
[FIXED] [Quest][Korthia][Covenants] Legend of the Animaswell

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Post Posted: 08-08-2022, 13:00:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

**Description :**

The 4 quests named "Legend of the Animaswell" can be accepted from the items of the same name "Legend of the Animaswell" but players aren't able to turn them in.
NPCs are spawned but they currently don't give the possibility to reward those quests.

**How to reproduce :**

- Add those items on yourself
- Accept the quests
- Notice that the concerned NPCs don't give the possibility to reward them

Making a list of issues as it's not the same IDs both for the quests and items.

*We're getting quite a lot of tickets about this issue right now.*

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