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[Controlled Chaos]
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(since 03-09-2023 13:06)
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Posted: 01-06-2021, 15:31:10
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The Eternal Travelers are a group of beings who have traversed the various realms of reality and beheld phenomena incomprehensible to mortals.
This time, they ask adventurers to bring them echoes for study that will benefit both sides. Their base is located in the Ruins of Khintaset.
General Information:
Release date:
June 2nd
Required level:
Each instance has 2 difficulties:
. They can be accessed using the Dungeon Finder tool. (specific dungeons section)
The chance of getting a reward and the amount of rewards scales with the difficulty of the instance.
You can join any instance you prefer, there is
no order / cooldown
. They are repeatable and award prizes in addition to the Daily / Weekly Quests.
The event will last for the entire
expansion and it will receive constant updates (new features, encounters, rewards, etc) to keep it fresh and fun.
Eternal Travelers HUB:
Ruins of Khintaset
This sacred neutral ground serves as a nexus between the various realities of our world and is a gathering point for the Eternal Travelers and their allies.
In order to access it, visit the
Sanctum of the Sages
Hall of Ancient Paths
and speak with the
of the Eternal Gateway.
You must first complete the introduction quests to Kul Tiras or Zandalar.
Episode 1:
Caverns of Time
Episode 2:
Suramar Catacombs
Episode 3:
The Bastion of Twilight
Episode 4:
Endless Halls
Not available
Common Mechanics:
Throughout the instances you may find
Dark Orbs
that can be used to invoke a random power for all players within 45 yards.
When slain, enemies have a chance to release the holy energy of Azeroth, healing and resurrecting all players. Additionally players become invigorated, increasing damage dealt by 30% and maximum health by 20% for 30 seconds.
Bosses are frozen in time and cannot interact with the world until a previous Elite or Boss has been defeated. If you pull a boss outside its combat area, the encounter will reset. Bosses respawn 10s after the encounter fails.
You cannot release during encounters. Defeating a Boss will create a checkpoint, using the
Time Transit Device
will instantly teleport you to the selected location. While out of combat, you can use
Time Rifts
to return to the transit device.
You may find hidden chests within the instances, they contain minor rewards and reset every day.
Normal: Eternal Traveler
Heroic: Eternal Traveler
Timeworn Artifact
Portable Pocket Dimension
(used to transfer Echoes of Power to off-chars at a ratio of 8:4)
Heritage Armor for core races
Class Mounts / Titles
Random Dailies
Time Chest 1
Time Chest 2
Time Chest 3
Time Chest 4
Epic Collectibles
460 ilvl Warfronts / World Quests Gear
raid finder appearances
- You can provide feedback or see the live changelog
- The instances don't save progress after the server has crashed or restarted. In the unfortunate and rare case in which this may happen, we suggest resetting the instance to avoid problems such as closed gates, sleeping bosses, etc (we weill try to solve this in the future).
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on 13-02-2022, 14:59:49; edited 35 times in total
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[Controlled Chaos]
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(since 03-09-2023 13:06)
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Posted: 01-06-2021, 15:31:38
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Any Phase
Inflicts 60% of the target's health as holy damage to enemies in the impact area. This ability focuses on Healers.
Creates a growing patch of holy ground, inflicting holy damage every 2 sec. for 16 seconds to players who enter. This effect stacks and does not target Tanks.
Inflicts holy damage to all enemies within 5 yards of the DPS targeted by the Cleansing Flames every 1 sec for 4 seconds. (Can be interrupted / kited / outranged)
Blinds all nearby enemies who look upon her, stunning them for 6 seconds.
Based on the type (Holy / Nature) of the first creature that is summoned from the portal, the encounter will continue with that phase.
At 15% and 30% HP, the boss summons an
Ancient Stag
. This creature fixates on a Healer or a DPS for 10 seconds and pulsates arcane damage to all enemies within 4 yards every 0.5 sec.
Nature Phase
At 90% HP, she summons the
Tree of Life
While the tree is alive, the boss becomes empowered, taking 90% reduced damage and having 50% increased haste, 30% increased speed.
With a slam of his mighty bark-covered fists, it deals physical damage to the current target and knocks them back.
Spikes of stone erupt from the ground inflicting nature damage and knocking back all players within 3 yards of the impact.
At 30% HP, sacrifices its life in order to inflict frost damage to nearby enemies.
When the tree is defeated, all players gain 11% health and mana every 2 sec for 42s.
At 50% HP, she summons five
Ancient Vinewardens
Infects the target with a poison that causes them to rupture, inflicting nature damage to nearby players.
Spits poison at a player, inflicting nature damage immediately, and poisoning them for nature damage every 2 sec. for 6 seconds.
At 30% HP, they drink a strange potion and grow to monstrous proportions, reducing damage taken by 30% and increasing all damage inflicted by 30%.
Upon defeating one of the wardens, the surviving members are fully healed and gain 25% damage done for the rest of the fight. This effect stacks.
Killing all wardens will make the boss vulnerable, increasing her damage taken by 100% for 20 seconds.
Holy Phase
At 90% HP, she summons the
Wrath Ember
While the elemental is alive, the boss is shielded, becoming immune to all attacks and interrupts.
Disperses into pure light energy, reducing all damage taken by 90% for 6 seconds if the current target is not in 30 yards range.
Sends a Searing Wrath that causes fire damage to the target.
Launches blasts of magical energy that will inflict 33% of the target's HP as fire damage within 2 yards of the impact.
When defeated, leaves a small incandescent pool on the ground for 20s, granting 100% increased critical strike to players standing in it.
At 50% HP, she summons six
Heals itself for 5% every 1 sec.
When summoned, each orb takes the
color. After the boss finishes the cast, one of them becomes
Killing a
orb, will heal the boss for 10% health.
Killing a
orb, will change the color of another random orb from
If at least 4 out of 6
orbs are killed, all players receive 200% increased haste and 100% increased critical strike for 10 seconds after all orbs have been destroyed.
If the boss is brought to 20% HP, she will instantly destroy any remaining orbs.
Guardian of Time
Summons a thunder storm that cause lightning strikes to occur around the caster, inflicting nature damage to anyone hit.
Blasts an enemy with lightning, inflicting nature damage.
Inflicts massive nature damage to enemies on a line in front of the caster.
When defeated, players receive a buff that increases their damage, healing and health by 10% for 10 minutes. This effect stacks up to 4 times but is lost on death.
Activating a Hourglass of Time will reset Temporal Displacement or other similar effects. Also, the enemies from the nearby district will be returned to the correct time.
Defeating x3
Distorted Memories
will summon the
Swirling Ghost
The caster summons dark orbs that burst after 2 seconds, silencing and inflicting shadow damage to enemies within 5 yards of the impact.
Heals to full health the first time it kills a player.
Curses all nearby enemies, depleting the target's Health by 5% every 3 seconds for 15 seconds.
Creates dark pools under the enemies, the marked locations erupt after 2 seconds - inflicting shadow damage to targets caught in the area.
Calls forth qualities of those beyond this mortal coil, increasing the target's Haste by 15% for 40 seconds.
Defeating x3
Amathet Guardians
will summon the
Raging Earthguard
The caster slams the ground, sending a shockwave out in front of the caster that inflicts physical damage to all players caught in its path.
Assaults the target with earthen power, dealing nature damage.
Stomps the ground, inflicting physical damage to all players and knocking them back.
Earthen spikes erupt from the ground inflicting nature damage to anyone in the area.
that cause tremors within an 20 yard area around the caster, inflicting physical damage every 2 sec for 6 seconds. When one elemental dies, it reduces the health of nearby players by 5% per stack.
Becomes empower under 50% HP, increasing damage done by 50%.
Defeating this mini boss will grant players a 20% stamina buff for 5 minutes.
Defeating x1
will summon the
Primal Thornspeaker <Guardian of the Wilds>
Bashes all enemies in a cone in front of him, inflicting physical damage and knocking them back, then charges forward inflicting more physical damage and knocking back anyone in his way.
Inflicts physical damage to enemies within 12 yards in front of the caster, splitting damage among all enemies hit.
Lets out a massive roar, fearing all nearby enemies.
Nightmare fog seeps out from the guardian. If a player comes into contact with the fog, that player is put to sleep for 6 seconds and suffers nature damage every 1 sec for the duration.
Enters a mighty rage at 30% health remaining, increasing attack speed by 20% and damage done by 25%.
Defeating this bear, increases your movement speed by 40% for 6 minutes.
Defeating x3
Ancient Golems
will summon
Gardrax the Empowerer
Etches a rune of power on the ground, enemy targets which remain on the rune gain increased melee, ranged, and spell haste by 100%.
Envelops players with darkness, inflicting shadow damage instantly with an additional shadow damage every 2 sec to all players for 6 seconds.
Opens Shadow Portals in his proximity, summoning
Creeping Void
that inflict notable shadow damage.
Curses a random target, inflicting shadow damage to the target after 10 seconds.
Conjures a rip the Twisting Nether at a target's location for 30 seconds, immediately inflicting shadow damage to enemies within 3 yards of the impact point. This additionally defiles the ground, inflicting shadow damage every second.
When the creature dies, it invokes the
Aspect of Bwonsamdi
from the nearby graveyard.
Zone Mechanics
When an enemy you harmed dies, you receive a 10% haste and movement speed
for 20 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.
Every 25 seconds, you summon a future image of yourself within 15yards, moving there in less than 6 seconds prevents you from taking 25% of your health as arcane damage and instead receiving a 25% damage done
for 15 seconds.
Standing near
Invigorating Pollen
increases your haste by 75%.
A powerful
knocks away nearby enemies, inflicting frost damage.
You can choose to strike a deal with the
Aspect of Bwonsamdi
, increasing all damage and healing done by 20% per stack (2). If you die, you lose one stack and summon dangerous enemies from the grave, the Loa of Death included. Bwonsamdi creates a zone of death around him and then begins drawing all enemies to him. Entering the zone of death removes the soul from the player, killing them instantly.
After 1 minute in the instance, the
Infinite Timerender
starts casting a powerful shockwave, instantly killing all players after 6 seconds (repeats every 4 minutes). The
Image of Meliorn
creates a void in time for 10 seconds and whispers to you to jump in the field. Any targets within the void are immune to all damage, stunned, and all their auras, cooldowns, and periodic effects are reduced to nothing. Surviving the
Time Stop
also reduces your cooldowns by 30%, increases your speed by 50%, your haste by 30% and makes your dots/hots occur 30% faster for 30 seconds. Receiving Fire damage removes this effect. (
Enemy Forces
Desert Spider
Ravenous Sandworm
Withered Lashling
Dust Devil
Volynd Sentinel
Valarjar Aspirant
Krolusk Dunecrawler
Soultainted Cobra
Faithless Conscript
Faithless Tender
Faithless Warrior
Stingtail Drone
Stormfury Revenant
Celestial Observer
Distorted Memory
Fractured Memory
Amathet Guardian
Jeweled Scarab
Engorged Ranishu
Ancient Golem
Ancient Spirit
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[Controlled Chaos]
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Posted: 01-06-2021, 15:31:42
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The boss controls two Death Hounds:
Emits a dreadful aura, reducing healing done by 50%.
On death, leaves a pool of deathly energy, inflicting shadow damage every 1.5 sec to all enemies in the area.
Emits a dreadful aura, inflicting shadow damage every 1 sec. This effect stacks. Stacks are removed when moving.
On death, leaves a pool of deathly energy, inflicting shadow damage every 1.5 sec to all enemies in the area.
At 70% and 30% HP, creates a zone of death around him and then begins drawing all enemies to him. Entering the zone of death removes the soul from the player, killing them instantly.
While the Inevitable End is channeled,
Relentless Warriors
are summoned from the zone of death:
The caster's form becomes a hazy mist, reducing damage taken by 90% for 6 seconds and making the caster immune to interrupts.
Periodically becomes empowered, increasing all damage done by 25%. This effect stacks.
Grips an enemy in fear, inflicting shadow damage every second and causing them to flee for 8 seconds.
Charges an enemy, inflicting normal damage and rooting the opponent in place for 2 seconds.
Inflicts shadow damage to enemies near the caster.
On death, leaves a pool of deathly energy, inflicting shadow damage every 1.5 sec to all enemies in the area.
Fel Warden
Flaming embers crash down from the sky, inflicting fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards on impact. Affected enemies also take fire damage every 1 sec. and are confused for 3 seconds.
The caster summons several Seeds of Chaos nearby that will explode after 15 seconds. The damage of the explosion is greater the larger the seed has grown. Players can absorb the energy of the orb by standing in it; but will take damage per 1 sec. while doing so.
Lobs an orb of fel energy at a target that impacts after 5 seconds inflicting fire damage. Allies farther from the impact take less damage.
Imprisons a target in a fiery prison, stunning them for 1 minute and increasing damage taken by 50%. The prison looses 5% of its health every 3 seconds.
The Fel Prison can also be damage by players. When the prison dies, the target is freed and the Fel Warden receives a stack of Defilement, increasing its damage taken by 10%. Stacks.
When the prison is broken, its energies of Fel react, unleashing a massive explosion. Further explosion will deal increased damage to the nearby players.
Tormented Souls
Witch each melee attack, dripping fangs poison the current target and inflict nature damage every 1 sec. This effect stacks.
Diffuses heat, sacrificing 5% of the caster's life force to inflict fire damage to enemies. Reduction in life force causes movement speed to increase by 5% per application.
Noxious Mother
Attacks infect the target, increasing physical damage taken.
Causes nightmares to periodically fall from above, inflicting shadow damage to players within 10 yds of the impact area.
At 60% and 30% HP, grants all allies within yards 60% additional haste and increases all damage done by 60% for 20 seconds.
Brands a player with arcane energy that detonates after 6 seconds, inflicting arcane damage to all players within 12 yards. In addition, all players hit by the detonation are stunned for 8 seconds.
Stomps the ground, inflicting shadow damage to all enemies in front of the caster within 15 yds.
Summons a wall of arcane energies that splits the playspace in two. Any player passing through the wall instantly perishes. (
Enhanced Illusions
appear in the room, inflicting fear in nearby enemies. Also, they enter a slicing spiral, inflicting arcane damage and knocking back nearby enemies.
Corrupted Illusions
that clone random players:
Deals shadow damage and reduces movement speed by 45% for 6 seconds.
Causes an explosion of shadow magic around the target, inflicting shadow damage every second to all enemies within 5 yards around the target.
At 50% HP, calls down a shower of stars.
On death, summons a field of arcane energy that increases Haste by 50% for all units inside of the field. Lasts 30 seconds.
While in Human Form:
Hurls a bolt of void energy at the target, inflicting shadow damage.
devoid of magic that silence and prevent incoming healing for players standing in them.
Periodically calls
Eyes of the Corruptor
from each void area:
Inflicts shadow damage to all players. Each cast of Void Echoes increases subsequent casts by 50%.
Unleash a blast of dark energy that inflicts shadow damage to all players within line of sight.
On death, reduces the max health of players within 20 yards by 5% and increase their damage done by 5% for 3 minutes. These effects stack (5).
At 50% HP, the prince metamorphoses into a Shadow Hound:
Shears players in a 15y cone in front of the caster, inflicting shadow damage.
Fills a random target with unstable void energy, inflicting shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 seconds. Upon expiration, the target explodes, inflicting high shadow to all nearby players, split between all players hit.
Grand Astromancer Zemo
Damage dealt increased by 60%. Damage taken increased by 100%. (During Corporeality)
Fires a bolt of crippling energy, inflicting shadow damage to the target.
Encircles the caster in a ring of souls that inflicts shadow damage to all players within 10-20 yards every 0.5 sec.
Orbs of Deflection
that move in a random range, knocking players and dealing 25% of their HP as damage when touched.
The orb explodes after some time, inflicting damage to nearby enemies and sometimes creating an essence of night. Interacting with the essence, increases all damage and healing by 30% for 30 seconds - In addition, mana regeneration is increased by 2%.
At 90% and 40% HP, the boss calls a
Nether Ray
and takes 99% reduce damage until the pet is killed:
Damage dealt increased by 30%. Damage taken increased by 50%. (During Corporeality)
Draws mana from any healer, inflicting arcane damage and burning 20% of their mana.
At 95% HP, unleashes several explosions in quick succession at a player's location. Each explosion inflicts arcane damage to all players within a 10 yard radius and increases in size to a 20 and 30 yard radius with each successive explosion. In addition, each explosion inflicts arcane damage to all players.
At 80%, 50%, 20% HP, creates bolts of dark energy. Upon impact, the bolt forms into a vortex, knocking enemies away from the impact
On death, detonates the corruption within players, making them explode for high shadow damage after 4 seconds. (
Stepping in Defy Gravity will fully mitigate the detonation.
Zone Mechanics
After 1 minute in the instance, the Withered Covenant calls an
Echo of Elisande
in the proximity of the group that will start channeling arcane crystals for 30 seconds, inflicting arcane damage to players standing in the targeted area. (
Heroic only - repeats every 5 minutes
Absorbing a
Fel Crystal
empowers the caster with fel energy, increasing damage done by 50% and suffering 5% of maximum health as fire damage every 1 sec. for 30 seconds.
Enemy Forces
Fal'dorei Conjurer
Krokul Seer
Krokul Guardian
Gnarled Brute
Warped Voidlord
Void-Touched Magician
Moon Guardian
Moon Priestess
Withered Fanatic
Fulminating Lasher
Felborne Botanist
Shadow Council Warlock
Mistress Varvara
Shadowy Nightwatcher
Argus Construct
Entropic Ooze
Deathshadow Hound
Crypt Fungarian
Shadow Drone
Feltotem Shaman
Disturbed Apparition
Abyss Watcher
Wyrmtongue Scavenger
Mistress Mayme
Felblight Stalker
Soul Flayer
Felshadow Seeker
Putrid Decay
Fallen Voidspeaker
Deadrot Sorcerer
Creeping Beast
Void Essence
Sidereal Familiar
Rampaging Fel Demon
Shadowguard Stalker
Shadowguard Subjugator
Shadowguard Champion
Necrotic Spiderling
Enchanted Hand
Withered Fanatic
Fel Imp
Icy Enchantment
Withered Covenant
Mother of Night
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on 13-10-2021, 16:48:25; edited 12 times in total
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[Controlled Chaos]
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(since 03-09-2023 13:06)
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Posted: 01-06-2021, 15:31:46
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Durmus the Soulbreaker
Inflicts shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
Marks the current locations of the players inflicting spellshadow damage to all players within 4 yards.
Drops a pocket of extra-dimensional space in the middle of the room which ruptures on impact, inflicting fatal damage to players at the point of impact, an additional damage to all players, and knocking them back.
While above 35% HP, summons
Blighted Echoes
Deals shadow damage equal to 50% targets' health and increases damage taken from this spell by 50% to enemies in line of sight within a 60 yard radius.
Inflicts shadow damage to an enemy within 40 yards.
It cannot resist close to the Ethereal Cube and dies immediately after spawning.
Creates a Defense Field when it dies, reducing damage taken for all units within 8 yards by 75%. (lasts 20 seconds)
At 35% HP and 15% HP, the soulbreaker starts whirling his axe dealing physical damage to nearby players.
Sevda Moonblade
Shouts for help when engaged in combat, pulling all nearby undeads.
Channels powerful void magic into a target, inflicting shadow damage to enemies within 5 yards of the target every half-second for 6 seconds.
Strikes a random nearby target, inflicting physical damage. On Mythic difficulty, increases physical damage taken by 20%.
Fires shadow missiles at all targets, dealing shadow damage to all enemies near the impact point and knocking them away. After impact, leaves an energy field that lingers for 15 seconds, inflicting shadow damage every second and reducing healing done by 50%.
Rains starshards down on the enemy target's head, causing arcane damage over 6 seconds.
Channels a barrage of void energy.
At 95% HP, summons a
Calls a flurry of stars from the sky on all targets, each dealing arcane damage.
The caster releases a torrent of void energy, inflicting shadow damage at each impact point and applying a stack of Twilight's End on players within 4 yards.
Applies a stack of Twilight's End every 3 seconds on the closest
Dark Val'kyr
. (the stacks are removed if the pet dies)
The pet is rebirthed as an undead, replicating all its powers one more time.
A creeping void zone will spawn underneath the talon when it dies, deal extremely high damage, and slowly grow in size over time.
When a val'kyr reaches 20 stacks of Twilight's End, she begins erupting outwards as a massive explosion that destroys all nearby foes.
At 60% HP ,enters a state of Purgatory, stunning her and causing her to be healed over time. (She is immune in this phase and escapes when the ritual is completed)
While the boss is healing, a
Void Hunter
appears near one of the Valkyries:
Shoots at a player, inflicting shadow damage.
Rains shadowy arrows around a player that inflict shadow damage.
Sets a series of placed traps to explode, inflicting shadow damage to all nearby enemies.
Periodically applies Twilight's End on the closest Dark Val'kyr.
Attempts to heal if there aren't any enemies within 30 yards range.
At 50% HP, teleports to the opposite platform.
Dark Devourer
Stomps the ground, inflicting physical damage to all players and knocking them back.
Unleashes a Rotting Regurgitation, inflicting nature damage, knocking back and applying Maldorous Miasma (Inflicts nature damage over time) to targets in a cone in front of him.
Applies a Mind-Numbing toxin on a random target that Inflicts nature damage every 2 sec and reduces Haste by 50% for 8 seconds.
Channels the power of the void to reinvigorate himself, healing 15% of his maximum life.
Corrupted Stones
appear near the players for the duration of the encounter:
Standing close to this unit will periodically reduce your maximum stamina. This effect stacks.
Healing this stone to max health will shrink it, applying a mind fragment on players (damage, speed and mana regeneration increased - stacks) and removing the Aura of Decay from the ground.
Summons a
Hand from Beyond
that crushes the souls of all enemies, inflicting massive shadow damage after 10s.
Unstable Anomaly
Deals arcane damage to all enemies and increases their arcane damage taken if the target is not in melee range - stacks. (This ability is not used during the Darkened Shroud)
Applies Coalesced Nightmares on up to 2 players, making them inflict shadow damage to allies within 5 yards every 2 sec for 6 seconds. Each pulse also leaves behind a Nightmare Pool that inflicts shadow damage every second.
At 75% and 35% HP, it manifests four illusions around the caster. Also, a thick fog of void energy surrounds the Anomaly, becoming immune to all damage and knocking back nearby enemies. (This phase lasts 30 seconds)
Surging Image
inflicts shadow damage every second to nearby players and creates rings of void spheres that inflict shadow damage and stun the first player hit for 3 seconds.
While the boss is above 50% HP, it surrounds itself with swirling essences of Bane. Touching the essences of Bane inflicts shadow damage and knocks back the triggered target.
Below 50% HP, the boss calls corrupted minions that inflict shadow damage upon impact.
During the encounter,
may escape from the void:
The creature is unable to survive outside the void and loses 5% of its maximum health every 1 sec.
Becomes empowered, dealing 100% more damage and receiving 50% more haste.
Applies a void seed on all players that inflicts shadow damage within 6 yards and when it expires.
Channels a mind sear to inflicts shadow damage every 0.75 sec. to the target and players within 5 yards of them.
Tears a rift in space when it dies, inflicting arcane damage to all players.
The Twilight Caverns area also becomes accessible after defeating this boss.
Zone Mechanics
Killing the
Coven Headmistress
grants players Spectral Attunement, increasing damage done to Undead creatures by 25% for 1 hour.
Killing the
Shadowflame Avatar
will unlock the Demonic Gateway to the Twilight Caverns. There hides the mighty Ogre called
, he has enslaved a Light Val'kyr and is using her to heal his allies.
If you choose to free the Light Val'kyr, the enemies from the dungeon won't be healed anymore when staying near a beacon.
Upon cleansing a beacon, the players are restored to full health. In addition, their damage done and healing done are increased by 50% and their speed is increased by 25% for 30 seconds.
Falling in the lava inflicts increasing fire damage.
Enemy Forces
Cold Heart
Undead Warrior
Undead Priest
Fallen Voidspeaker
Felflame Avatar
Shadowflame Avatar
Silent Avatar
Divine Avatar
Coven Headmistress
Fire Mage
Dark Ranger
Dark Warden
Dan'Gerous Aberration
Blighted Soldier
Curseformed Brute
Burning Emberguard
Charhound 1
Charhound 2
Crashing Lava
Primal Earth Elemental
Mother of Flame
Worshiper of Elune
Lunar Guard
Lunar Priestess
Venomhide Shadowspinner
Hungry Spiderling
Void Tendril
Void Discharge
Dark Manifestation
Herald of Twilight
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[Controlled Chaos]
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Posted: 01-06-2021, 15:31:50
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