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Post Posted: 30-09-2010, 05:30:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Sacred Cleansing sa dea resist doar la debuffs, nu si la damage (s-a stricat iar la update)
- Dungeon Finder rewards sa nu se mai reseteze la crash (de data asta ar trebui sa fie ok)
- Aura Mastery's imunitatea contra permanenta (de data asta chiar ar trebui sa fie ok)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Sacred Cleansing should only resist debuffs, not direct damage (broke at update)
- Dungeon Finder rewards don't reset at crashes anymore
- Aura Mastery's infinite silence immunity (de data asta chiar ar trebui sa fie ok)

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Last edited by Shocker on 23-10-2010, 03:35:06; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 01-10-2010, 04:24:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Skadi the Ruthless @ Utgarde Pinnacle sa nu se mai faca friendly de fiecare data pe 5h
- Bladestorm imunitatea contra snare (s-a bugguit ieri, am gresit ceva)
- Piercing Shots (sper, astept sa testati)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Skadi the Ruthless @ Utgarde Pinnacle won't become friendly anymore
- Bladestorm snare immunity (bugged yesterday after a mistake of mine)
- Piercing Shots (hopefully, waiting for feedback)

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Last edited by Shocker on 23-10-2010, 03:36:35; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 03-10-2010, 04:39:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Drakkari Colossus @ Gundrak sa nu mai devina neatacabili
- Scatter Shot sa aplice Daze effect
- Reaping / Death Rune Mastery / Blood of the North sa mearga si cu Improved Unholy Presence
- Piercing Shots, problema cu damage imens
- Animal Blood (pentru questul Blood Is Thicker. daca ai debufful si intri in orice apa se spawneaza Pool of Blood)
- Thunderstorm sa nu mai dea interrupt la bossi
- Stormstrike sa se stackeze pentru fiecare shaman

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Drakkari Colossus @ Gundrak won't become unattackable anymore
- Scatter Shot will now apply the Daze effect
- Reaping / Death Rune Mastery / Blood of the North sa mearga si cu Improved Unholy Presence
- Piercing Shots won't deal huge damage anymore
- Animal Blood (for the Blood Is Thicker quest. if you have the debuff and walk into any water a Pool of Blood will be spawned)
- Thunderstorm no more interrupts at bosses
- Stormstrike will stack for each shaman separately

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Last edited by Shocker on 23-10-2010, 03:39:06; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 07-10-2010, 15:05:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Glyph of Divine Storm
- Ghoul-ul de la DK sa fie imun la Fear effects
- Item - Shaman T10 Elemental 4P Bonus
- Arena personal rating la join in team de 1000+ rating
- Infinite Corruptor @ The Culling of Stratholme sa atace

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Glyph of Divine Storm
- DK ghoul immunity against Fear effects
- Item - Shaman T10 Elemental 4P Bonus
- Arena personal rating on join in a team 1000+ rating team
- Infinite Corruptor @ The Culling of Stratholme can now attack

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Last edited by Shocker on 23-10-2010, 03:40:08; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 09-10-2010, 03:57:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Exploit Weakness @ Hunter T10 2P Bonus sa nu se mai puna pe tot raidul
- Glyph of Polymorph sa scoata si leech debuffs gen Devouring Plague
- Deathbringer's Will scale-urile imense
- Starfall sa nu mai scoata nici Prowl / Shadowmeld aiurea
- Sa nu mai poti da Ice Block cand ai Cyclone
- Un bug la personal rating de crestea aiurea si cand pierdeai
- Comanda .account lock, era scoasa ca trebuia sa rezolv un crash la realm
- Exploitul cu lootul emblemelor in instante
- Sa pice exact 2 Emblem of Frost la bossii ICC

Dungeon Finder:
- Sa poti intra in instanta de pe flying mount/taxi si sa nu mai zbori prin textura daca erai deja pe taxi
- Sa iei rewards la ultimul boss chiar daca esti mort

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Exploit Weakness @ Hunter T10 2P Bonus will now be applied only on the caster/pet
- Glyph of Polymorph will remove leech debuffs like Devouring Plague too
- Deathbringer's Will huge scales
- Starfall won't remove Prowl / Shadowmeld anymore
- Unable to cast Ice Block anymore when Cycloned
- Some bug at personal rating increasing even when losing
- The .account lock command, was disabled because I had to fix a realm crash
- Emblems looting in instances exploit
- Set exactly 2 Emblem of Frost at any ICC boss

Dungeon Finder:
- Now able to join the raid from a flying mount/taxi and stop flying through the texture with it
- Get rewards even if you're dead while last boss is killed

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Last edited by Shocker on 23-10-2010, 03:43:36; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 14-10-2010, 02:26:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Questurile pentru inelele de la Ashen Verdict sa mearga cum trebuie
- Stealth sa nu mai fie scos de absorbed damage
- Master's Call sa nu mai poata fi dat daca petul e mort si sa mearga si pe friendly targets
- Exploitul cu Blast Wave & Typhoon de se putea dea interrupt la bossi
- Exploitul la Deathbringer Saurfang de putea fi tankat fara sa faca damage

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Ashen Verdict ring quests
- Stealth won't be broken by absorbed damage anymore
- Master's Call can't be casted while your pet is dead and will now work on friendly targets too
- Blast Wave & Typhoon exploit interrupting boss casting
- Deathbringer Saurfang exploit tanking him without taking damage

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Last edited by Shocker on 23-10-2010, 03:45:44; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 17-10-2010, 04:35:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Blood Tap (sa mearga si cand ambele rune au CD)
- Death Coil damage si heal
- Deep Freeze damage pe targeturi immune
- Flame Shock sa tina cont de haste
- Nature's Grasp
- Lifeblood scale cu health
- Chain Lightning sa scada damage la fiecare jump
- Chain Heal sa scada healul la fiecare jump
- Devious Minds sa nu se mai dea pe tot party-ul
- Sigil of the Vengeful Heart bonus damage pentru Death Coil
- PPM (Proc Per Minute) adaugat la Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter, acum are proc chance mai mic
- Sa se scoata buffs & cooldowns de la pet cand intri in arena
- Am reparat un crash, insa e posibil sa fi afectat threat-ul in unele situatii, astept sa imi spuneti daca apare ceva dubios
- Dungeon Finder reactivat, insa cu putine restrictii, puteti da join doar cu premade de 5 ca sa se evite queue (pana il fac cum trebuie, macar atat)
- Trial of the Crusader problemele cu eventul @ Faction Champions

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Blood Tap will now work even when both runes are on CD
- Death Coil's damage & heal
- Deep Freeze damage on permanent immune targets
- Flame Shock scale with haste
- Nature's Grasp
- Lifeblood scale with health
- Chain Lightning decrease damage at each jump
- Chain Heal decrease heal at each jump
- Devious Minds will only be casted on the caster/pet
- Sigil of the Vengeful Heart Death Coil's bonus damage
- PPM (Proc Per Minute) adaugat la Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter, smaller proc chance
- Remove pet buffs & cooldowns at arena join
- Fixed a crash but it's possible the threat system was affected, waiting for feedback
- Dungeon Finder re-enabled, with a small restriction, can only join with a premade group of 5 players to avoid queue
- Trial of the Crusader event problems @ Faction Champions

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Last edited by Shocker on 23-10-2010, 03:49:40; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 22-10-2010, 04:20:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Damage Shield sa nu mai dea damage la warrior cand schimba stances/casteaza anumite abilitati/etc
- Recklessness sa nu mai piarda charges aiurea
- Shadow Sight din arene sa scoata Stealth
- Exploitul din ICC @ Saurfang de puteai scoate Mark of the Fallen Champion cu teleporter
- Slime damage din Ruins of Lordaeron arena

Hallow's End
- Trick or Treat! (probabil nu e 100% complet inca)
- The Masquerade
- Out with it & Tricky Treat
- Tooth Pick drop
- Sergeant Hartman spawned
- Handful of Candy loot
- Headless Horseman sa nu se mai bugguie
- Drop la mastile gen Flimsy Female Blood Elf Mask
- Crashing the Wickerman Festival

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Damage Shield doesn't damage the warrior anymore on stance change/some abilities cast/etc
- Recklessness doesn't lose charges anymore without actually casting a special ability
- Shadow Sight to remove Stealth
- ICC exploit @ Saurfang removing Mark of the Fallen Champion with the teleporter
- Slime damage from Ruins of Lordaeron arena

Hallow's End
- Trick or Treat! (probably not 100% done yet)
- The Masquerade
- Out with it & Tricky Treat
- Tooth Pick drop
- Sergeant Hartman spawned
- Handful of Candy loot
- Headless Horseman doesn't get bugged anymore
- Flimsy Female Blood Elf Mask & similar masks drop
- Crashing the Wickerman Festival

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Post Posted: 25-10-2010, 06:17:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Inca ceva modificari la Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter proc, marit
- Item - Rogue T10 4P Bonus
- First Aid sa nu mai fie intrerupt cand casterul are immunity gen Divine Shield
- Pursuit of Justice mounted speed

Icecrown Citadel:
- Blood Prince Council

Hallow's End:
- Candy Bucket-ul din Ashenvale, Astranaar de la Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor si cel din Ashenvale, Splintertree Post de la Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor
- Darkcaller Yanka spawned
- Sinister Calling (ca sa fiti siguri ca va merge, echipati headul)
- G.N.E.R.D. Rage
- The Savior of Hallow's End
- Stinking Up Southshore & Rotten Hallow
- Costumed Orphan Matron

- The Aspirant's Challenge
- The Might of the Horde
- Freedom for All Creatures

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Some more modifications to Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter's proc, increased
- Item - Rogue T10 4P Bonus
- First Aid isn't interruptable anymore when the caster has immunity like Divine Shield
- Pursuit of Justice mounted speed

Icecrown Citadel:
- Blood Prince Council

Hallow's End:
- Candy Bucket in Ashenvale, Astranaar @ Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor and the one in Ashenvale, Splintertree Post @ Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor
- Darkcaller Yanka spawned
- Sinister Calling (to be sure it works, equip the head)
- G.N.E.R.D. Rage
- The Savior of Hallow's End
- Stinking Up Southshore & Rotten Hallow
- Costumed Orphan Matron

- The Aspirant's Challenge
- The Might of the Horde
- Freedom for All Creatures

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Post Posted: 29-10-2010, 02:30:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Culling the Herd sa procuie doar la criticals
- Deathfrost sa nu mai ia bonus din spellpower
- Killing Machine rata de proc

Icecrown Citadel:
* Blood Prince Council:
- Dark Nucleus sa fie atacabili si sa aibe timp de viata mai mare (20s => 60s)
- Shadow Prison

* PvE:
- Hero of Shattrath
- Zombiefest!
- Friend or Fowl?
* PvP:
- Supreme Defender & Supreme Defender
- Wrath of the Alliance & Wrath of the Horde
- City Defender & City Defender
- Arathi Basin Assassin
- Stormy Assassin
- G.N.E.R.D. Rage sa fie la honorable kills, nu doar killing blows

(am zis acum ceva vreme ca nu pot repara achievment-urile cu contorizare in timp... ei bine, mi-am facut un sistem de achievement handling mult mai simplu, acum le puteti posta ca le pot repara)

- At The Enemy's Gates

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Culling the Herd proc only on criticals
- Deathfrost - don't scale with spell power
- Killing Machine proc rate

Icecrown Citadel:
* Blood Prince Council:
- Dark Nucleus attackable and have a bigger lifespan (20s => 60s)
- Shadow Prison

* PvE:
- Hero of Shattrath
- Zombiefest!
- Friend or Fowl?
* PvP:
- Supreme Defender & Supreme Defender
- Wrath of the Alliance & Wrath of the Horde
- City Defender & City Defender
- Arathi Basin Assassin
- Stormy Assassin
- G.N.E.R.D. Rage to count all honorable kills

(I said a while back ago that I can't fix timed achievements/achievements with global counters... well, I simplified the achievement handler and now I can fix them, so you may post any similar achievement to be fixed)

- At The Enemy's Gates

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Post Posted: 31-10-2010, 02:10:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Mark of the Wild si Gift of the Wild sa nu mai dea Holy resistance
- XT-002 Deconstructor Must Die! sa dea complete de fiecare data
- Replenishment & Trueshot Aura sa nu se mai stackeze de la fiecare caster in parte
- Improved Unholy Presence (problema cu "Not enough runes")
- Desolation sa faca proc doar la Blood Strike
- Faerie Fire (Feral) sa dea damage doar in Dire/Bear Form
- Hymn of Hope sa nu mai cauzeze pierdere de mana la sfarsitul efectului
- Frost Warding (tooltip-ul e de pe 4.x) sa dea mana cand absoarbe damage cu Frost Ward / Fire Ward

Icecrown Citadel:
- Shadow Prison @ Blood Prince Council (de data asta ar trebui sa mearga ok)

- Stopping the Spread

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild won't add Holy resistance anymore
- XT-002 Deconstructor Must Die! should now complete every time
- Replenishment & Trueshot Aura stacking
- Improved Unholy Presence ("Not enough runes" problem)
- Desolation proc only from Blood Strike
- Faerie Fire (Feral) deal damage only in Dire/Bear Form
- Hymn of Hope no more mana loss on effect end
- Frost Warding (tooltip-ul is from 4.x) now regains mana on absorbed damage with Frost Ward / Fire Ward

Icecrown Citadel:
- Shadow Prison @ Blood Prince Council (this time it should be ok)

- Stopping the Spread

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Post Posted: 01-11-2010, 01:49:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Summon Gargoyle sa nu mai aibe Runic Power Feed
- Charge & Shield-Breaker de la Argent mounts

Day of the Dead:
- Chapman & Catrina spawned
- Dead Man's Party
- The Grateful Dead

- Mastery Of The Charge
- Mastery Of The Shield-Breaker
- Mastery Of Melee
- The Aspirant's Challenge (sa mearga si la Horde, mergea doar la A)
- The Valiant's Challenge

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Summon Gargoyle won't trigger Runic Power Feed anymore
- Charge & Shield-Breaker from Argent mounts

Day of the Dead:
- Chapman & Catrina spawned
- Dead Man's Party
- The Grateful Dead

- Mastery Of The Charge
- Mastery Of The Shield-Breaker
- Mastery Of Melee
- The Aspirant's Challenge (was working only for alliance, now works for horde too)
- The Valiant's Challenge

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Post Posted: 09-11-2010, 04:45:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Preturile la Wrathful offparts
- Gurubashi Arena Booty Run event cu cele 2 achievements (vezi mai jos)
- Threat-ul la healing (am facut cum era inainte, initial am "rezolvat" niste crashuri dar a aparut problema cu threat-ul la heal)
- Ethereal Credit
- Gargoyle sa fie imun la Fear effects
- Magic Broom sa mearga folosita doar pe timpul eventului Hallow's End

- Gurubashi Arena Master
- Gurubashi Arena Grand Master

- Abduction
- Plug the Sinkholes
- Monitoring the Rift: Winterfin Cavern (o sa dea complete chiar daca nu arata in log, desi scrie pe ecran complete)
- The Hunt is On
- Emergency Protocol: Section 8.2, Paragraph C
- Last Rites

- Quest helper sa arate si de la ce NPC/item/obiect incepe si unde se termina
- Am facut o pagina de tutoriale/ghiduri facute de playerii serverului
- Char trade scos permanent

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Wrathful offparts price
- Gurubashi Arena Booty Run event with the 2 achievements (read below)
- Healing threat (I reverted my recent changes, initially I fixed some crashes but this healing threat problem appeared)
- Ethereal Credit
- Gargoyle immunity against Fear effects
- Magic Broom will now work only during Hallow's End event

- Gurubashi Arena Master
- Gurubashi Arena Grand Master

- Abduction
- Plug the Sinkholes
- Monitoring the Rift: Winterfin Cavern (probably won't show complete in quest log, only on screen)
- The Hunt is On
- Emergency Protocol: Section 8.2, Paragraph C
- Last Rites

- Quest helper will now show the starting/ending NPC/item/obiect
- I made a tutorials/guides written by WoW Freakz players
- Char trade disabled permanently

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Post Posted: 14-11-2010, 19:44:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Corpse Explosion damage
- Am revenit iar la cum am facut initial legat de heal threat, mai bine asa decat sa fie crashes
- Bronjahm Fear sa afecteze doar 1 target
- Am scos Dalaran Arena pana merge cum trebuie (los la jetu de apa, sa nu se mai pice la fear de pe platforma)
- Idol of the Claw sa nu mai tina cont de spellpower

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Corpse Explosion damage
- I readded the changes that affect threat heal, better this way than having server crashes
- Bronjahm Fear will now target only 1 player
- Dalaran Arena disabled until fully working (los for the water jet, no more falling from the platform when feared, etc)
- Idol of the Claw to ignore spellpower bonuses

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Last edited by Shocker on 22-12-2010, 05:45:55; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 20-11-2010, 06:10:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Combustion bug/exploit cu charge-uri nelimitate (n-ar mai trebui sa mearga exploitul acum, astept feedback)
- Corpse Explosion sa aibe cast time (tine cont si de haste-ul DK-ului)
- Eye of Kilrogg
- Slice and Dice & Feral Charge & Savage Roar sa nu mai afecteze combatul (sa nu te mai bage in combat)
- Gnomish Death Ray
- Script de chat spam auto-mute pe toate chaturile publice (e posibil sa luati mute-uri din senin din cauza addonurilor, o sa vad care sunt si le exclud)
- Sa nu se mai poata pune iconite pe canalele publice
- Duelele sa nu mai reseteze cooldown-urile daca s-a dat forfeit inainte sa se termine numaratoarea inversa
- Problema cu spawnul la creaturile pooled (gen Time-Lost Proto Drake)
- Graveyard-ul din Thunder Bluff pentru alianta

The Arcatraz:
- Harbinger Skyriss spawned

The Oculus:
- Bossii lipsa spawned

Pilgrim's Bounty: (abia de duminica veti putea vedea NPCii)
- Toti NPCii spawned (sper ca n-am uitat vreunu)
- Questurile puse la npcs
- Vendorii + itemele adaugate
- Now We're Cookin'
- Turkey Lurkey
- The Turkinator
Nota: NPC spawns posibil sa difere de retail spawns, nu am info niciunde, am presupus doar unde ar trebui sa fie, folositi NPC Finder

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Combustion unlimited charges bug/exploit
- Corpse Explosion now has cast time (decreased by DK's haste)
- Eye of Kilrogg
- Slice and Dice & Feral Charge & Savage Roar won't affect combat anymore
- Gnomish Death Ray
- Auto-mute script for chat spam on all public chats (currently you may be automuted because of addons, I will exclude them)
- Icons disabled on public channels
- Duels won't reset cooldowns if they were forfeited before the countdown ended
- Spawn problems at pooled creatures (like Time-Lost Proto Drake)
- Alliance graveyard from Thunder Bluff

The Arcatraz:
- Harbinger Skyriss spawned

The Oculus:
- Missing bosses spawned

Pilgrim's Bounty: (NPCs will be visible only from Sunday)
- All NPCs spawned (hopefully I didn't forget any)
- Quests added at NPCs
- Vendors + items added
- Now We're Cookin'
- Turkey Lurkey
- The Turkinator
Note: NPC spawns will probably differ from retail spawns, there is no info anywhere, I just assumed where they should be spawned, use NPC Finder

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Last edited by Shocker on 22-12-2010, 05:46:04; edited 1 time in total
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