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Author Message18572

[Very Important Person]

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Post Posted: 10-04-2007, 19:16:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WebMod MetaMod Plugin

WebMod este un multi-thearded HTTP Web server fixat intr-un plugin MetaMod ( compatibil pe
Linux Si Win32). Desi tu nu poti specifica unelte precum HLSW sau AgentOrange , sau softwareul aditional
astfel ca un server web , PHPRCon sau un Perl capabil sa deschida un account PsychoQuery.

Odata instalat , tu il poti accesa pe http://server_ip:server_port/ ; de exemplu tu daca te conectezi
la pentru a te juca , trebuie sa adaugi <<http://>>; la inceput si sa dai asta web browserului tau


Intai , o pagina publica , cu timp real server status ( harti , jucatori , reguli ). A fost realizat pentru Counter-Strike de cand Half-LIfe's este cel mai popular mod , dar poate fi usor adaptat pentru alte moduri
datorita limbii W scripting.

Daca stiu parola RCon a serverului , te poti loga ca un admin , si poti scrie in consola comenzi precum kick/ban players,
ii poti face sa aplice comenzi ( precum AdminMod's admin_execclient) , si poti edita fisiere de config ( mapcycle.txt , server.cfg
, motd.txt , si alte principale configuri pentru MetaMod plugins). Inca o data , toate acele trasaturi pot fi customizate ( doar sa te uiti la addons/w/www/*.w) , poti sa si schimbi designul acestei pagini ( ).

Aceste addon provine dintr-un statut public , si un privat admin ( parola - protectata , acum folosind parola RCon).

Dar acest plugin nu este ce continte in fisierul zip : WebMode include un script de preprocesor care te lasa sa il customizezi total , si sa poti crea propria ta conventie. Limba W scripting reference document este provenit intr-o arhiva . Vei invata cum sa il folosesti { } blocuri , servere de jocuri si HTTP variabile relatate etc.


WebMod is a multi-threaded HTTP Web server embedded into a MetaMod plugin (Linux and Win32 compatible). It allows you not to use specific tools like HLSW or AgentOrange, or additional software such as a web server, PHPRCon or a Perl capable shell account to run PsychoQuery.

Once installed, you can access it on http://server_ip:server_port/ ; for example if you connect to to play, you just have to add « http:// » at the beginning and give this to your web browser :

What's in the default package ?

First, a public index page, with real-time server status (map, players, rules, addons). It has been designed for Counter-Strike since it's Half-Life's most popular mod, but can be easily adapted to any other mod thanks to W scripting language.

If you know the server's RCon password, you can log in as an admin, then enter console commands, kick/ban players, make them run commands (like AdminMod's admin_execclient first did), and edit main config files (mapcycle.txt, server.cfg, motd.txt, and any main config file for your other MetaMod plugins). Once again, all those features can be customized (just have a look at addons/w/www/*.w pages), you also can change these pages' design (quite by default) so that they perfectly fit your own site's look and feel.

This addon provides a public live status page, and a private admin area (password-protected, currently using RCon password).

But this plugin is not only what's contained in the zip file : WebMod includes a script preprocessor that lets you customize its web pages totally, and to create yours at your own convenience. W scripting language reference document is provided in the archive. You'll learn how to use { } blocks, game server and HTTP related variables, etc.

Download:Aici (fisierul a fost sters) asigur ca greselile ortografice, ortoepice, de punctuatie, morfosintactice si folosirea inadecvata a unitatilor lexico-semantice imi apartin, mi le asum, dar la scoala sa stiti ca tot nu ma duc!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-04-2007, 20:06:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Am si eu o problema: Vreau sa ii pun muzica pe fundal, dar dak ii pun, canta decat 10 secunde apoi o ia de la incaput din cauza auto-refresh-ului. Eu nu vreau sa scot auto-refresh-ul...
Am reusit eu sa ii fac ceva... un nou html, adik .w, cu frame catre index.w, dar, nu pot sa ma loghez cu rcon...
Eu vreau sa editez index.w in asa fel incat sa aiba un include care sa nu fie reimprospatat, se poate??? Dak da, pls help me...

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[Very Important Person]

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Post Posted: 30-04-2007, 20:14:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

faci un html in care pui codul ptr melodie si faci un iframe width="100%" height="100%" cu pagina care e cu 'auto-refresh' ^^ asigur ca greselile ortografice, ortoepice, de punctuatie, morfosintactice si folosirea inadecvata a unitatilor lexico-semantice imi apartin, mi le asum, dar la scoala sa stiti ca tot nu ma duc!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2007, 03:18:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nici asa nu merge, aceasi problema... Nu pot sa ma loghez cu rcon, sau dak m-am logat, nu mai pot sa ma log out... Era mai bine dak se putea sa editez index.w in asa fel incat sa aiva un include care sa nu fie reimprospatat, si in acel include sa fii pus muzica...
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[Very Important Person]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2007, 12:39:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

.w ? wtf?!
alta solutie nu vad...dar cum am zis eu trebuie sa mearga.. asigur ca greselile ortografice, ortoepice, de punctuatie, morfosintactice si folosirea inadecvata a unitatilor lexico-semantice imi apartin, mi le asum, dar la scoala sa stiti ca tot nu ma duc!

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[Dau bine cu el !]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2007, 12:42:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mishu wrote:
Am si eu o problema: Vreau sa ii pun muzica pe fundal, dar dak ii pun, canta decat 10 secunde apoi o ia de la incaput din cauza auto-refresh-ului. Eu nu vreau sa scot auto-refresh-ul...
Am reusit eu sa ii fac ceva... un nou html, adik .w, cu frame catre index.w, dar, nu pot sa ma loghez cu rcon...
Eu vreau sa editez index.w in asa fel incat sa aiba un include care sa nu fie reimprospatat, se poate??? Dak da, pls help me...

cauta versiunea 0.48 parca ... aceea e mult mai simpla si nu are auto refresh ! acolo poti pune muzica si edita mult mai usor !

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[Very Important Person]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2007, 12:46:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

o poti lua de aici (fisierul a fost sters) asigur ca greselile ortografice, ortoepice, de punctuatie, morfosintactice si folosirea inadecvata a unitatilor lexico-semantice imi apartin, mi le asum, dar la scoala sa stiti ca tot nu ma duc!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2007, 18:56:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eu am 0.48 unoficial, si imi place exact cum este acum... nu vreau decat sa ii fac sa mearga muzica fara un nou html...
Ma intereseaza dak stiti cum pot face ca un include sa fie rulat decat odata atunci cand pornesti pagina, si sa permita paginii sa se improspateze, fara ca acel include sa fie sa fie rulat din nou; sau dak aveti voi alte ide... -
Uitati cum am facut eu web mode

Pt admini: Nu am facut reclama, intrati pe link sa vedeti, k nu se specifica deloc numele serverului sau stiu eu ce...

P.s. M-am chinuit ceva sa-l fac in asa fel sa nu faca reclama -

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[Very Important Person]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2007, 19:31:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

LOL ma..e ontopic..dont worry -

deci altfel nu stiu cum..decat cu iframe - asigur ca greselile ortografice, ortoepice, de punctuatie, morfosintactice si folosirea inadecvata a unitatilor lexico-semantice imi apartin, mi le asum, dar la scoala sa stiti ca tot nu ma duc!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2007, 19:37:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Oks, ms -
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[Very Important Person]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2007, 20:50:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

totusi,posteaza pe ...poate those geeks au alta varianta - asigur ca greselile ortografice, ortoepice, de punctuatie, morfosintactice si folosirea inadecvata a unitatilor lexico-semantice imi apartin, mi le asum, dar la scoala sa stiti ca tot nu ma duc!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2007, 20:51:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'll give-it a try...
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[Dau bine cu el !]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2007, 22:34:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mishu wrote:
Eu am 0.48 unoficial, si imi place exact cum este acum... nu vreau decat sa ii fac sa mearga muzica fara un nou html...
Ma intereseaza dak stiti cum pot face ca un include sa fie rulat decat odata atunci cand pornesti pagina, si sa permita paginii sa se improspateze, fara ca acel include sa fie sa fie rulat din nou; sau dak aveti voi alte ide... -
Uitati cum am facut eu web mode

Pt admini: Nu am facut reclama, intrati pe link sa vedeti, k nu se specifica deloc numele serverului sau stiu eu ce...

P.s. M-am chinuit ceva sa-l fac in asa fel sa nu faca reclama -

posteaza-ne si noua ..... index.w ca te ajuta hidden se precepe la html sigur e un meta refresh .... sau un .js pe acolo bagat ( javascript) pentru ca tie iti arata ..... si cate secunde mai ai pana la refresh ! deci urca ..... index.w pe un site sau pune-l aici intre
 [code] [/code]

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-05-2007, 00:12:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


{v.refreshtimer:10} {##=Time between automatic page refresh, add <span id="timer">{v.refreshtimer}</span>&nbsp; where you want number to show}
{v.showmappic:0} {#0=disable mappic, 1=enable mappic}





<div align="center">

<table align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">

<td class="normcell" align="center"><script language="javascript">document.write("<a href='javascript:location.reload()'>Refresh</a> <a href='javascript:setrefresh();'><span id='timer'>{v.refreshtimer}</span></a>");</script></td>
<td class="normcell" align="center"><a href="steam: &quot;-applaunch 10 -game cstrike +connect {c.ip}:{c.port}&quot;">Connect to this Server</a></td>
{{v.showmappic=1}?{v.mapok?<td class="transp" style="background-image\: url('{v.mappic}'); background-repeat\: no-repeat; background-position\: center" width="300" {{{v.authed}|{v.admin}}?rowspan="13":rowspan="10"}>&nbsp;</td>}}

<td class="normcell"><b>Hostname:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.hostname}</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Players:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{W.users}/{W.maxplayers}
{{W.users=W.players}?:({W.players} Active)}
{v.p2known:0}{{{I.p2=i.p2}&{W.users>0}}?<br><font size=-2>({v.p2known:{@p2_known}}{v.p2known} known by p2)</font>}</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Current Map:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{}</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Change Map\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell">
<form action=changelevel.w method=post name=changelevel>
<input type="radio" name="maptype" value="c"> Other\: <input type="text" name="custommap" size="20"><br>
<input type="radio" name="maptype" value="m" checked> Mapcycle\: <select name="cyclemap">
:{@trim:{<<{W.moddir}/{c.mapcyclefile}}}:<option name={v.mapname}{{}? selected}>{v.mapname}</option>}
:{L.m:<option name={}{{}? selected}>{}</option>}}
</select> <input type="submit" value="OK">

<td class="normcell"><b>Next Map:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.amx_nextmap}</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Password:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.sv_password?{{v.authed|v.admin}?{c.sv_password} (<a href="changecvar.w?nopass=ask">Remove Password</a>):Yes}:No}</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>{{c.sv_password=}?Add:Change} Password\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">
<form action=changecvar.w method=post name=setpass><input type="text" name="setpass" size="20"> <input type="submit" value="OK"></form>

<td class="normcell"><b>Time Limit\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">No Time Limit</td>
<td class="normcell"><b>Time Left\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.amx_timeleft} minutes</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Time Limit\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.mp_timelimit} minutes</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Change Time Limit\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right"><a href="changecvar.w?timelimit=30">30</a>, <a href="changecvar.w?timelimit=45">45</a>, <a href="changecvar.w?timelimit=60">60</a>, <a href="changecvar.w?timelimit=75">75</a>, <a href="changecvar.w?timelimit=90">90</a> Minutes

<td class="normcell"><b>Round Time:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.mp_roundtime} minutes</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Friendly-Fire:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.mp_friendlyfire?On:Off} {{v.authed|v.admin}?(<a href="changecvar.w?turnff={{c.mp_friendlyfire=1}?off:on}">Change</a>)}</td>


<br><br><b>.: Server creat de Mishu :.</b><br><br>
<table width="755" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<td class="normcell" width="20" align="center"><b></b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="240" align="center"><b>Name</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="40" align="center"><b>Score</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="40" align="center"><b>Deaths</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="75" align="center"><b>Time</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="130" align="center"><b>Authid</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="40" align="center"><b>Ping</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="40" align="center"><b>Loss</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="80" align="center"><b>IP</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="50" align="center"><b>Admin</b></td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}" colspan="2"><font size="4">{{v.whichteam=CT}?COUNTER-TERRORIST:{v.whichteam}}</font></td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}" colspan="2" align="center"><font size="4">{{v.whichteam=CT}?{@teamscore:CT}:{{v.whichteam=TERRORIST}?{@teamscore:TERRORIST}}}</font></td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}"></td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}" align="center">{v.team_usercount} Player{{v.team_usercount!1}?s}</td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}" align="center">{v.total_ping/v.team_usercount}</td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}" align="center">{v.total_loss/v.team_usercount}</td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}"></td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}"></td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{{{p.dead}&{!SPECTATOR}&{!UNASSIGNED}}?<img src="images/skull.gif" border="0">}{{p.bomb}?<img src="images/c4.gif" border="0">}{{}?<img src="images/vip.gif" border="0">}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}">{v.authed?<a href="player.w?uid={p.uid}">{}</a>:{v.admin?<a href="player_message.w?uid={p.uid}">{}</a>:{}}}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{p.frags}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{p.deaths}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{p.ctime}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{p.authid}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{p.loss}{v.total_loss:{v.total_loss+p.loss}}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{{v.admin|v.authed}?{p.ip}:Hidden}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{{{{c.amx_userflags{}}=z}|{{c.amx_userflags{}}=}}?:Yes}</td>
<tr><td class="normcell" colspan="10" align="center"><i>No Active Players</i>{W.users?<br>({W.users} Currently Connecting)}</td></tr>
<table width="755" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr><td class="teamCT" width="325">Counter-Terrorists</td><td class="teamCT" align="center" width="50">{@teamscore:CT}</td>
<td class="normcell" width="5"></td>
<td class="teamTERRORIST" width="325">Terrorists</td><td class="teamTERRORIST" align="center" width="50">{@teamscore:TERRORIST}</td></tr>

<table align="center"style="border-width: 0">
<td valign="top" align="center"><b>.: Date despre server :.</b><br><br>
 <table width="300" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
 <tr><td class="normcell">{v.cvarname}</td><td class="normcell"><div align="right">{c.{v.cvarname}}</div></td></tr>}

<td valign="top" align="center"><b>.: Informatii software :.</b><br><br>
 <table width="300" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
 <tr><td class="normcell" width="50%">Server OS</td><td class="normcell" width="50%" align="right">{{W.OS=Win32}?Windows XP Sp2:{W.OS}}</td></tr>
 {c.metamod_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">MetaMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.metamod_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.admin_mod_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">AdminMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.admin_mod_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.amx_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">AMXMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.amx_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.amxmodx_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">AMX Mod X</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.amxmodx_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.hlg_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">HLGuard</b></a></td>{{{c.hlg_version}&{c.hlg_checkversion}}?<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.hlg_checkversion}</td>:{c.hlg_version?<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.hlg_version}</td>}}</tr>}
 {c.booster_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">HL-Booster</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.booster_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.chicken_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">ChickenMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.chicken_version}</td></tr>}
 <tr><td class="normcell"><a href="" target="_blank">WebMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.w_version}</td></tr>
 {c.p2_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">P2</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.p2_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.m4_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">M4</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.m4_version}</td></tr>}
 {{c.logd_debug!}?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">LogD</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">Yes</td></tr>}
 {{c.damp_debug!}?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">DamageAmp</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">Yes</td></tr>}
 {c.headshot_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">HeadShot</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.headshot_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.plbot_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">PLBot</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.plbot_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.fakefull_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">FakeFull</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.fakefull_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.statsme_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">StatsMe</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.statsme_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.clanmod_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">ClanMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.clanmod_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.laserbeam_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">LaserBeam</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.laserbeam_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.playername_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">PlayerName</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.playername_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.scp_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">Spawn & Chat Prot.</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.scp_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.wrecoil_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">WeaponRecoil</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.wrecoil_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.axn_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">AXN</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.axn_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.bmx_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">BMX</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.bmx_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.wwclconfig_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">WWCLConfig</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.wwclconfig_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.logmod_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">LogMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.logmod_version}</td></tr>}
 {{c.stripper2_log!}?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">Stripper2</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">Yes</td></tr>}
 {{c.monster_log!}?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">Monster</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">Yes</td></tr>}
 <tr><td class="normcell">Your IP Address</td><td class="normcell" align="right">{W.clientip}</td></tr>

<title>.: Server by Mishu :. {c.hostname}</title>
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        <p><img src="/images/mishu.bmp" alt="Mishu.Idle.Ro" width="605" height="76" hspace="150"></p>
        <p class="subtitlu">{c.hostname}</p>
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  <div align="right"><b>.:</b> [ <a href="/">Home</a> <b>:</b>{{v.admin|v.authed}?{W.players?<a href="player_message.w">Messaging</a> <b>\:</b> <a href="votes.w">Votes</a> <b>\:</b>:Messaging <b>\:</b> Votes <b>\:</b>}} {v.authed?{W.players?<a href="player.w">Players</a> <b>\:</b>:Players <b>\:</b>} <a href="rcon.w">Rcon</a> <b>\:</b> <a href="config.w">Config</a> <b>\:</b> <a href="auth.w?mode=logout">Rcon Logout</a> <b>\:</b> :<a href="auth.w">Rcon Login</a> <b>\:</b> }<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Web Site</A> <strong>:</strong> <a href="">PsychoStats </a>] <b>:.</b></div>
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Global foloseste pt rcon, adik dak ai bagat parola sa ai acces la mai multe optiuni, iar tail este partea de jos a site-ului, si nici cu asta nu cred k aveti treaba... -

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Status: Offline
(since 28-08-2017 00:01)
Joined: 02 Aug 2006
Posts: 675, Topics: 51
Location: Prin padurea cu alune .

Reputation: 64.6
Votes: 7

Post Posted: 02-05-2007, 08:37:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


{v.refreshtimer:1000} {##=Time between automatic page refresh, add <span id="timer">{v.refreshtimer}</span>&nbsp; where you want number to show}
{v.showmappic:0} {#0=disable mappic, 1=enable mappic}





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<table align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">

<td class="normcell" align="center"><script language="javascript">document.write("<a href='javascript:location.reload()'>Refresh</a> <a href='javascript:setrefresh();'><span id='timer'>{v.refreshtimer}</span></a>");</script></td>
<td class="normcell" align="center"><a href="steam: &quot;-applaunch 10 -game cstrike +connect {c.ip}:{c.port}&quot;">Connect to this Server</a></td>
{{v.showmappic=1}?{v.mapok?<td class="transp" style="background-image\: url('{v.mappic}'); background-repeat\: no-repeat; background-position\: center" width="300" {{{v.authed}|{v.admin}}?rowspan="13":rowspan="10"}>&nbsp;</td>}}

<td class="normcell"><b>Hostname:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.hostname}</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Players:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{W.users}/{W.maxplayers}
{{W.users=W.players}?:({W.players} Active)}
{v.p2known:0}{{{I.p2=i.p2}&{W.users>0}}?<br><font size=-2>({v.p2known:{@p2_known}}{v.p2known} known by p2)</font>}</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Current Map:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{}</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Change Map\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell">
<form action=changelevel.w method=post name=changelevel>
<input type="radio" name="maptype" value="c"> Other\: <input type="text" name="custommap" size="20"><br>
<input type="radio" name="maptype" value="m" checked> Mapcycle\: <select name="cyclemap">
:{@trim:{<<{W.moddir}/{c.mapcyclefile}}}:<option name={v.mapname}{{}? selected}>{v.mapname}</option>}
:{L.m:<option name={}{{}? selected}>{}</option>}}
</select> <input type="submit" value="OK">

<td class="normcell"><b>Next Map:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.amx_nextmap}</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Password:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.sv_password?{{v.authed|v.admin}?{c.sv_password} (<a href="changecvar.w?nopass=ask">Remove Password</a>):Yes}:No}</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>{{c.sv_password=}?Add:Change} Password\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">
<form action=changecvar.w method=post name=setpass><input type="text" name="setpass" size="20"> <input type="submit" value="OK"></form>

<td class="normcell"><b>Time Limit\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">No Time Limit</td>
<td class="normcell"><b>Time Left\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.amx_timeleft} minutes</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Time Limit\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.mp_timelimit} minutes</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Change Time Limit\:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right"><a href="changecvar.w?timelimit=30">30</a>, <a href="changecvar.w?timelimit=45">45</a>, <a href="changecvar.w?timelimit=60">60</a>, <a href="changecvar.w?timelimit=75">75</a>, <a href="changecvar.w?timelimit=90">90</a> Minutes

<td class="normcell"><b>Round Time:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.mp_roundtime} minutes</td>

<td class="normcell"><b>Friendly-Fire:</b></td>
<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.mp_friendlyfire?On:Off} {{v.authed|v.admin}?(<a href="changecvar.w?turnff={{c.mp_friendlyfire=1}?off:on}">Change</a>)}</td>


<br><br><b>.: Server creat de Mishu :.</b><br><br>
<table width="755" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<td class="normcell" width="20" align="center"><b></b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="240" align="center"><b>Name</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="40" align="center"><b>Score</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="40" align="center"><b>Deaths</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="75" align="center"><b>Time</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="130" align="center"><b>Authid</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="40" align="center"><b>Ping</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="40" align="center"><b>Loss</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="80" align="center"><b>IP</b></td>
<td class="normcell" width="50" align="center"><b>Admin</b></td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}" colspan="2"><font size="4">{{v.whichteam=CT}?COUNTER-TERRORIST:{v.whichteam}}</font></td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}" colspan="2" align="center"><font size="4">{{v.whichteam=CT}?{@teamscore:CT}:{{v.whichteam=TERRORIST}?{@teamscore:TERRORIST}}}</font></td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}"></td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}" align="center">{v.team_usercount} Player{{v.team_usercount!1}?s}</td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}" align="center">{v.total_ping/v.team_usercount}</td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}" align="center">{v.total_loss/v.team_usercount}</td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}"></td>
   <td class="team{v.whichteam}"></td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{{{p.dead}&{!SPECTATOR}&{!UNASSIGNED}}?<img src="images/skull.gif" border="0">}{{p.bomb}?<img src="images/c4.gif" border="0">}{{}?<img src="images/vip.gif" border="0">}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}">{v.authed?<a href="player.w?uid={p.uid}">{}</a>:{v.admin?<a href="player_message.w?uid={p.uid}">{}</a>:{}}}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{p.frags}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{p.deaths}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{p.ctime}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{p.authid}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{p.loss}{v.total_loss:{v.total_loss+p.loss}}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{{v.admin|v.authed}?{p.ip}:Hidden}</td>
<td class="{v.celltype}" align="center">{{{{c.amx_userflags{}}=z}|{{c.amx_userflags{}}=}}?:Yes}</td>
<tr><td class="normcell" colspan="10" align="center"><i>No Active Players</i>{W.users?<br>({W.users} Currently Connecting)}</td></tr>
<table width="755" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr><td class="teamCT" width="325">Counter-Terrorists</td><td class="teamCT" align="center" width="50">{@teamscore:CT}</td>
<td class="normcell" width="5"></td>
<td class="teamTERRORIST" width="325">Terrorists</td><td class="teamTERRORIST" align="center" width="50">{@teamscore:TERRORIST}</td></tr>

<table align="center"style="border-width: 0">
<td valign="top" align="center"><b>.: Date despre server :.</b><br><br>
 <table width="300" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
 <tr><td class="normcell">{v.cvarname}</td><td class="normcell"><div align="right">{c.{v.cvarname}}</div></td></tr>}

<td valign="top" align="center"><b>.: Informatii software :.</b><br><br>
 <table width="300" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
 <tr><td class="normcell" width="50%">Server OS</td><td class="normcell" width="50%" align="right">{{W.OS=Win32}?Windows XP Sp2:{W.OS}}</td></tr>
 {c.metamod_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">MetaMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.metamod_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.admin_mod_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">AdminMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.admin_mod_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.amx_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">AMXMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.amx_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.amxmodx_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">AMX Mod X</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.amxmodx_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.hlg_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">HLGuard</b></a></td>{{{c.hlg_version}&{c.hlg_checkversion}}?<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.hlg_checkversion}</td>:{c.hlg_version?<td class="normcell" align="right">{c.hlg_version}</td>}}</tr>}
 {c.booster_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">HL-Booster</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.booster_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.chicken_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">ChickenMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.chicken_version}</td></tr>}
 <tr><td class="normcell"><a href="" target="_blank">WebMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.w_version}</td></tr>
 {c.p2_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">P2</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.p2_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.m4_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">M4</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.m4_version}</td></tr>}
 {{c.logd_debug!}?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">LogD</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">Yes</td></tr>}
 {{c.damp_debug!}?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">DamageAmp</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">Yes</td></tr>}
 {c.headshot_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">HeadShot</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.headshot_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.plbot_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">PLBot</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.plbot_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.fakefull_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">FakeFull</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.fakefull_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.statsme_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">StatsMe</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.statsme_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.clanmod_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">ClanMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.clanmod_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.laserbeam_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">LaserBeam</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.laserbeam_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.playername_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">PlayerName</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.playername_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.scp_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">Spawn & Chat Prot.</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.scp_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.wrecoil_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">WeaponRecoil</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.wrecoil_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.axn_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">AXN</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.axn_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.bmx_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">BMX</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.bmx_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.wwclconfig_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">WWCLConfig</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.wwclconfig_version}</td></tr>}
 {c.logmod_version?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">LogMod</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">{c.logmod_version}</td></tr>}
 {{c.stripper2_log!}?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">Stripper2</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">Yes</td></tr>}
 {{c.monster_log!}?<tr><td class="normcell"><a href="http\://" target="_blank">Monster</a></td><td class="normcell" align="right">Yes</td></tr>}
 <tr><td class="normcell">Your IP Address</td><td class="normcell" align="right">{W.clientip}</td></tr>

ti la-m pus refreshul la 1000 de secunde . Love Struck

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