
Fixed Magister Terrace in special Kael'thas

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-11-2010, 03:15:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Deci ... normal ar trebui sa fie asa

Gravity Lapse: Pulls all players to where Kael'thas stands and enables the players to float in mid air while avoiding damage-based bubbles. It also deals 300 damage per tick. Players who stand on the ground during this phase will be sent straight into the air.

Dar cand se ridica in aer si scaote bula dmg nu este de 300 ci de 2500-3000 ... si mori instant o instanta care o facaei pe tbc in 2 si pe wotlk singur nu o pati face nici in 2 si totusi.. scade si tu dmg ala..

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 26-11-2011 10:32)
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Post Posted: 05-11-2010, 07:53:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eu l-am facut pe Kael'thas singur de multe ori (pana cand mi-a picat rata). Lupta merge foarte bine, nu e nici o problema.

Ca sa eviti damageul de 2500-3000 sau cat iti da, nu trebuie sa stai un bula aia roz. Aia o sa vina dupa tine, iar tu trebuie sa te tot misti prin camera, dar fara sa te duci pe pamant (cand ajungi pe pamant iti scade damage mai repede).

PS: Eu l-am omorat fara sa am nimic prin care sa imi dau heal, si HP nu imi scadea sub 80%, deci nu vad cum tie iti ia atat de mult, in special in cazul in care spui ca l-ai omorat pe TBC si probabil sti strategia.

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