
Boggac Skullbasher Mechagon Rare not Spawned

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Post Posted: 05-08-2021, 12:45:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Character name:Donlukyano
Bug description: This rare"Boggac Skullbash" Is nowere spawned in mechagon although the site says he's alive and it's critical in completing several mechagon achievements.If so he is under the map or something.Anyways this rare not being alive stands in the way of completing several achievements"Mecha Done"and stuff like that.
Proof: I never seen anyone kill this rare and the proof is that noone still did this and such

Last edited by Don.LukyaNo on 10-08-2021, 16:34:42; edited 3 times in total
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Post Posted: 05-08-2021, 13:52:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Confirming, this is valid since all other rare encounters are scripted and available while 0 players completed the achievement. Proof that all other rares work and have been available until now at least once: here.

As a side note, i've been either afk or farming in Mechagon for weeks already (2-3 hours/day) and neither saw him at his usual location or heard of him spawning (he does an area-wide yell when he spawns, similarly to others). What is curious is that players on retail were complaining of the exact same rare, which apparently required either camping it for hours or killing a lot of troggs to spawn him. Maybe this part never worked here - the database says that he is spawned and has a timer of 7 minutes without mentioning any phase or script.

My guess is that either the NPC info is totally wrong (not only about the timer and position, which are wrong for many other rares too) or he is spawned in some inaccessible area, waiting to be teleported by some script which was never implemented.

Will camp him again when the daily which requires you to kill troggs is up - it was available some time ago, and maybe the people that are farming rares have missed it.

I'm hoping too that this will be fixed since it stays in the way of some zone drops and achievements.

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Post Posted: 07-08-2021, 00:48:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I can confirm, only rare I'm missing apart from a few drill ones. the website says it's alive but not on its spot in-game. been camping it on and off for the past 3 days.
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Post Posted: 07-09-2021, 00:25:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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