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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-08-2010, 18:13:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

- Ms ca ati dat pe acc Terry eu sunt owneru lui in ultima vreme a jucat unu pe acc si cred ca a luat ban din cauza la ce? hmm as dori sa stiu cat ? ia-ti dat ban

asta e o conversatie cu ala care imi mai juca pe acc

Amicu e un fost vecin din block la mine si de asta iam dat dar orcum, care din admin ar putea sa-mi dea detalii pt cauza banului? ca sa stiu cat dureaza, Hmm sa nu se inteleaga alceva am mai avut eu personal ban dar pt wall climb si no fall dmg foloseam la explorer orcum Multumesc pt ban si as dori sa intreb cand ma pot juca cat mai repede pe acc

( in partea in care iam scris contu si passu am cenzurat passu -

Deci ca sa nu sa inteleaga alceva Surprise eu am luat ban 30 de zile:| si nu mai doresc a lua din nou doar nu sunt asa de prost sa fi luat ban o data si nu fi bagat la cap

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Dey Deey (8/16/2010 6:54:19 PM): salut terry
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 6:54:20 PM): cmf
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 6:54:23 PM): auzi
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 6:54:24 PM): mai joci
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 6:54:25 PM): wow?
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 6:54:28 PM): pe freakz
Terry Lawl (8/16/2010 6:54:32 PM): da
Terry Lawl (8/16/2010 6:54:33 PM): dc?
Terry Lawl (8/16/2010 6:54:35 PM):
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 6:54:50 PM): nu-mi dai si mie contu sa ma joc
Terry Lawl (8/16/2010 6:54:54 PM): hmm
Terry Lawl (8/16/2010 6:55:41 PM): iati Terry si pass xxxxxx vezi poate ei ban la cum joci tu
Terry Lawl (8/16/2010 6:55:42 PM): ai grija
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 6:57:47 PM): ok ma
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 6:59:50 PM): nici o problema
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:02:23 PM):
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:03:56 PM): hai ms
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:03:58 PM): o sa intru
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:05:59 PM): diseara
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:06:00 PM):
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7::08 PM): mai vb ma duc sa joc un meci de dota
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:09:09 PM):
Dey Deey is typing...
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:56:11 PM)
Dey Deey (8/19/2010 7:57:21 PM): si wa
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:57:35 PM): hmm?
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:57:51 PM): are cv?
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:57:52 PM): daca iti
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:57:55 PM): schimb
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:57:57 PM): talentele
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:57:57 PM): cv?
Terry Lawl (8/16/2010 7:58:02 PM): nu
Terry Lawl (8/16/2010 7:58:03 PM): dc?
Terry Lawl (8/16/2010 7:58:03 PM): ;-??
Terry Lawl (8/16/2010 7:58:06 PM): ok
Dey Deey (8/16/2010 7:58:19 PM): hai ms lasa ca-ti dau o bere

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[Owner Freakz]

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Post Posted: 19-08-2010, 18:18:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

[19:18:26]Ban Date: 2010-08-19 05:32:01 Bantime: 30d Still active: Yes Reason: speed Set by: Cobrelizator
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[The Old God]

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Post Posted: 19-08-2010, 19:05:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu se scot niciodata ban'urile luate pt hax. Ca tu ai dat contu si bla bla bla ... e vina ta! Suporti prostia care a facut'o amicul tau

Froster: Zohl unde crestinizarea ta esti?
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