
Subtlety Rogue PVP basic guide/tutorial

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Subtlety Rogue PVP basic guide/tutorial

Alliance: Night elf - Shadowmeld is really useful
Horde: Orc - stun reduction is bis on horde side
Between the two I would say night elf is better.

Agility the primary stat therefore going for higher ilvl items to increase it should always work in your favour.
As for secondary stats:
Versatility > Mastery > Crit > Haste

*Versa is the main pvp stat, increases all damage done/reduces damage taken.
*Mastery increases the damage of your finishers.

Season 1:
Night fae: should be a safe bet, it offers good burst and mobility that can help with the current sub rogue playstyle.

Venthyr: if the Flagellation buff is live right now(on retail it happened in season 2) than Venthyr is a solid choise as it will offer a bit higher burst compared to Fae.

Necrolord: not bad, not great. Fast combo point builder, a bit more survivability. It is a better choise for other specs.

Kyrian: Worst covenant for season one. In season 2 this will change due to kyrian legendary(aka season 2 kyrian=bis)

Potency: Covenant ability conduid > Deeper Daggers > Planned Execution
Endurance: Cloaked in Shadows > Recuperator
Finesse: Rushed Setup > Prepared for All > Quick Decisions

Master Assasin(crit legendary) is pretty much the only choise that fits current meta gameplay.

1.Premeditation - best by far, more combo points, auto slice and dice
2. There are multiple choises here depending on the situation.
Nightstalker is all around the best - more burst/mobility
Subterfuge is really useful when playing with a mage as it can help you set up goes without Shadow Dance
Shadow Focus is a good choise when playing venthyr.
3.Deeper Stratagem offers more overall damage and bigger kidney stun - best choise in most cases
Marked for Death - better short window burst, instant 5 combo kidney. Good utility, useful in certain cases
4.Elusiveness - best overall/best when playing with a healer
Soothing Darkness - good for double dps comps(2v2), world pvp/battlegrounds
Cheat Death - can be useful when facing classes with high burst or comps like rogue/mage
5.Prey on the weak is the only choise.
6.Evenloping Shadows - bis talent.
Dark Shadow has potential but it is overall inferior.
7.Master of Shadows is bis, no other choise

PVP Talents
Smoke Bomb/Shadowy Duel are pretty much standard picks.
3rd option depends on what you need.
Against melee - Dismantle(disarm)
Against classes with high mobility - Maneuverability(sprint freedom)
Thick as Thieves can always be a good choise as the extra 15% damage for your partner is nice.

Viable comps
Rogue/Mage(fire) - has always been good, it's still good. It will probably always be good.
Playstyle: you're a stun bot, the mage is a sheep bot. Burst, reset when opponents are on DR.

Rogue/Priest(holy/disc) - can play with both holy/disc. Holy can CC better without your help. Disc can help you stay agressive for longer(pain surpression).
Playstyle: Not worth staying in the fight without CD's or stun DR. Cross CC, burst, reset/avoid damage, repeat asap.


These are useful for other classes too, not really rogue specific.
Gladius or sArena - ehanced arena frames, DR tracker, cast bar, etc.
OmniBar - Tracks enemy CD's - highly useful for awareness
BigDebuffs - Increases debuff size of CC effects
Details - see what deals most damage, where you lack, what killed you, etc - damage metter

There are other cool/useful addons but these are the mandatory ones.

I hope you find this guide helpful, if enough players want it I can maybe make a more advanced guide in the future.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
You can find me here on the forum, ingame: Tcuts - horde / Tcutz - alliance . Occasionally on

See you in the game!

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