
[FIXED] [BoD Heroic] Lady Jaina Proudmoore vs Ice Shard CPM

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(since 03-05-2021 16:06)
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Post Posted: 17-05-2021, 00:45:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

After comparing Retail Logs with the Logs on Freakz there is a Difference in the casts per minute of the Spell [Ice Shard]( on Jaina Heroic.



After comparing several logs with a fight duration that is close to the fight duration of Freakz the Average casts per minute were around 14,7 casts.

[Retail log 1](
[Retail Log 2](
[Retail Log 3](
[Retail Log 4](



The average cast time per minute for the fight on Freakz after 8:22 fight duration was 21.4 casts.


In Conclusion Jaina is casting around **6** more Ice Shard's per Minute resulting in a much harder tank switching and managing the stacks.

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