
[FIXED] [Necrolord]Chapter 4][Quest] Wipe the Slate Clean

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Author Message1325


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Post Posted: 08-09-2022, 04:00:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

### **GM report**

## Description

#### After realizing that different hubs and GM/support communities were getting tickets for the same quest from different players i decided to test the quest titled []( "smartCard-inline").

Taken on the NPC []( "smartCard-inline") but implemented as a boss creature id 165716, it requires clicking on Xandria for her to pick you up and together, fly over the sky as well as cast, using the extra button window, the spell []( (wowhead link) "smartCard-inline").

Currently on live, when you throw the[]( (wowhead link) "smartCard-inline") on the ground, it does no damage or kills anything, however this is an important criteria in order to have credit to raise the achievement bar and end the quest.

## How it should be

The []( (wowhead link) "smartCard-inline") should hit the ground, do damages to the mobs on the ground and kill them.

## How to reproduce

#### For Gms, add to yourself the quest id 59698 and just simply try to do the quest starting by clicking on the PNJ Xandria in Bastion area. You will not be able clicking the extra button spell to kill any creatures on the ground and get credit to end the quest.

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