
[FIXED] Bug- DK Antimagic Shell
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Post Posted: 07-12-2010, 00:26:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Iar va certati ca oile, n-am timp sa citesc toate aberatiile, faceti unu un post normal sa inteleg si eu ce se intampla

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-12-2010, 16:40:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
Iar va certati ca oile, n-am timp sa citesc toate aberatiile, faceti unu un post normal sa inteleg si eu ce se intampla

cu 3/3 in magic suppresion, anti-magic shell ar trebui sa absoarba 100% (adica tot) spell damage-ul care te loveste, pana cand absoarbe 50% din healthul death knightului(atat cat ar fi absorbit si fara talent).

problema este ca nu se intampla asa, chiar daca ai 3/3 in magic suppresion, inca mai esti lovit de vraji.

PS: la priest cu psyhic horror sta in felul urmator. nu trebuie sa iei horror dar iei disarm, disarmul e efect fizic deci nu are treaba cu anti magic shell, plus ca sunt(ar trebui) sa fie doua lovituri diferite in aceiasi vraja.

in before trolls

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Post Posted: 08-12-2010, 20:08:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Avem in exemplu urmator:

DK-ul <X> Hp 50.000 + "Anti-magic Shell" imbunatatit maxim din talente
DK-ul este lovit de spelul <Y> care face 27.000 dmg

"Anti-magic Shell" absoarbe 100% din spell insa doar pana la valoarea de 50% din hp-ul dk-ului

50.000/2-27.000, de aici ramai cu inca 2k care nu au fost absorbiti de shell"

Daca ai fi fost lovit de 10k "frost bolt":
50.000/2-10.000, Shellu' mai poate nega acum inca 15k spell dmg (pe durata bufului)

Valoarea de spell absorbita scaleaza cu HP-ul DK-ului

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Disarmu de pe priest nu e considerat ca MAGIC EFECT! (snare, etc) el e disarm si gata, durata unui disarm,
e redusa de alte talente/gemuri specifice pvp

Nu e nimic si nu a fost stricat cu abilitatea aia. calmati-va.

Last edited by Cordo on 08-12-2010, 20:38:17; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 08-12-2010, 20:18:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mozzila92 wrote:
Copiat de pe wowhead: "Some other notes about this spell: when cast against a DK's anti-magic shell it won't apply the debuff, when trying to use it against a Hunter thats triggered The Beast Within, neither the horror or the Disarm effect will apply. "

Nu ia uite si aici de pe wowhead si cititi tot

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Post Posted: 08-12-2010, 21:37:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cordo wrote:
Avem in exemplu urmator:

DK-ul <X> Hp 50.000 + "Anti-magic Shell" imbunatatit maxim din talente
DK-ul este lovit de spelul <Y> care face 27.000 dmg

"Anti-magic Shell" absoarbe 100% din spell insa doar pana la valoarea de 50% din hp-ul dk-ului

50.000/2-27.000, de aici ramai cu inca 2k care nu au fost absorbiti de shell"

Daca ai fi fost lovit de 10k "frost bolt":
50.000/2-10.000, Shellu' mai poate nega acum inca 15k spell dmg (pe durata bufului)

Valoarea de spell absorbita scaleaza cu HP-ul DK-ului

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Disarmu de pe priest nu e considerat ca MAGIC EFECT! (snare, etc) el e disarm si gata, durata unui disarm,
e redusa de alte talente/gemuri specifice pvp

Nu e nimic si nu a fost stricat cu abilitatea aia. calmati-va.

care e roulul tau un threadul asta?

pt cine nu a inteles:

a fost lovit de o sigura vraja

care la lovit cu 2286 nu 17000!

resilience nu are abolsut nici o treaba in chestia asta.

2286 nu e nici pe departe 50% din viata lui.
fi mai atent:P

nu inteleg de unde pana unde a pornit ideea asta cu capul de 50% din viata DK-ului. nici o singura vraja nu loveste in momentul asta mai mult de 12k, si asta cu berserker si raid buffuri
ala e pus mai mult pt pve ca sa nu faca tankul DK pe unholy prea op comparat cu celelate tankuri.

cat despre disarm...

a fost modificat in patchul 3.3.x

daca ati fi citit cu atentie toate comenturile de pe wowhead, ati fi observat unul foarte interesant:



Its confirmed to disarm person even when immune to fear. "Working as intended" you could say..
We looked into this is and it is intended. Psychic Horror was changed so that the disarm effect still occurs regardless of whether the target is immune to the fear portion.

Not sure about following:

Cloak of shadows - Shouldnt disarm if magic effect misses, doesnt remove disarm if CoS'd during disarm because its not magical effect
Druid berserk - Disarmed druid?
Beastial wrath - Said to disarm the hunter without horror effects, havent tested

What I tested (yes, most prevent fear not horror effects):

Berserk rage - Horror effect and disarm
Deterrence - Deflects horror and wont disarm
Tremor totem - Horror effect and disarm
Bladestorm - No horror effect, disarms.
Fear ward - Horror and disarm
Lichborne - Horror and disarm
Anti-magic shell - 0.1 sec horror(lag?) and disarm
Spell reflect - Reflects horror but does not disarm you nor the priest

Edit: Added testing and other abilities.

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[Nerdstompers Inc.]

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Post Posted: 09-12-2010, 13:08:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

La Magic Suppression pur si simplu nu merge partea cu Anti-Magic Shell, iar partea cu disarm in AMS de la PH e perfect normala.


Its confirmed to disarm person even when immune to fear. "Working as intended" you could say..
We looked into this is and it is intended. Psychic Horror was changed so that the disarm effect still occurs regardless of whether the target is immune to the fear portion.

Not sure about following:

Cloak of shadows - Shouldnt disarm if magic effect misses, doesnt remove disarm if CoS'd during disarm because its not magical effect - ar trebui sa dea miss la horror si totusi sa ia disarmul.
Druid berserk - Disarmed druid? - druidul ar trebui sa fie imun la disarm in berserk.
Beastial wrath - Said to disarm the hunter without horror effects, havent tested - la fel ca la berserk.

What I tested (yes, most prevent fear not horror effects):

Berserk rage - Horror effect and disarm
Deterrence - Deflects horror and wont disarm
Tremor totem - Horror effect and disarm
Bladestorm - No horror effect, disarms.
Fear ward - Horror and disarm
Lichborne - Horror and disarm
Anti-magic shell - 0.1 sec horror(lag?) and disarm
Spell reflect - Reflects horror but does not disarm you nor the priest - la asta chiar nu stiu cum ar trebui sa fie, restul sunt ok.

Edit: Added testing and other abilities.

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Post Posted: 09-12-2010, 16:46:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pt ultima data repet nu ia disarm pt ca phychic Horror e spell ca pune aura de disarm ca face draq cu lacu nu ma intereseaza eu sunt imun la spells. Deci spell-ul in sine provoaca ca o reactie in lant. Dai spell-ul iti da horror si disarm dar daca in problema asta eu sunt imun cum Dumenezau se produce aceea reactie? Sunt spells care dau daze, sunt spells care dau stuck, snare s.a.m.d. dar spells aplica acele efecte. E cum ai spune ca u esti imun la mana mea dar eu pot sa-ti trag o palma cam asa da-ti voi de inteles.
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Post Posted: 09-12-2010, 18:07:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PFA acum vad ca nu era vorba de 17k ci te 1700

Imediat am intrat si l-am testat, un mag pe frost a spart speluri in mine gramada, a mers perfect, garantez asta
Din pacate nu am facut screens pana nu o sa incerc si impotriva altor casteri (lok.popa,etc).

Anti-magic Shell
Surrounds the Death Knight in an Anti-Magic Shell, absorbing 75% of the damage dealt by harmful spells
(up to a maximum of 50% of the Death Knight's health) and preventing application of harmful magical effects. Lasts 5 sec.

-Apply Aura: Absorb Damage (All) (Magic)
-Apply Aura: Cancel Aura if Damage Absorbed Reaches X% of Caster Health

Magic Supression 3/3 (You take 6% less spell dmg + Anti-magic shell absorbs aditional 25% spell dmg)

As ruga pe cei care au timp si posibilitatea de al testa impotriva mai multor clase clase de casteri.
In pve la boss Sindragosa/Halion a mers perfect si garantez asta.

In pvp poate o fi ceva stricat, poate anumite speluri cu efect de dot or trece prin el - .

Edit: Credema, disarmu de popa are alta mecanica, nu stau sa iti explic ce si cum, chestia e ca nu e magic efect, nu snare si ceva gen.
e ca si cum o clasa te-ar ataca cu auto atac si acel auto atac mai da si un anume %magic dmg, e, magic dmgu ala nu il iei insa dmg fizic da.

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Post Posted: 09-12-2010, 18:34:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Deadempress wrote:
pt ultima data repet nu ia disarm pt ca phychic Horror e spell ca pune aura de disarm ca face draq cu lacu nu ma intereseaza eu sunt imun la spells. Deci spell-ul in sine provoaca ca o reactie in lant. Dai spell-ul iti da horror si disarm dar daca in problema asta eu sunt imun cum Dumenezau se produce aceea reactie? Sunt spells care dau daze, sunt spells care dau stuck, snare s.a.m.d. dar spells aplica acele efecte. E cum ai spune ca u esti imun la mana mea dar eu pot sa-ti trag o palma cam asa da-ti voi de inteles.

doamne tu ai probleme cu cititul?

nu provoaca o reactie in lant. cand priestul foloseste PH, sunt 2 vraji lansate spre tine, una e horror una e disarm, prima este magic is nu trece de AMS, a doua e fizic si trece. e atat de simplu.

ca sa folosesc exemplul tau. tu esti imun la mana mea dar te lovesc cu piciorul...

stiu ca e mai greu de inteles, dar asta se intampla. PH nu e buguit.

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Post Posted: 19-12-2010, 14:21:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Scz de bump, dar incerc sa va explic partea importanta al acestui talent buguit :

Deci talentu Magic Suppression face ca Anti-Magic shell sa absoarba inca 25% din magic damage asta inseamna ca 25% + 75% fac 100%, deci ar trebuii sa fi imun la magic damage pe durata anti-magic shell-ului.

Partea aceasta merge pana cand MORI. Dupa ce ai murit talentu se "opreste" din functionare si anti-magic shell revine la absorbu initial de 75%.

E aproape imposibil sa te bazezi pe acest talent in PvP pana nu apare un fix.

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[Takin' it Easy]

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Post Posted: 25-01-2011, 21:00:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-02-2011, 15:59:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

sau dupa ce dai logout...cand intrii e 100% absorb o folosesti o data revine la 75%...dai logout iar e 100% si tot asa.
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Post Posted: 06-02-2011, 13:26:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok am sa va explic eu cum sta treaba cu bugul asta, dupa primu absorb absorbul revine la 75%.. am sa va arat prin niste screenshoturi :
1. Scrie 100% absorb.
2. iau absorb 100% la mind blast
3. 75% absorb ACUM !
4. iau absorb 75% la mind blast.

Sper ca am clarificat ce nu merge la AMS.

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Post Posted: 09-02-2011, 08:42:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Intradevar e STRICAT, are absorb de 100% dar dupa ce e folosit 1 data revine la 75%.

Intrat fresh online, [Antimagic shell 100% absorb]

Dupa ce e folosit 1 data revine la 75%, ma tem ca nu numai improveu de la antimagic revine la forma de nebuf dar si improveu secundar, cel care scade orice spell dmg cu 6%

Dupa ce e folosit:

E bataie de joc in arene, fix it pleaseeeee

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Post Posted: 10-02-2011, 23:32:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pana la fi reparat? sau ce dovezi mai trebuiesc aduse?

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