
[FIXED] [Cata] Grim Batol

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Author Message769


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(since 03-05-2021 16:06)
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Post Posted: 27-10-2021, 17:30:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

***1. Patrols not moving***

Patrols within "Grim Batol" are not moving at all. They should be roaming from one point to another.
Proof -
Proof 2.0 -
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***2. *** Drake Event

ID - 42571

Players are unable to interact with the "Battered Red Drake" to take them to attack patrols. Proof added below.

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***3.General Umbriss ***

ID - 39625

"General Umbriss" is shown as a Neutral npc meanwhile he should be hostile to both factions. Proof added below
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***4. Forgemaster Throngus***

ID - 40177

"Forgemaster Throngus" is shown as a Neutral npc meanwhile he should be hostile to both factions. As well the Boss should be roaming among a specific path, but he is standing static on the right side of the room.

Whenever the boss is casting Pick Weapon there is an icon missing (Proof added below).

***As well when boss casts "Cave In" the amount of details spawned is way too much, proof added under "Proof Mechanics"***

As well the boss resets after 20-30 secs being into the encounter.

Proof patrol / neutral-
Proof Mechanics -


***5. Drahga Shadowburner***

ID - 40319

Boss is missing a phase, because he never goes into Intermission.
This intermission should be triggered whenever he is 30 % hp. As well the should should not be killable untill he has not come back from Intermission.

Proof -
Retail -


***6. Erudax, the Duke of Below***

ID - 40484

Basic attacks are too much for a normal player to handle (Proof added below).
This seems to occur only after he casts "Feeble Body".

During the fight when he casts "Shadow Gale" it does 1-2 ticks of damage and does barely any damage or doesn't do damage at all.

Proof -

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