120] Lucky Charm & [110-120] Monstrous Energy
[110-120] The Perfect Horse, of Course
[110-120] Beginner Equitation
[110-120] Show Me What You've Got (optional)
[110-120] Equine Retrieval
[110-120] No Party Like a Trogg Party & [110-120] Mountain Sounds
[110-120] Best In Show

The Shadow Over Anglepoint
Breadcrumb at Norwington Estate.

Optional breadcrumbs:[110-120] Anglepoint Wharf
[110-120] Aiding the Wharf
[110-120] A Cure from the Sea & [110-120] Sharks in the Water & [110-120] Stinging Barbs
[110-120] Algae Shakes & [110-120] Pulse of the Wharf
[*]Side quest:[110-120] WANTED: Quartermaster Ssylis
[110-120] Evacuate the Premises & [110-120] Tainted Shipments
[110-120] Possessive Headgear & [110-120] The Young Lord Stormsong & [110-120] Betrayal of the Guard
[*]Side quests:[110-120] Dangerous Cargo , [110-120] Enemy Within
[110-120] Paddle to Safety
[110-120] Eldritch Invocations & [110-120] Death in the Depths & [110-120] Deep Sea Defilement & [110-120] Those Aren't Fish Eggs
Bonus objective:[110-119] Creature Corruption
[110-120] The Deadliest Catch

Congratulations Outlander you just achieved A Sound Plan and by finishing Stormsong and Dance and Durst Do It. you achieved Loremaster of Kul Tiras

Last edited by xiongmaokr on 15-01-2021, 05:15:07; edited 18 times in total
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