
BFA: The Eternal Travelers

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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 01-06-2021, 15:31:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The Eternal Travelers are a group of beings who have traversed the various realms of reality and beheld phenomena incomprehensible to mortals.

This time, they ask adventurers to bring them echoes for study that will benefit both sides. Their base is located in the Ruins of Khintaset.

General Information:
  • Release date: June 2nd.

  • Required level: 120.

  • Each instance has 2 difficulties: Normal, Heroic. They can be accessed using the Dungeon Finder tool. (specific dungeons section)

  • The chance of getting a reward and the amount of rewards scales with the difficulty of the instance.

  • You can join any instance you prefer, there is no order / cooldown. They are repeatable and award prizes in addition to the Daily / Weekly Quests.

  • The event will last for the entire expansion and it will receive constant updates (new features, encounters, rewards, etc) to keep it fresh and fun.

Realities:Common Mechanics:
  • Throughout the instances you may find Dark Orbs that can be used to invoke a random power for all players within 45 yards.

  • When slain, enemies have a chance to release the holy energy of Azeroth, healing and resurrecting all players. Additionally players become invigorated, increasing damage dealt by 30% and maximum health by 20% for 30 seconds.

  • Bosses are frozen in time and cannot interact with the world until a previous Elite or Boss has been defeated. If you pull a boss outside its combat area, the encounter will reset. Bosses respawn 10s after the encounter fails.

  • You cannot release during encounters. Defeating a Boss will create a checkpoint, using the Time Transit Device will instantly teleport you to the selected location. While out of combat, you can use Time Rifts to return to the transit device.

  • You may find hidden chests within the instances, they contain minor rewards and reset every day.


    - You can provide feedback or see the live changelog here.

    - The instances don't save progress after the server has crashed or restarted. In the unfortunate and rare case in which this may happen, we suggest resetting the instance to avoid problems such as closed gates, sleeping bosses, etc (we weill try to solve this in the future).

Last edited by Power on 13-02-2022, 14:59:49; edited 35 times in total
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 01-06-2021, 15:31:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

[Normal] [Heroic]



Guardian of Time


Zone Mechanics

  • When an enemy you harmed dies, you receive a 10% haste and movement speed buff for 20 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.

  • Every 25 seconds, you summon a future image of yourself within 15yards, moving there in less than 6 seconds prevents you from taking 25% of your health as arcane damage and instead receiving a 25% damage done buff for 15 seconds.

  • Standing near Invigorating Pollen increases your haste by 75%.

  • A powerful wind knocks away nearby enemies, inflicting frost damage.

  • You can choose to strike a deal with the Aspect of Bwonsamdi, increasing all damage and healing done by 20% per stack (2). If you die, you lose one stack and summon dangerous enemies from the grave, the Loa of Death included. Bwonsamdi creates a zone of death around him and then begins drawing all enemies to him. Entering the zone of death removes the soul from the player, killing them instantly.

  • After 1 minute in the instance, the Infinite Timerender starts casting a powerful shockwave, instantly killing all players after 6 seconds (repeats every 4 minutes). The Image of Meliorn creates a void in time for 10 seconds and whispers to you to jump in the field. Any targets within the void are immune to all damage, stunned, and all their auras, cooldowns, and periodic effects are reduced to nothing. Surviving the Time Stop also reduces your cooldowns by 30%, increases your speed by 50%, your haste by 30% and makes your dots/hots occur 30% faster for 30 seconds. Receiving Fire damage removes this effect. (Heroic-only)

Enemy Forces

Last edited by Power on 17-09-2021, 21:51:40; edited 6 times in total
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 01-06-2021, 15:31:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

[Normal] [Heroic]



Fel Warden


Noxious Mother




Grand Astromancer Zemo


Zone Mechanics
  • After 1 minute in the instance, the Withered Covenant calls an Echo of Elisande in the proximity of the group that will start channeling arcane crystals for 30 seconds, inflicting arcane damage to players standing in the targeted area. (Heroic only - repeats every 5 minutes)

  • Absorbing a Fel Crystal empowers the caster with fel energy, increasing damage done by 50% and suffering 5% of maximum health as fire damage every 1 sec. for 30 seconds.

Enemy Forces

Last edited by Power on 13-10-2021, 16:48:25; edited 12 times in total
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 01-06-2021, 15:31:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

[Normal] [Heroic]

Durmus the Soulbreaker


Sevda Moonblade


Dark Devourer


Unstable Anomaly


Zone Mechanics
  • Killing the Coven Headmistress grants players Spectral Attunement, increasing damage done to Undead creatures by 25% for 1 hour.

  • Killing the Shadowflame Avatar will unlock the Demonic Gateway to the Twilight Caverns. There hides the mighty Ogre called Mal, he has enslaved a Light Val'kyr and is using her to heal his allies.

  • If you choose to free the Light Val'kyr, the enemies from the dungeon won't be healed anymore when staying near a beacon.

  • Upon cleansing a beacon, the players are restored to full health. In addition, their damage done and healing done are increased by 50% and their speed is increased by 25% for 30 seconds.

  • Falling in the lava inflicts increasing fire damage.

Enemy Forces

Last edited by Power on 17-09-2021, 17:30:09; edited 4 times in total
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 01-06-2021, 15:31:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

[Normal] [Heroic]


Last edited by Power on 13-01-2022, 13:09:30; edited 4 times in total
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