
[FIXED] [MoTS][Ingra Maloch] Droman Oulfarran Threat issues

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Post Posted: 30-07-2022, 18:00:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

**Description of bug**
after the boss uses []( (wowhead link) "‌") on []( "‌") to get control of it. it will immediately start attacking the healer which shouldn't be the case

**how to rerproduce**
engage the boss break the boss control and wait for boss to controll the []( "‌") once again

**how it should be**
after the boss gains control of []( "‌") again []( "‌") should attack the player who had the most threat on him during the fight (that is the tank not the healer)

this isssue is most likely due to the fact when []( "‌") gets out of control he looses all threat he should only loose threat from the players after the main boss is dead (Ingar Maloch)

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