
[FIXED] [Item][Nazjatar] Friendship Caches - Empty

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Author Message631


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(since 03-05-2021 16:06)
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Post Posted: 02-10-2021, 19:45:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

##While leveling your bodyguards and helping them reach a certain level the player receives a quest that rewards you with an item containing basic character supplies.

###Right now the following items that are part of this contain no loot inside them:

[Liberated Naga Cache](

- According to comments from [WoWHead]( the item dropped:
_"10 Prismatic Manapearls, 11 Osmenite Ore, 400 Artifact Power, and 100 gold, with later patches the Artifact Power reward being removed and Prismatic Manapearl amount increased"_
- [Video from PTR]( of me opening 20 caches and getting no loot.

[Nazjatar Survival Pack](

- According to comments from [WoWHead]( the item rewards:
_"Benthic Girdle, plus 8 x Cragscale, 8 x Prismatic Manapearl and 115 x War Resources."_
- In [this](

) video from retail, the player can be seen receiving similar loot to the one described in the WoWHead comments.
- [Video from PTR]( of me opening 20 caches and getting no loot.

[Ankoan Commendation Crate](

- From a [comment]( under one of the quests that rewards this item states that the player received the following items after opening the chest:
_"Benthic Gauntlets, 115 war resources, and 12 Zin'anthid"_
- [Video from PTR]( of me opening 20 caches and getting no loot.

[Faintly Glowing Supplies](

- Again a comment from [WoWHead]( confirms that the chest should contain:
_"benthic gear or crafting mats"_
- [Video from PTR]( of me opening 20 caches and getting no loot.

[Cleverly Concealed Supplies](

- According to a comment from [WoWHead]( opening the item granted the player:
_"Strange Mineralized Water, Vibrant Sea Blossom, Viper Fish"_
- Here is a [video](

) from the same player on retail receiving the loot from the chest.
- [Video from PTR](

[Vim's Scavenged Supplies](

- [Video from PTR](

[Poen's Stashed Supplies](

- From a [comment]( under the quest that rewards the item
The player claims to have been rewarded with:
_"100g, 400 AP, 10 Prismatic Manapearls, and 11 Osmenite Ore."_
- [Video from PTR](

[Neri's Smart Supplies](

- From a [comment]( on WoWHead the player states that he has been rewarded with:
_"11 osmenite ore and 10 of the manapearls and 100g"_
- [Video from PTR](

[Unshackled Commendation Crate](

- [Video from PTR](

[Mysterious Azshari Chest](

- Multiple people claim to have received loot from that item on [WoWHead's comment section](
_"400 Artifact Power, 2xBattle-Scarred Augment Rune, 16xGuilded Seaweed, 115xWar Resources."_
_"400 azerite power, 115 war resources, and some gilded seaweave cloth."_
- [Video from PTR](

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