
[FIXED] [Covenant][Necrolord][Monk] Bonedust Brew vs Dmg multiplier

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Post Posted: 01-07-2022, 15:15:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The Bonedust Brew damage should not be modified by the damage multiplier.

Bonedust Brew Damage calculation:
= trigger x 0,35
if has (wowhead link)
= value * (1 + (wowhead link) Value)

I took the first boss of MIST as an example to see the difference because (wowhead link) , this also applies to SOA and NW spears, SD jar buff, ... (view [retails Monk Discord](

**S1 Retail Proof ( without (wowhead link) ) :**

Bonedust Brew 1:
= 478 x 0,35
= 167,3

Bonedust Brew 2:
= 474 x 0,35
= 165,9

Bonedust Brew 3:
= 1833 x 0,35
= 641,55

**S2 Retail Proof :**

Bonedust Brew 1:
= 12186 x 0,35 x 1,80
= 7677,18 x 2 (crit)
= 15 354,36

Bonedust Brew 2:
= 6171 x 0,35 x 1,80
= 3 887,73 x 2 (crit)
= 7 775,46

Bonedust Brew 3:
= 11120 x 0,35 x 1,80
= 7 005,6 x 2 (crit)
= 14 011,2

**Live :**

Bonedust Brew 1:
= 1535 x 0,35 x 1,60
= 859,6 x 3 ( (wowhead link))
= 2 578,8

Bonedust Brew 2:
= 2538 x 0,35 x 1,60
= 1 421,28 x 2 (crit)
= 2 842,56 x 3 ( (wowhead link))
= 8 527,68

Live (without pride):

S1 Retails:

S2 retail :

0 0
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