
[REJECTED] [Druid][Feral] Snapshotting and dynamic buffs

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Post Posted: 10-03-2021, 16:45:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Freakz spell link:

Character name: Kood
Bug description: Snapshotting and dynamic buffs on feral

Proof Freakz with versatility trinket proc(snapshot vs dynamic buff):

Proof retail:

As you can see in the beginning, the rake dot damage changed as he gained more stacks of Earthlink (increased agility).

Right now trinket procs can be snapshotted (they should not) and stat procs are not taking into account for feral dot damage.

How snapshotting works in feral (forum user explanation):
Bloodtalons and tigers fury will affect the entire duration of rip, even if it has been extended with bite. The damage of that rip will never change unless you get a stat proc like mastery, agility, versatility, etc. Stat procs do not snapshot any dots, they got rid of that in WoD. But stat procs will increase your damage of bleeds that have already been applied before you got the proc, and then you’d lose the increase when the proc expires.
If you tigers fury and/or bloodtalons then bite to refresh rip, your rip will not be any different. Your bite will benefit from the tigers fury and/or bloodtalons.

How snapshot works:
"3. What is Snapshotting?
Snapshotting refers to mechanic involving Tiger's Fury and Bloodtalons, that will confer the damage increase to the ENTIRE Bleed DoT effect if these buffs are present when you apply them. This is specific to these two effects, and does not apply to things like trinkets or dynamic buffs such as Savage Roar."

How dynamic buffs work:
"Every time an effect ticks, the damage/healing is calculated based on your current stats and the next tick is scheduled… except when it works differently.
Some effects have their damage and healing for the entire duration of the effect calculated at the time it is applied. Feral Druids have special abilities that allow their DoTs to Snapshot damage at the time they are applied."

Snapshot affects the ENTIRE duration of the bleed for ferals, but ferals still benefit from stat procs, these just contribute to the dot damage during the stat proc duration.
Please see proof of retail vs freakz.

PS: This is not affecting Guardian spec bleeds.

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Post Posted: 11-03-2021, 00:27:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


As you also wrote in your post: "Some effects have their damage and healing for the entire duration of the effect calculated at the time it is applied. Feral Druids have special abilities that allow their DoTs to Snapshot damage at the time they are applied."
So there is no way that spells will benefit from stat procs.

OR If you're still sure that you're right. please bring SOLID PROOFS of it, not just 2 ticks of a DOT.

Discord: Fiury#4432

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