
[FIXED] [DOS] [Dealer Xy'exa] Arcane Lightning

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Post Posted: 30-08-2022, 23:30:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dealer Xy'exa's [arcane lightning]( (wowhead link) "‌") spell can be skipped in the encounter, meaning immune it and make it disappear from the fight, making the fight trivial.

You can make it go away with a rogue cloaking when he gets the lightning.
You can potentially make it go away with a war spell reflecting it or paladin bubble or mage ice block (Not sure, I didn't test).
Either way, you can never make this mechanic disappear from the fight, it should always be present on someone.

How it should work when someone immunes it the application, you get debuffed by the arcane lightning but you take no damage :

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