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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 22-11-2010, 02:07:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
Pilgrim's Bounty:
- "FOOD FIGHT!" (trebuie sa va asezati pe scaune la Bountiful Tables si sa "pasati mancarea")
- Pilgrim's Paunch (stand pe scaun trebuie sa mancati din fiecare fel cate 5 bucati pana faceti Stuffed with X cu fiecare fel de mancare)
- Pilgrim's Peril
- Sharing is Caring
- Pilgrim
- Sharing a Bountiful Feast & Bountiful Feast Hostess / Sharing a Bountiful Feast & Bountiful Table Hostess
- Turkey Shooter sa mearga doar pe rogues

===================== ENGLISH =====================
Pilgrim's Bounty:
- "FOOD FIGHT!" (you have to sit on the chairs at Bountiful Tables and "pass" the food)
- Pilgrim's Paunch (you have to eat 5 stacks of each food and gain Stuffed with X buffs for each food type)
- Pilgrim's Peril
- Sharing is Caring
- Pilgrim
- Sharing a Bountiful Feast & Bountiful Feast Hostess / Sharing a Bountiful Feast & Bountiful Table Hostess
- Turkey Shooter will now work on rogues only

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Post Posted: 27-11-2010, 15:56:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Val'kyrii de la Nibelung
- Auto-mute sa nu mai fie activ in raids/arene/battlegrounds
- Armory-ul sa arate corect la Activity cand un raid omoara un boss (arata la fiecare player "Killed X")
- 'Not enough runes' bug de la DK (sper, din cate am testat nu mai apare problema)
- Libram/relic/sigil combat swap GCD penalty

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Nibelung's Val'Kyr
- Auto-mute disabled in raids/arene/battlegrounds
- Armory-ul will now correctly show Recent Activity for raid bosses kills
- 'Not enough runes' DK bug (hopefully)
- Libram/relic/sigil combat swap GCD penalty

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Post Posted: 29-11-2010, 04:35:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Vampiric Embrace sa nu mai dea heal din AoE spells (gen Mind Sear)
- Mind Sear sa nu mai dea damage pe initial target, doar pe cei din jur
- Roar of Sacrifice sa ofere imunitate completa impotriva critical strikesurilor
- Envenom sa tina cont de combo points ca main damage modifier, nu de deadly poison stacks
- Shattered Barrier sa nu mai dea freeze la dispel (s-a stricat recent)
- Glyph of Smite sa dea +20% damage din total damage, nu base damage (s-a stricat recent)
- Dispel Magic sa te bage in combat
- Invisibility sa nu mai fie scos de Distract
- The Spectral Chalice
- [Wrathful Gladiator's Libram of Justice] sa nu mai anuleze efectul de la Infusion of Light
- Buffurile de Well Fed de la mancarurile Pilgrim (Cranberry Chutney, Candied Sweet Potato, etc)
- Roxi Ramrocket sa vanda mats doar inginerilor care au reteta de motor invatata
- Deathbringer's Will visuals scale, sa nu mai fie probleme cu huge chars/etc
- Am schimbat putin pagina de tutoriale sa arate pe categorii, mai usor de cautat ce vrei
- Am facut la pagina de friends/ignore list sa arate si GearScore/last login time
(Am facut si o sa mai fac ceva modificari la spell system ca sa pot repara si mai usor spells, in cazul in care am dat peste cap ceva anuntati-ma)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Vampiric Embrace won't heal from AoE spells anymore (spells like Mind Sear)
- Mind Sear will now damage only nearby targets, no damage on initial target
- Roar of Sacrifice should always give immunity against critical strike
- Envenom will now take in consideration combo points for calculating main damage, not deadly poison stacks
- Shattered Barrier to freeze only on buff being destroyed and not dispelled
- Glyph of Smite offers +20% damage from total damage, not base damage
- Dispel Magic will now start combat
- Invisibility can't be removed by Distract anymore
- The Spectral Chalice
- [Wrathful Gladiator's Libram of Justice] won't cancel Infusion of Light anymore
- Well Fed buffs from Pilgrim foods (Cranberry Chutney, Candied Sweet Potato, etc)
- Roxi Ramrocket sa vanda mats doar inginerilor care au reteta de motor invatata
- Deathbringer's Will visuals scales, no more huge char problems
- Changed the tutorials page to show them categorized, easier find what you need
- Changed the friends/ignore list to show GearScore/last login too
(I made/will continue to make some changes to the spell system so I can fix spells easily, please let me know if I screwd up something)

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Post Posted: 02-12-2010, 03:26:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
Vrei sa joci 1x dar serverul e 20x ? Nici o problema, modifica-ti ratele de pe pagina de modificare cont. Sau poate vrei 14x... sau 3x, n-ai decat sa alegi ce vrei. Mai multe informatii aici

* Blood-Queen Lana'thel:
- Essence of the Blood Queen sa scada threatul creat la 0
- Exploitul prin care putea fi scoasa din camera in alte zone (la orb, in afara peretelui, etc)
- Vampiric Bite: Odata muscati, veti primi Essence of the Blood Queen, iar dupa 1 minut Frenzied Bloodthirst. Vi se va schimba bara de spelluri cu una noua cu 1 singur spell, Vampiric Bite. Cu el trebuie sa muscati alti playeri din raid care nu au fost deja muscati altfel deveniti controlati de Blood Queen
- Enrage 5:30 min

===================== ENGLISH =====================
Want to play 1x but the server is 20x ? No problem, change your rates from the account edit page. Or maybe you want 14x... or 3x, you can choose whatever you want. More info here

* Blood-Queen Lana'thel:
- Essence of the Blood Queen will now cause no threat
- Getting her out of her room exploit (to the blood orb or behind the blood wall)
- Vampiric Bite: Once bitten, you'll get Essence of the Blood Queen, and after 1 minute Frenzied Bloodthirst. Your spell bar will be replaced with a new one containing only 1 spell, Vampiric Bite. Using this you have to bite other players from the raid not bitten before or you'll end up controlled by the Blood Queen
- Enrage 5:30 min

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Post Posted: 08-12-2010, 05:10:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Sa nu mai poti intra in zonele faction-specific din dalaran (The Silver Enclave / Sunreaver's Sanctuary) daca esti de la factiunea adversa
- Sa se scoata Essence of the Blood Queen & Frenzied Bloodthirst cand moare Blood-Queen Lana'thel si sa nu mai ramana Uncontrollable Frenzy la relog
- Sa se restarteze mult mai repede serverul (in caz de crash sau normal restart)
- Dungeon Finder-ul sa reseteze rewards si la cei online (era o problema cu cei online)
- Standards and Practices quest

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Faction-specific zones from Dalaran (The Silver Enclave / Sunreaver's Sanctuary) are accessible only by the specific faction
- Essence of the Blood Queen & Frenzied Bloodthirst removed when Blood-Queen Lana'thel dies and make sure Uncontrollable Frenzy disappears after relog
- Server will now restart much faster (after crash or normal restart)
- Dungeon Finder-ul will reset cooldowns for both offline and online players without any problems
- Standards and Practices quest

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Post Posted: 11-12-2010, 06:43:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- AoE damage spells sa scoata stealth
- Spirit Hunt @ Feral Spirit sa dea heal si la lupi
- Wrathful Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets's equip bonus
- Frenzied Regeneration sa poata avea critical hits
- Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy! sa fie party-achievement (toti din grup sa il primeasca)
- Spell Reflection sa ignore flying spells (asa cum o face pe blizz)
- NPC-ii din arena din Zul'Drak sa se despawneze mult mai repede (5 minute => 30 secunde) daca nu sunt atacati
- Argent Tournament mounts sa se intoarca la spawn location daca nu mai sunt folositi si sa nu se mai poata iesi cu ei din Argent Tournament grounds
- Comenzile sa mearga si pe whisper/canale

- Arcane Disturbances
- Finding the Survivors
- Hungry Nether Rays
- A Not-So-Modest Proposal
- True Masters of the Light
- A Royal Escort
- Canyon Chase
- Unfit for Death sa nu mai dea kill playerului

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- AoE damage spells will now remove stealth
- Spirit Hunt @ Feral Spirit heals both shaman and wolves
- Wrathful Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets's equip bonus
- Frenzied Regeneration can critically hit
- Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy! make it party-achievement (all players from group will get it)
- Spell Reflection ignore flying spells (blizzlike)
- NPCs from Zul'Drak now have smaller despawn time (5 minutes => 30 seconds) when out of combat
- Argent Tournament mounts will return to their original location if they're not used anymore and dumped elsewhere. Also disallow them to exit the Argent Tournament grounds
- Commands will now work on whispers and channels too

- Arcane Disturbances
- Finding the Survivors
- Hungry Nether Rays
- A Not-So-Modest Proposal
- True Masters of the Light
- A Royal Escort
- Canyon Chase
- Unfit for Death won't kill player anymoer

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Post Posted: 16-12-2010, 02:10:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Customizable rates si pentru loots
- Threat of Thassarian sa procuie si la Plague Strike
- Respawnul la Elementium-plated Exhaust Pipe scazut (2ore 30min => 45min)
- Enchant Weapon - Berserking sa se stackeze 2x daca porti 2 arme, ambele enchantuite

Feast of Winter Veil:
- Spawns la The Abominable Greench
- Durata la PX-238 Winter Wondervolt
- With a Little Helper from My Friends
- Metzen the Reindeer
- On Metzen!
- Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's
- He Knows If You've Been Naughty (am facut cadourile sa apara sub brazii din Orgrimmar/Ironforge in dimineata de craciun)
- Red Rider Air Rifle pus in Winter Veil Gift care se ia de la cadourile de sub brazi (care, deasemena, apar in dimineata de craciun)
- BB King
- 'Tis the Season
- Winter Veil Disguise Kit pus la questul Stolen Winter Veil Treats (in mod normal il primesti pe mail, same thing. Daca aveti deja facut questul, il luati din nou de la NPC-ul corespunzator: alliance / horde)
- A Frosty Shake
- Se poate face Merrymaker acum, merg toate achievementurile
- Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Controller & Crashin' & Thrashin' (trebuie sa dati Racer Rocket Slam pe alti raceri)
- Feast of Winter Veil COMPLETE!

- Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty
- Scouting the Sinkholes

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Customizable rates for loots too
- Threat of Thassarian will proc on Plague Strike too
- Elementium-plated Exhaust Pipe respawn time decreased (2hours 30min => 45min)
- Enchant Weapon - Berserking will now stack 2x if you have 2 weapons, both enchanted

Feast of Winter Veil:
- The Abominable Greench spawns
- PX-238 Winter Wondervolt duration
- With a Little Helper from My Friends
- Metzen the Reindeer
- On Metzen!
- Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's
- He Knows If You've Been Naughty (gifts will appear under the christmas trees in Orgrimmar/Ironforge on 25th of December, in the morning)
- Red Rider Air Rifle added at Winter Veil Gift obtained from the gift under the trees (gifts will appear on 25th of December)
- BB King
- 'Tis the Season
- Winter Veil Disguise Kit added at Stolen Winter Veil Treats (normally you should get it through mail, same thing. If you already completed the quest, accept it again from the corresponding NPC: alliance / horde)
- A Frosty Shake
- Merrymaker can be done now since all required achievements are working
- Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Controller & Crashin' & Thrashin' (you need to Racer Rocket Slam other racers)
- Feast of Winter Veil COMPLETE!

- Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty
- Scouting the Sinkholes

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Post Posted: 21-12-2010, 05:28:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Am scos comanda .account lock, conturile pot fi blocate doar de pe site, necesitand confirmare prin email. Ca sa evit "aveam contul blocat si nu mai am emailul", am scos toate lock-urile de la toate conturile
- Preserved Holly sa transforme toate mounturile pe toata durata buffului
- Mistletoe @ Winter Revealer sa poata fi castat si de pe mount
- Problemele cu threatul la Righteous Fury / Fanaticism (sper, n-am testat prea multe)
- Sa nu mai ramana Essence of the Blood Queen dupa ce se reseteaza bossul
- Ulduar vehicles exploit

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- I disabled the .account lock command, accounts can be locked on IP only from the site, requiring email confirmation. All account locks were removed
- Preserved Holly will transform mounts during its whole duration
- Mistletoe @ Winter Revealer can now be casted while mounted
- Threat problems at Righteous Fury / Fanaticism
- Essence of the Blood Queen will be removed when the boss resets
- Ulduar vehicles exploit

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Post Posted: 28-12-2010, 06:56:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Glyph of Death Grip
- O mica surpriza pentru bg bots
- Armory: Am facut ca activity feed sa arate si refunded/destroyed la iteme, astfel acum puteti face cereri de recuperare iteme refundable pierdute la rollback
- NPC Finder: Am facut sa arate toti NPC-ii atunci cand cautati nume partiale, gen si sa arate lootul (exemplu: Festergut)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Glyph of Death Grip
- Small surprise for bg bots
- Armory: Activity feed now show destroyed/refunded items. Players can now recover lost refundable items too at server rollbacks
- NPC Finder: Will now list all NPCs with partial names, like Also, loot is also displayed now (example: Festergut)

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Post Posted: 29-12-2010, 06:13:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Procul de la Shadowmourne sa poata avea loc si in Bladestorm si sa nu se mai acumuleze Soul Fragments cand ai Chaos Bane
- Sweeping Strikes sa nu mai proccuie in Bladestorm cand are un singur target
- Item - Druid T10 Balance 2P Bonus sa nu mai intrerupa castul cand procuie
- Magma Totem & Earthbind Totem (atat Earthbind cat si Earthgrab de la Storm, Earth and Fire) sa nu mai ignore LoS-ul (nu mai trece prin pereti, chiar daca totemul e summonat in spatele peretelui sau in perete)
- Redemption sa beneficieze de haste
- The Sword in the Skull sa se completeze cand echipati orice item luat cu Battered Hilt
- Shadowmourne sa se completeze cand echipati Shadowmourne
- Petul sa nu se mai opreasca din atacat cand targetul ia STUN (doar la alte forme de CC care se duc la damage, gen Fear, Polymorph, Incapacitate, etc)
- Leaderul dintr-un raid sa nu mai poata lua kick de la Assistant

- Ursoc, the Bear God

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Shadowmourne can now proc while Bladestorming and Soul Fragments no longer stacks when player has Chaos Bane
- Sweeping Strikes won't proc in Bladestorm when there's only one target
- Item - Druid T10 Balance 2P Bonus won't interrupt cast anymore
- Magma Totem & Earthbind Totem (Earthbind and Earthgrab from Storm, Earth and Fire) won't ignore LoS anymore (doesn't go through wall, even if the totem was summoned behind or in the wall)
- Redemption will now benefit from haste
- The Sword in the Skull will be achieved when any Battered Hilt item is equipped
- Shadowmourne will be achieved when Shadowmourne is equipped
- Pets won't stop attacking STUNNED targets anymore (just when target has Fear, Polymorph, Incapacitate, etc effects, breakable on damage)
- Raid leader can't be kicked by raid assistant anymore

- Ursoc, the Bear God

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Post Posted: 07-01-2011, 04:28:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Faerie Fire sa nu mai treaca prin Cyclone
- Cyclone sa nu mai mearga dat pe un target care are deja Cyclone
- Torment the Weak
- Comentariile postate la scriptul de Live Streaming vor aparea in joc celui care face stream

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Faerie Fire can't pierce Cyclone anymore
- Cyclone can't be casted on Cycloned targets anymore
- Torment the Weak
- Comments posted on the Live Streaming page will appear ingame to the streamer

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Post Posted: 08-01-2011, 03:50:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Fire Nova sa poata da crit
- Bugul (exploitul) prin care se putea vedea lista cu adversari inainte sa inceapa arena
- Cand un player paraseste raidul cat timp e inca in instanta (a luat kick sau a iesit el) ia teleport instant la inn

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Fire Nova can critically hit
- Exploit allowing you to see player names before arena starts
- When a player leaves a raid while being in an instance (kicked or leaving by itself) he will be teleported to inn instantly

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Post Posted: 13-01-2011, 04:13:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Earthbind Totem sa faca pulse la spawn si sa scoata slows instant daca ai Earthen Power
- Prowl & Shadowmeld sa nu mai fie scos de absorbed damage (la fel ca Stealth)
- Heroism & Bloodlust sa ignore LoS
- Bugul cu rollbacks la Death Knights

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Earthbind Totem now pulses on spawn and also instantly removes snare effects if you have Earthen Power
- Prowl & Shadowmeld won't be removed by absorbed damage anymore (just like Stealth)
- Heroism & Bloodlust will ignore LoS
- Rollback bugs at Death Knights

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Post Posted: 17-01-2011, 03:27:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Critical chance increase de la Improved Faerie Fire
- Paladin T10 Holy 4P Bonus
- Ulduar trash loot

Icecrown Citadel:
- Problemele cu loot & kill achievements la Blood Prince Council
- The Orb Whisperer achievements (si 10man si 25man)

- Evil Draws Near
- Vengeful Souls

- Armory sa arate si caracterele de level 1-10
- Multi-realm suport la site, aveti in stanga sus, sub meniu, sa alegeti realmul curent (pentru a vedea lista cu caractere, friends, logs, streams, online players, a da unstuck, undelete, a vedea npcii morti/vii de pe un realm sau altul cu npc finder, etc)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Critical chance from Improved Faerie Fire
- Paladin T10 Holy 4P Bonus
- Ulduar trash loot

Icecrown Citadel:
- Loot problems & kill achievements at Blood Prince Council
- The Orb Whisperer achievements (both 10man and 25man)

- Evil Draws Near
- Vengeful Souls

- Armory will now display 1-10 level characters too
- Multi-realm support, in the upper left, under the menu, you can choose the current realm (to see char list, friends, logs, streams, online players, unstuck your characters or undelete them, see dead/alive npcs on npc finder, etc)

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Post Posted: 21-01-2011, 17:18:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Item - Warrior T10 Melee 4P Bonus
- Slam! sa nu se mai duca aiurea cand nu folosesti Slam
- Abilitatile physical (gen Demoralizing Roar, Demoralizing Shout, War Stomp, etc) si Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket sa treaca prin Cloak of Shadows (sa imi ziceti daca apar efecte neasteptate)
- Searing Totem & Magma Totem sa poata da crit
- Frost Fever sa nu mai fie scos de pvp trinkets

- Electro-Shock Goodness!
- He's Gone to Pieces
- The Fate of Bloodbane

- Am facut sa arate gearscore in loc de latency la lista cu playeri online
- Afisarea gemurilor si socket-bonuses pe armory

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Item - Warrior T10 Melee 4P Bonus
- Slam! will only disappear after using Slam
- Physical abilities (like Demoralizing Roar, Demoralizing Shout, War Stomp, etc) and Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket will pierce Cloak of Shadows (there may be some side effects, waiting for feedback)
- Searing Totem & Magma Totem can now critically hit
- Frost Fever won't be removed by pvp trinkets anymore

- Electro-Shock Goodness!
- He's Gone to Pieces
- The Fate of Bloodbane

- Gearscore is displayed on the online players list now
- Armory now displays gems too

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