
PVP arena system is horrible

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-05-2022, 16:30:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello, I think the arena system is totally ruined in this server. Sorry but I can't record to show you as I don't have the program. i had 2k+ rating and now my rating is 1900. I keep losing and it is not because of my playstyle but the opponent. the partner I get is 30k hp, in every single game. and my opponent gets 40k+ HP partners. It is as if it's premade but no one is queuing as a group and I always queue solo. I know you may think they might be the only players in the queue but no I checked, and there are many players in the queue.

Is anything being done with regards to this PVP system? Kindly take a look please. Thanks.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 15-07-2022 18:54)
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Reputation: 18.4

Post Posted: 05-05-2022, 17:44:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Also, this is the stupidest thing I have seen in my whole wow-time. Please see the Screenshots -
This guy has literally the shittest gear and rating and the opponents are top players as per my knowledge because their gear is so high. Anyways, please fix this. because of one stupid guy with a 600 rating and basic gear I got -20 is insane. If you cant fix this at least tell me how to queue? or when to queue? or should I group queue in order to avoid these trash partners while opponents are full donors? please provide a solution or advice please thanks a lot. I saw the recent post by GM Sarah about the new PVP system but it seems it doesn't make any sense because my rating is so high... and I get a partner with 20k HPl LOL . I would understand if my opponents or one of my opponents was 20k HP as well but no LOL they were 40k+. I am also a donor btw so my HP is also 38k. Moreover, why is it always be who gets the weakest partner? I can understand if it's only 2 - 3 games but every game? something is really wrong with the PVP system here.

Last edited by nitroxide on 05-05-2022, 17:52:24; edited 1 time in total
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