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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 27-01-2011, 11:14:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Item - Druid T10 Feral Relic (Rake and Lacerate) de la Idol of the Crying Moon
- Healthstone & Bauble of True Blood sa poata da crit

Lunar Festival:
- Omen spawn time scazut la 15 minute
- The Rocket's Red Glare
- Lunar Fireworks

- Script de recuperare iteme
- La armory activity feed sa arate si disenchants
- La item finder sa fie un link catre un script de pe armory care arata statsurile reale ale itemului si nu cele de pe wowhead de pe cataclysm (exemplu)
- Va puteti uploada singuri ce imagini vreti la streams acum
- Va puteti vedea MMR-ul la character list

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Item - Druid T10 Feral Relic (Rake and Lacerate) from Idol of the Crying Moon
- Healthstone & Bauble of True Blood can now critically hit

Lunar Festival:
- Omen spawn time down to 15 minutes
- The Rocket's Red Glare
- Lunar Fireworks

- Items recovery script
- Activity feed @ armory will now show disenchants too
- Item finder will display a link to the armory showing real item stats and not those shown by wowhead which are from cataclysm (example)
- You can upload your own images at streams page now
- You can see your MMR on the character list page

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 30-01-2011, 07:51:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Death Grip sa aibe minimum range de 8 yards (cum s-a demonstrat aici)
- Nu mai iei fall damage daca folosesti spelluri de Charge / Intercept fix inainte sa cazi
- Am facut comanda .gearscore NUME ca sa puteti verificati ingame gearscore-ul cuiva (gearscore-ul obtinut prin comanda e updatat o data la fiecare 5 minute, e posibil sa apara mici nepotriviri pentru caracterele online, probabil caracterul respectiv a pus alt item pe el dar comanda va vedea gearscore-ul vechi)
- Report AFK & Eye of Kilrogg sa nu mai mearga inainte de inceperea battleground-ului pentru a preveni exploitrile
- Problemele cu rollbacks la death knights la logout (de data asta ar trebui sa fie ok)

- Redeeming the Dead
- Fires Over Skettis
- Anatoly Will Talk
- Close Call
- Rescue from Town Square
- Dark Horizon
- Enraged Spirits of Fire and Earth
- What the Soul Sees
- Clear the Way
- Dissension Amongst the Ranks...
- Banish the Demons
- An Improper Burial
- Who Are They?
- What Book? I Don't See Any Book
- Missing Friends
- Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terokk
- A Necessary Distraction
- A Dire Situation
- Slaves to Saronite
- Inoculation
- The Flesh Lies...
- Drake Hunt
- Field Test
- Scoodles
- Mimicking Nature's Call
- Have You Ever Seen One of These?

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Death Grip now has a minimum range of 8 yards (as proven here)
- No fall damage if you use Charge / Intercept spells right before you fall
- Made a new command, .gearscore NUME to check anyone's gearscore (the gearscore read by the command is updated once every 10 minutes, there may be slight differences for online players because they may equip other gear)
- Report AFK & Eye of Kilrogg won't work during battleground start to prevent exploits
- Death Knight rollbacks at logout (this time should be ok)

- Redeeming the Dead
- Fires Over Skettis
- Anatoly Will Talk
- Close Call
- Rescue from Town Square
- Dark Horizon
- Enraged Spirits of Fire and Earth
- What the Soul Sees
- Clear the Way
- Dissension Amongst the Ranks...
- Banish the Demons
- An Improper Burial
- Who Are They?
- What Book? I Don't See Any Book
- Missing Friends
- Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terokk
- A Necessary Distraction
- A Dire Situation
- Slaves to Saronite
- Inoculation
- The Flesh Lies...
- Drake Hunt
- Field Test
- Scoodles
- Mimicking Nature's Call
- Have You Ever Seen One of These?

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Post Posted: 04-02-2011, 03:02:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Spellurile cu target AoE gen Shadowfury / Freeze / Rain of Fire sa nu mai poata fi castate daca nu esti in LoS cu zona unde pui targetul (gen sa dai sub poduri sau dupa ziduri)
- Stealth sa fie scos chiar daca targetul are shield de damage absorb atunci cand e lovit de spells gen Freeze / Flame Shock
- Prowl, la fel ca Stealth, sa nu fie scos de absorbed damage
- Dislodged Foreign Object sa nu mai faca proc la heal
- Judgement of Light sa mearga la toti si in toate formele
- Judgements of the Just, partea cu melee attack speed
- Item - Druid T10 Restoration 4P Bonus
- Recklessness charges bug
- Cand iesi/iei kick dintr-un raid, nu mai esti teleportat in Dalaran ci la graveyard
- Alias pentru comanda .gearscore: .gs NUME

Lunar Festival:
- Frenzied Firecracker

- Frostmourne Cavern
- Chasing Icestorm: Thel'zan's Phylactery (Icestorm spawnat)
- Scourge Tactics
- Into The Wild Green Yonder

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Spells with AoE target like Shadowfury / Freeze / Rain of Fire can't be casted in zones out of LoS with caster anymore (casting under a bridge for example)
- Stealth will be removed even if target has damage absorb shield when he's hit by spells like Freeze / Flame Shock
- Prowl, same as Stealth, won't be removed by absorbed damage anymore
- Dislodged Foreign Object no more proc at healing
- Judgement of Light works for anyone/any form
- Judgements of the Just, melee attack speed part
- Item - Druid T10 Restoration 4P Bonus
- Recklessness charges bug
- When leaving/being kicked out of a raid, you will no longer be teleported to Dalaran but the nearest graveyard
- Alias for .gearscore: .gs NUME

Lunar Festival:
- Frenzied Firecracker

- Frostmourne Cavern
- Chasing Icestorm: Thel'zan's Phylactery (Icestorm spawned)
- Scourge Tactics
- Into The Wild Green Yonder

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 07-02-2011, 02:00:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
Love is in the Air:
- Apothecary Hummel & Apothecary Baxter & Apothecary Frye spawnati + un script destul de simplu facut la ei + loot adaugat
- Something is in the Air (and it Ain't Love)
- Tough Love
- Lovely Merchant spawnat
- Public Relations Agent spawnat
- A Perfect Puff of Perfume
- A Cloudlet of Classy Cologne
- Bonbon Blitz
- Morgan's Discovery
- Detective Snap Snagglebolt & Inspector Snip Snagglebolt spawnati
- Crushing the Crown
- Something Stinks
- Hot On The Trail
- Investigator Fezzen Brasstacks spawnat
- You've Been Served
- Questurile A gift for the Warchief / Banshee Queen / High Chieftain / Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas / King of Stormwind / Lord of Ironforge / High Priestess of Elune / Prophet, astfel achievementurile Nation of Adoration / Nation of Adoration
- Cat timp ai Lovely Charm Collector's Kit sa ai sansa sa primesti Lovely Charm cand omori mobs/playeri care dau XP/honor
- Bag of Heart Candies sa dea random Heart Candy => Be Mine!
- Charming
- Lonely? (scoateti un Romantic Picnic Basket, dati click pe cos apoi fara sa va miscati mancati Buttermilk Delight)
- Loot la Lovely Dress Box => Lovely Luck Is On Your Side
- The Rocket's Pink Glare
- Restul achievementurilor merg, astfel se poate face Fool For Love

- The Dreghood Elders
- Mission: The Abyssal Shelf
- Arelion's Mistress (poti da direct unde e NPCul)
- In Memoriam
- Battling the Elements
- Jormuttar is Soo Fat...
- The Last of Her Kind
- The Iron Colossus (omorati direct Iron Colossus)
- Slaves of the Stormforged
- Runes of Compulsion
- The Horse Hollerer
- In the Name of Loken
- Bringing Down the Iron Thane (omorati direct pe Iron Thane)
- The Missing Tracker
- Lab Work
- Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice (vorbiti direct cu Finklestein)
- A Tangled Skein
- Too Much of a Good Thing (omorati direct pe Prophet)
- Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving!
- Leave No One Behind
- To Legion Hold
- Elemental Power Extraction (itemele la loot)
- Recharging the Batteries
- Cold Hearted

===================== ENGLISH =====================
Love is in the Air:
- Apothecary Hummel & Apothecary Baxter & Apothecary Frye spawnati + small script for them + loot added
- Something is in the Air (and it Ain't Love)
- Tough Love
- Lovely Merchant spawned
- Public Relations Agent spawned
- A Perfect Puff of Perfume
- A Cloudlet of Classy Cologne
- Bonbon Blitz
- Morgan's Discovery
- Detective Snap Snagglebolt & Inspector Snip Snagglebolt spawned
- Crushing the Crown
- Something Stinks
- Hot On The Trail
- Investigator Fezzen Brasstacks spawned
- You've Been Served
- A gift for the Warchief / Banshee Queen / High Chieftain / Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas / King of Stormwind / Lord of Ironforge / High Priestess of Elune / Prophet, astfel achievementurile Nation of Adoration / Nation of Adoration
- While you have Lovely Charm Collector's Kit you receive the chance to get Lovely Charm when killing mobs/players that yield expierence or honor
- Bag of Heart Candies will randomly give Heart Candy => Be Mine!
- Charming
- Lonely? (create a Romantic Picnic Basket, click on the basket then without moving eat Buttermilk Delight)
- Loot at Lovely Dress Box => Lovely Luck Is On Your Side
- The Rocket's Pink Glare
- The other achievements are working, now you can complete Fool For Love

- The Dreghood Elders
- Mission: The Abyssal Shelf
- Arelion's Mistress (you can use it directly where the NPC is)
- In Memoriam
- Battling the Elements
- Jormuttar is Soo Fat...
- The Last of Her Kind
- The Iron Colossus (kill Iron Colossus directly)
- Slaves of the Stormforged
- Runes of Compulsion
- The Horse Hollerer
- In the Name of Loken
- Bringing Down the Iron Thane (kill Iron Thane directly)
- The Missing Tracker
- Lab Work
- Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice (talk with Finklestein directly)
- A Tangled Skein
- Too Much of a Good Thing (kill the Prophet directly)
- Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving!
- Leave No One Behind
- To Legion Hold
- Elemental Power Extraction (get items from loot)
- Recharging the Batteries
- Cold Hearted

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 10-02-2011, 03:53:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Totemele la shamani sa nu mai poata fi summonate in pereti
- Flask of the North sa nu fie afectat de Mixology
- Impact sa nu se mai bugguiasca dupa Ice Block si sa apara la buffs
- Honor Among Thieves sa nu mai bage rogue-ul in combat (unul din combat bugs de pe Subtlety)
- Slam! sa nu se mai duca cand dai critical cu abilitati gen Bloodthirst
- Mage Armor sa scada corect durata la debuffs gen Howl of Terror
- Spellurile de Avoidance sa scada damage-ul si pentru AoE DoTs (ca Death and Decay / Flaming Cinder)
- Death and Decay-ul Death Knight-ului sa nu mai afecteze Grounding Totem fiind, la baza, AoE spell
- Shadowmeld sa scoata combat instant

Love is in the Air:
- A Bubbling Cauldron
- Loot la Dinner Suit Box
- Stack-ul la parfumuri sa fie de 5 la vendori

- Master Angler of Azeroth (deci se poate face si Accomplished Angler)

- The Master's Terrace
- Nightbane

- Item Finder sa arate si de cat e stack-ul la itemele de la vendori

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Shaman totems can't be summoned in walls (out of LoS) anymore
- Flask of the North won't be affected Mixology
- Impact won't bug after using Ice Block and will now appear as buff
- Honor Among Thieves won't put the rogue in combat anymore (one of the combat bugs from Subtlety)
- Slam! won't be removed by critical hits with abilities like Bloodthirst
- Mage Armor will correctly decrease duration for debuffs like Howl of Terror
- Spellurile de Avoidance will now work for AoE DoTs too (spells like Death and Decay / Flaming Cinder)
- Death Knight's Death and Decay won't break Grounding Totem anymore
- Shadowmeld will instantly remove caster from combat

Love is in the Air:
- A Bubbling Cauldron
- Loot for Dinner Suit Box
- Perfumes vendor stack was corrected to 5

- Master Angler of Azeroth (now Accomplished Angler can be achieved)

- The Master's Terrace
- Nightbane

- Item Finder will now show vendor stack

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Post Posted: 14-02-2011, 03:36:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Problemele cu dimensiunile la unii peti exotici gen Chimaera / Core Hound
- Pe Evolution am pus din nou queue normal la Dungeon Finder
- Spell Reflection sa reflecte toate spellurile care vin spre warrior pana cand unul reflectat chiar loveste un target (se rezolva problema cu reflectarea mai multor spelluri intr-un timp foarte scurt, acum fiind posibil)
- Grounding Totem sa redirectioneaze catre el toate spellurile pana cand unul din spelluri chiar loveste totemul/shamanul (se rezolva problema cu redirectionarea mai multor spelluri intr-un timp foarte scurt, acum fiind posibil)
- Glyph of Shadow Word: Pain
- Wandering Plague sa nu mai tina Death Knight-ul in combat
- Raise Dead cooldown bug (astept sa spuneti daca mai sunt probleme)
- Honor Among Thieves sa nu mai dea combo points pentru toti rogii din raid, doar pentru cei care chiar au talentul
- Ceva crashes

- Mutiny on the Mercy
- A Carver and a Croaker
- Enraged Spirits of Water
- Enraged Spirits of Air

- Am facut si un Object Finder sa puteti gasi obiecte (mine, chests, quest objects, etc)
- Problemele cu afisarea NPC-ilor din Dalaran/Crystalsong Forest pe harta la NPC Finder

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Size problems for hunter exotic pets like Chimaera / Core Hound
- Dungeon Finder on Evolution now as normal queue again
- Spell Reflection will now reflect all incoming spells until one of them is actually reflected on a target (fixes multiple reflect)
- Grounding Totem will now redirect all incoming spells until one of them actually hits the totem/shaman (fixes redirecting multiple spells)
- Glyph of Shadow Word: Pain
- Wandering Plague won't keep the Death Knight in combat
- Raise Dead cooldown bug (needs feedback)
- Honor Among Thieves won't award combo points for all rogues in raid but only for those that actually have the talent
- Some crash fixes

- Mutiny on the Mercy
- A Carver and a Croaker
- Enraged Spirits of Water
- Enraged Spirits of Air

- I made an Object Finder so you can easily find objects (mines, chests, quest objects, etc)
- Fixed problems with showing Dalaran/Crystalsong Forest NPCs on the map at NPC Finder

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 18-02-2011, 04:31:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Cand intri intr-o instanta cu un grup care are deja CD, iti va aparea o casuta daca vrei sa primesti si tu CD-ul grupului (aratandu-ti si ce bossi s-au facut, posibil sa nu mearga cum trebuie la heroic raids) sau daca vrei sa iesi din instanta
- Sa se poata avansa doar daca omorati bossii pe rand
- Sa nu se mai poata intra cat timp e un encounter in curs
- Sa se spawneze Apothecary Candith Tomas dupa ce moare Deathbringer Saurfang
- Bossii sa nu mai dea o parte din achievementuri aiurea (gen asta sau asta, inca nu sunt reparate)
- Valithria Dreamwalker spawned, am refacut scriptul
- Sa nu se mai poata intra cat timp e un encounter in curs
- Halion sa nu mai dispara dupa restart/crash si sa dea cum trebuie achievementurile The Twilight Destroyer
- Sa apara ringul de foc/shadow in timpul encounterului cu Halion

- Improved Spirit Tap sa procuie si de la Mind Flay

- I Was A Lot Of Things...
- The Final Code
- Smoke 'Em Out
- Shred the Alliance / Shredder Repair
- Riding the Red Rocket (faceti rost de Element 115 si mergeti la Rocket Propelled Warhead)
- Seared Scourge
- Loken's Orders
- Out of Body Experience (e destul sa beti potiunea)
- Corki's Gone Missing Again!
- Cho'war the Pillager
- The Black Knight's Orders (cand folositi itemul se completeaza prima parte a questului, celelalte iteme le luati normal)
- The Power of the Elements
- Master the Storm
- Souls of the Decursed
- The Honored Dead
- Foolish Endeavors
- The Summoning Chamber
- It Rolls Downhill
- The Storm King's Vengeance
- The Leaders at Jin'Alai
- Tails Up
- But First My Offspring

- Sortare dupa GearScore la lista cu playeri online
- Addons pentru versiunea 3.3.5a

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- When entering an instance with a group that already has CD a dialog box will pop up notifying you and showing what bosses were killed (won't work on some heroic raids)
- You can't advance without killing all bosses anymore
- You can't enter while an encounter is in progress
- Apothecary Candith Tomas will spawn after Deathbringer Saurfang dies
- Bosses won't award some achievements wrong anymore (like this or this, they're still not fixed)
- Valithria Dreamwalker spawned, script remade
- You can't enter while an encounter is in progress
- Halion will no longer disappear at restart/crash and will correctly award The Twilight Destroyer
- Shadow/fire ring will now appear during Halion encounter

- Improved Spirit Tap will now proc from Mind Flay too

- I Was A Lot Of Things...
- The Final Code
- Smoke 'Em Out
- Shred the Alliance / Shredder Repair
- Riding the Red Rocket (after you get Element 115 just go to the Rocket Propelled Warhead)
- Seared Scourge
- Loken's Orders
- Out of Body Experience (drinking the potion is enough)
- Corki's Gone Missing Again!
- Cho'war the Pillager
- The Black Knight's Orders (when using the item the first part of the quest is completed, them simply loot the other 2 items)
- The Power of the Elements
- Master the Storm
- Souls of the Decursed
- The Honored Dead
- Foolish Endeavors
- The Summoning Chamber
- It Rolls Downhill
- The Storm King's Vengeance
- The Leaders at Jin'Alai
- Tails Up
- But First My Offspring

- GearScore sort for online players list
- Addons for WoW 3.3.5a

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 21-02-2011, 07:13:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Cand incepe un encounter cu un boss toti playerii sa fie bagati in combat
- Valithria Dreamwalker sa se respawneze la scurt timp dupa wipe. Totodata, am marit cu cateva secunde timpul de spawn al mobilor
- Achievementurile The Frostwing Halls
- Cateva exploituri: nu se mai poate healui Valithria fara sa inceapa eventul si nu se mai pot face bossii pe sarite daca treceti prin porti
- Liftul de la Lady Deathwhisper sa mearga si dupa restart/crash
- Baltharus the Warborn sa nu se mai blocheze in combat dupa wipe
- Texte la cateva questuri reparate anterior
- The Path to the Citadel
- Put on Your Best Face for Loken
- Song of Wind and Water
- A Cleansing Song
- To Catch A Thistlehead
- Bring 'Em Back Alive
- Lohn'goron, Bow of the Torn-heart
- Patching Up
- Weakness to Lightning
- Sabotage (partea cu explosives)
- Fuel for the Fire
- Disclosure
- Scalps!
- Seek the Wind Serpent Goddess (Quetz'lun's Spirit spawned)
- Setting the Stage
- Foundation for Revenge
- Hell Hath a Fury
- Lightning Definitely Strikes Twice
- Power of the Great Ones
- Appeasing the Great Rain Stone & Gods like Shiny Things (am spawnat direct comorile pe jos)
- No Mercy for the Captured
- Atop the Woodlands
- The End of the Line
- Return to the Earth
- Defending Wyrmrest Temple
- A Means to an End
- Fire Upon the Waters
- Where the Wild Things Roam
- All Hail Roanauk!
- In Service of Blood
- In Service of Frost
- In Service of the Unholy
- A Fall From Grace
- On Ruby Wings
- Mystery of the Infinite
- Battle-Mage Dathric
- Abjurist Belmara
- Cohlien Frostweaver
- Conjurer Luminrath
- The Cipher of Damnation - Ar'tor's Charge
- What Illidan Wants, Illidan Gets...
- Disclosure
- The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance (Nakansi spawned)
- Scouting the Sinkholes (ambele variante de data asta, si A si H)
- Blending In
- And Now, the Moment of Truth
- The Collapse
- Picking Up Some Power Converters
- What Came First, the Drake or the Egg?

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- When a boss encounter begins all players are put in combat
- Valithria Dreamwalker will respawnt shortly after wipe. Mobs spawn time slightly increased
- The Frostwing Halls achievements
- Few exploits: can't heal Valithria without starting the event and can no longer make bosses in any order even if you go through doors
- Lady Deathwhisper elevator should now work after crash/restart
- Baltharus the Warborn combat bug after wipe
- Texts for some recently repaired quests
- The Path to the Citadel
- Put on Your Best Face for Loken
- Song of Wind and Water
- A Cleansing Song
- To Catch A Thistlehead
- Bring 'Em Back Alive
- Lohn'goron, Bow of the Torn-heart
- Patching Up
- Weakness to Lightning
- Sabotage (explosives part)
- Fuel for the Fire
- Disclosure
- Scalps!
- Seek the Wind Serpent Goddess (Quetz'lun's Spirit spawned)
- Setting the Stage
- Foundation for Revenge
- Hell Hath a Fury
- Lightning Definitely Strikes Twice
- Power of the Great Ones
- Appeasing the Great Rain Stone & Gods like Shiny Things (spawned the treasures on the ground)
- No Mercy for the Captured
- Atop the Woodlands
- The End of the Line
- Return to the Earth
- Defending Wyrmrest Temple
- A Means to an End
- Fire Upon the Waters
- Where the Wild Things Roam
- All Hail Roanauk!
- In Service of Blood
- In Service of Frost
- In Service of the Unholy
- A Fall From Grace
- On Ruby Wings
- Mystery of the Infinite
- Battle-Mage Dathric
- Abjurist Belmara
- Cohlien Frostweaver
- Conjurer Luminrath
- The Cipher of Damnation - Ar'tor's Charge
- What Illidan Wants, Illidan Gets...
- Disclosure
- The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance (Nakansi spawned)
- Scouting the Sinkholes (both versions this time, A and H)
- Blending In
- And Now, the Moment of Truth
- The Collapse
- Picking Up Some Power Converters
- What Came First, the Drake or the Egg?

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 25-02-2011, 06:37:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Ceva crashuri
- LoS exploit la Lady Deathwhisper
- Exploitul cu Divine Intervention la Valithria Dreamwalker
- Dream Portals de la Valithria Dreamwalker sa fie clickable, nu sa intri in ele
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel sa dea Vampiric Bite o singura data
- General Zarithrian sa nu mai dea Cleave Armor asa des
- Adds-urile (wowhead link) de la General Zarithrian sa fie spawnate cum trebuie langa el
- Mistress of Pain de la Lord Jaraxxus
- Am refacut eventul la Acidmaw si Faction Champions (eventul, nu scriptul bossilor), astfel nu ar mai trebui sa intampinati probleme cu continuarea eventului cand ii omorati
- Dupa ce moare Acidmaw sau Dreadscale celalalt sa primeasca Enrage (wowhead link)
- Sa se spawneze doar 6 Faction Champions pe 10man (se spawnau 7)

- The Cipher of Damnation
- Chicken Party!
- A Hero's Headgear
- Coward Delivery... Under 30 Minutes or it's Free
- Breaking Through
- The Demoniac Scryer
- Digging Through Bones
- Fumping
- The Big Bone Worm
- Vengeful Souls
- Bring Me The Egg!
- Frankly, It Makes No Sense...
- Teron Gorefiend, I am...
- Vision Guide
- The Thunderspike
- Protecting Our Own
- Bladespire Kegger
- A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans!
- Whispers of the Raven God
- Whelps of the Wyrmcult
- Meeting at the Blackwing Coven
- Wrangle Some Aether Rays!
- Wrangle More Aether Rays!
- To Rule The Skies
- A Fel Whip For Gahk
- You're Fired!
- Death's Door
- Fire At Will!
- To Fordragon Hold!

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Some crashes
- LoS exploit at Lady Deathwhisper
- Divine Intervention exploit at Valithria Dreamwalker
- Dream Portals from Valithria Dreamwalker are now clickable
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel will cast Vampiric Bite only once per fight
- General Zarithrian won't cast Cleave Armor so often anymore
- Adds-urile (wowhead link) at General Zarithrian will now spawn nearby him regardless of his location
- Mistress of Pain from Lord Jaraxxus
- Acidmaw and Faction Champions event fixed (the event, not their script), you shuoldn't have anymore problems continuing the event
- After Acidmaw or Dreadscale dies, the other one will receive Enrage (wowhead link)
- Only 6 Faction Champions will spawn on 10man now (7 were being spawned before)

- The Cipher of Damnation
- Chicken Party!
- A Hero's Headgear
- Coward Delivery... Under 30 Minutes or it's Free
- Breaking Through
- The Demoniac Scryer
- Digging Through Bones
- Fumping
- The Big Bone Worm
- Vengeful Souls
- Bring Me The Egg!
- Frankly, It Makes No Sense...
- Teron Gorefiend, I am...
- Vision Guide
- The Thunderspike
- Protecting Our Own
- Bladespire Kegger
- A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans!
- Whispers of the Raven God
- Whelps of the Wyrmcult
- Meeting at the Blackwing Coven
- Wrangle Some Aether Rays!
- Wrangle More Aether Rays!
- To Rule The Skies
- A Fel Whip For Gahk
- You're Fired!
- Death's Door
- Fire At Will!
- To Fordragon Hold!

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Post Posted: 02-03-2011, 04:29:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- GCD exploit cu wandurile
- Exploiturile de la Herbalism / Mining de puteai mina/loota orice vein/herb
- Internal cooldown la Mirror of Truth
- Shiv sa nu mai dea 2x poison de pe offhand
- Focus Magic sa dea bonusul aditional de 3% doar la criticals
- Diversi NPC/diverse obiecte de la The Sons of Hodir spawnate (Calder, Lorekeeper Randvir, Frostworg Denmother, Thorim, Thorim, Hodir's Spear, Fjorn's Anvil, Hodir's Helm, Hodir's Horn)

- Diverse exploituri de la Blood Prince Council
- Adds la Lady Deathwhisper sa vina aproape imediat dupa ce incepe encounterul, apoi normal
- Scent of Blood de la Deathbringer Saurfang heroic modes
- Deathbringer Saurfang sa spawneze 5 Blood Beasts pe 25man
- Regenerarea energiei lui Deathbringer Saurfang sa fie mai mare pentru fiecare Mark of the Fallen Champion prezent
- Blood Beasts de la Deathbringer Saurfang sa se spawneze o data la 40 secunde (era 60 inainte) si sa aibe Resistant Skin si Blood Link

- Gurubashi Arena Grand Master
- I've Gone and Made a Mess @ Deathbringer Saurfang

- Arena Grandmaster
- Delivering the Message
- Nexus-King Salhadaar
- Troublesome Distractions
- Securing the Celestial Ridge
- Across Transborea
- Blood Oath of the Horde
- Sarathstra, Scourge of the North
- The Conquest Pit: Bear Wrestling! chain
- Sniffing Out the Perpetrator
- Catching up with Brann
- Norgannon's Shell
- Distortions in Time
- Forging a Head
- Mounting Hodir's Helm
- The Warm-Up
- Into the Pit
- The Drakkensryd
- On Spirit's Wings
- Curing the Sick
- Plagued Lands

- Armory-ul sa afiseze caracterele si atunci cand nu gaseste pe primul realm, doar pe al doilea (era o problema la character search)
- Quest helper sa arate si obiectivele/recompensele questului

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Wands GCD exploit
- Herbalism / Mining exploits allowing player to loot any vein/herb
- Internal cooldown for Mirror of Truth
- Shiv won't apply 2x poisons from offhand anymore
- Focus Magic will award the 3% critical bonus only after critical strikes
- Various NPCs/objects from The Sons of Hodir spawned (Calder, Lorekeeper Randvir, Frostworg Denmother, Thorim, Thorim, Hodir's Spear, Fjorn's Anvil, Hodir's Helm, Hodir's Horn)

- Various exploits at Blood Prince Council
- Lady Deathwhisper adds spawn almost immediately after encounter start, then normal
- Scent of Blood from Deathbringer Saurfang on heroic modes
- Deathbringer Saurfang will now spawn 5 Blood Beasts on 25man modes
- Power regeneration for Deathbringer Saurfang increased for each Mark of the Fallen Champion applied
- Blood Beasts from Deathbringer Saurfang spawntime decreased from 60s to 40s and added Resistant Skin and Blood Link

- Gurubashi Arena Grand Master
- I've Gone and Made a Mess @ Deathbringer Saurfang

- Arena Grandmaster
- Delivering the Message
- Nexus-King Salhadaar
- Troublesome Distractions
- Securing the Celestial Ridge
- Across Transborea
- Blood Oath of the Horde
- Sarathstra, Scourge of the North
- The Conquest Pit: Bear Wrestling! chain
- Sniffing Out the Perpetrator
- Catching up with Brann
- Norgannon's Shell
- Distortions in Time
- Forging a Head
- Mounting Hodir's Helm
- The Warm-Up
- Into the Pit
- The Drakkensryd
- On Spirit's Wings
- Curing the Sick
- Plagued Lands

- Armory-ul will now correctly find characters from the second realm if they're not found on the first one
- Quest helper now shows quest objectives/rewards

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Post Posted: 05-03-2011, 05:18:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- PvP off bug in battlegrounds
- Deterrence sa nu mai blocheze Cheap Shot / Pounce si spellurile care necesita sa fii in spatele targetului (gen Ravage / Shred / Ambush / Backstab) si totodata sa nu mai aibe efect daca esti stunned (iei full damage)
- Disengage sa nu mai mearga daca esti rooted
- Althor's Abacus si Trauma sa procuie si din HoT-uri
- Althor's Abacus sa poata da crit
- Anti-Magic Shell bug de dadea full immune la spelluri care au si debuff si damage (gen Immolate / Frostbolt, trebuie sa dea immune doar la debuff, damage-ul sa treaca [absorbit desigur])
- Magic Suppression (nu mai functiona dupa folosirea Anti-Magic Shell)
- Overpower problems cu "Ability not ready yet" (ar trebui sa fie ok, astept feedback)
- Honor Among Thieves sa dea combo point si daca nu ai intrat in combat cu targetul (cum s-a demonstrat aici)
- Death Grip sa nu mai mearga while jumping/falling
- Spell Reflection sa reflecte si Improved Counterspell in urma unui Counterspell reflectat
- Chains of Ice sa nu mai arate animatia si pe Death Knight (rezolva si bugul cu Glyph of Chains of Ice de dadea damage si pe Death Knight)
- Pain Suppression sa nu mai poata fi castat in stun fara Glyph of Pain Suppression
- Exploitul cu Demonic Knowledge la reset talents
- Transferul infinit de threat de la Tricks of the Trade
- Problemele cu socket bonus la Socket Bracker / Eternal Belt Buckle (va trebui sa re-socketati itemele actuale in felul urmator: un gem care anuleaza bonusul, apoi peste el un gem care adauga iar bonusul)
- Exploiturile cu Judgement of Justice pe bossi
- Exploitul la Scourgelord Tyrannus
- Twisted Visage damage de la Herald Volazj
- Bossii sa dea reputatie cu Ashen Verdict pe toate dificultatile
- Scent of Blood de la Deathbringer Saurfang sa fie castat abia dupa 10 secunde
Raid Finder:
- Cooldown de 1 minut la .raid teleport (acum puteti da de cate ori vreti fara sa se incheie raidul, insa nu va mai teleporta playerii in combat)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- PvP off bug in battlegrounds
- Deterrence won't block Cheap Shot / Pounce and spells that require you to be "behind the target" (like Ravage / Shred / Ambush / Backstab) and on top of that being stunned will ignore its effect
- Disengage can't be casted while rooted anymore
- Althor's Abacus and Trauma can now proc from HoTs
- Althor's Abacus can now crit
- Anti-Magic Shell bug that caused full spell to be treated as immune even if it had damage + debuff (like Immolate / Frostbolt), now only debuffed will be ignored as IMMUNE, but the damage is still done
- Magic Suppression (wasn't working after using Anti-Magic Shell)
- Overpower "Ability not ready yet" problems (should be ok now, waiting for feedback)
- Honor Among Thieves will award combo point even if you haven't engaged your target in combat (as proven here)
- Death Grip won't work while jumping/falling
- Spell Reflection will reflect Improved Counterspell too after reflecting Counterspell
- Chains of Ice won't show the animation on the Death Knight anymore (also fixes Glyph of Chains of Ice bug that was dealing damage to the Death Knight too)
- Pain Suppression cannot be casted while stunned without Glyph of Pain Suppression
- Demonic Knowledge exploit at talents reset
- Tricks of the Trade infinite threat transfer
- Socket bonus problems from Socket Bracker / Eternal Belt Buckle (you'll have to re-socket your items this way: first apply a gem that cancels the bonus then another gem that re-applies the bonus)
- Judgement of Justice on bosses exploit
- Scourgelord Tyrannus exploit
- Twisted Visage damage from Herald Volazj
- Bosses will now correctly award reputation with Ashen Verdict on all dificulties
- Scent of Blood from Deathbringer Saurfang will be cast only after 10 seconds
Raid Finder:
- 1 minute cooldown for .raid teleport (now you can use it as many times as you like without stopping the right, but it won't teleport players in combat anymore)

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Post Posted: 10-03-2011, 02:24:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
Shadow Sight sa scoata Prowl
Glypg of Mind Sear & Glyph of Bladestorm & Glyph of Berserk adaugate la traineri

- Lance a Lot

- The Grand Melee & Among the Champions
- Kartak's Rampage (omorati direct Sparktouched Oracle)
- Breakfast Of Champions
- A Blade Fit For A Champion
- A Worthy Weapon
- You've Really Done It This Time, Kul
- The Scrapbot Construction Kit pus la Prototype Console
- New Recruit
- The Vile Hold
- Matchmaker
- By Fire Be Purged
- Killing Two Scourge With One Skeleton
- I'm Not Dead Yet!
- The Raven Stones

Raid Finder:
- .raid teleport sa dea jos de pe flight playerii care erau in taxi path in timpul teleportului

- Pagina de World Events permite vizualizarea informatiilor despre event pentru fiecare in parte, puteti vedea si lista cu NPC/Obiecte de la fiecare event

===================== ENGLISH =====================
Shadow Sight will remove Prowl
Glypg of Mind Sear & Glyph of Bladestorm & Glyph of Berserk added to trainers

- Lance a Lot

- The Grand Melee & Among the Champions
- Kartak's Rampage (kill Sparktouched Oracle directly)
- Breakfast Of Champions
- A Blade Fit For A Champion
- A Worthy Weapon
- You've Really Done It This Time, Kul
- The Scrapbot Construction Kit added at Prototype Console
- New Recruit
- The Vile Hold
- Matchmaker
- By Fire Be Purged
- Killing Two Scourge With One Skeleton
- I'm Not Dead Yet!
- The Raven Stones

Raid Finder:
- .raid teleport will remove taxi/flight

- World Events page now allows viewing detailed informations about each event

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Post Posted: 18-03-2011, 13:08:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Exploiturile cu pets/Combustion la talents reset
- Inner Focus professions mats exploit
- Rampage sa nu se mai stackeze cu Leader of the Pack

- Exploitul cu bossii la friendly NPCs
- Baltharus sa scoata clonele doar la 66% si 33% HP pe 25man (inainte scotea 3, la 75%, 50% si 25%)
- Baltharus sa casteze Repelling Wave doar cand scoate o clona
- Blade Tempest damage de la Baltharus corectat (e mai mic acum)
- Repelling Wave de la Baltharus sa nu mai afecteze tot raidul ci doar pe cei apropiati (~25 yards)

- Veranus
- Changing the Wind's Course
- Memories of Stormhoof
- Shoot 'Em Up
- Vile Like Fire!
- From Their Corpses, Rise!
- You'll Need a Gryphon
- Putting Olakin Back Together Again
- The Flesh Giant Champion
- Generosity Abounds
- The Rider of Blood
- The Restless Dead
- Into The Frozen Heart Of Northrend
- Orgrim's Hammer (Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar spawned)

Raid Finder:
- Daca ai raidul full timp de 1 minut acesta va fi scos automat din lista

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Pets/Combustion exploits on talents reset
- Inner Focus professions mats exploit
- Rampage won't stack with Leader of the Pack anymore

- Friendly NPCs bosses exploit
- Baltharus will summon clones only at 66% and 33% HP on 25man (before he was summoning 3 at 75%, 50% and 25%)
- Baltharus will cast Repelling Wave only when summoning a clone
- Blade Tempest damage from Baltharus corrected (lower)
- Repelling Wave from Baltharus will now affect only nearby players (~25 yards)

- Veranus
- Changing the Wind's Course
- Memories of Stormhoof
- Shoot 'Em Up
- Vile Like Fire!
- From Their Corpses, Rise!
- You'll Need a Gryphon
- Putting Olakin Back Together Again
- The Flesh Giant Champion
- Generosity Abounds
- The Rider of Blood
- The Restless Dead
- Into The Frozen Heart Of Northrend
- Orgrim's Hammer (Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar spawned)

Raid Finder:
- If you have the raid full for 1 minute it is automatically removed from the list

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 04:49:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Darkmoon Card: Illusion sa dea mana cand se termina scutul

- Exploitul cu adds no target/combat la Valithria Dreamwalker
- Mark of the Fallen Champion exploit la Deathbringer Saurfang
* The Lich King:
- Infest damage sa creasca la fiecare tick
- Playerii din Val'kyri sa nu mai triggeruie Defile
- Ice Spheres sa nu isi mai schimbe targetul indiferent de threat
- Val'kyrii sa caute cel mai apropiat target de margine si sa il arunce la cea mai apropiata margine
- Vile Spirits sa fie spawnate pe timpul channelului, nu toate la sfarsit
- Problema cu picatul sub platforma in Frostmourne chamber
- Problemele cu teleporterul (e posibil ca cei care aveti deja CD inca sa mai aveti probleme cu teleporterul pana la reset)
- Exploiturile cu "safe spots" in Frostmourne chamber
- Cand moare un player in Frostmourne chamber pe heroic, Lich King primeste un stack de Harvested Soul
- Wicked Spirits boom range scazut de la 15 la 10 yards
- Wicked Spirits nu mai coboara toate o data, ci random
- Val'kyrii sa nu se mai duca pe dead targets
- Val'kyrii si sa nu se mai duca toti pe acelasi target pe 25man
- Cand se termina Frostmourne chamber event sa teleporteze si playerii morti inapoi la Frozen Throne
- Exploitul cu Alt + F4 un Frostmourne Chamber
- Blade Tempest si Enervating Brand de la Baltharus de pe 25man, aveau ceva probleme

- Once More Unto The Breach, Hero

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Darkmoon Card: Illusion mana restore on effect end

- No target/combat exploit at Valithria Dreamwalker adds
- Mark of the Fallen Champion exploit at Deathbringer Saurfang
* The Lich King:
- Infest damage will increase at each tick
- Players from Val'kyri won't trigger Defile anymore
- Ice Spheres should not change target regardless of threat
- Val'kyrii will look for the closest palyer to the edge and drop him at the closest edge
- Vile Spirits will be spawned during channeling, not at the end
- Falling under the platform in Frostmourne chamber
- Teleporter problems
- "Safe spots" exploits in Frostmourne chamber
- When a player dies on heroic mode in the Frostmourne Chamber, Lich King will get a stack off Harvested Soul
- Wicked Spirits boom range down from 15yards to 10 yards
- Wicked Spirits will fall random, not all at once
- Val'kyrs won't target dead players
- Val'kyrs won't target same player on 25man
- When the Frostmourne chamber event is done, both alive and dead players will be teleported back
- Alt + F4 exploit in Frostmourne chamber
- Blade Tempest and Enervating Brand de la Baltharus on 25man

- Once More Unto The Breach, Hero

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Post Posted: 06-04-2011, 12:56:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Misdirection & Tricks of the Trade sa transfere threatul cum trebuie
- Meteorite Crystal
- Glyph of Blast Wave
- Wrathful Gladiator's Idol of Tenacity lifebloom bonus heal
- Problemele la Lifebloom mana regain aparute recent
- Problemele cu missurile la dispeluri cand ai talente de anti-dispel chance

- No target/combat exploit la Valithria Dreamwalker adds (de data asta ar trebui sa mearga ok)
- Problema cu anti-cheatul la Lay on Hands heal la Valithria Dreamwalker
* The Lich King:
- Blink pe platforma
- Tirion sa nu mai aibe animatia de flying si sa dea Disengage cand iese din Ice Lock
- Animatia de la Raise Dead
- Visualul de la Raging Spirit (sa arate ca playerul)

- Call of the Crusade

- Flame Leviathan Must Die!
- Survey the Land
- Frostmourne (Lady Sylvanas Windrunner spawned)
- Garments of the Moon
- You've Really Done It This Time, Kul (problemele cu usile deschise)
- Hot and Cold
- Raising Hodir's Spear
- Spy Hunter
- Valkyrion Must Burn
- Felsworn Gas Mask (Wildlord Antelarion sa dea Felsworn Gas Mask daca ai pierdut-o)
- Speak with Mog'dorg (Bladespire Supplicant spawned)
- Purging the Chambers of Bash'ir
- The Smallest Creatures
- Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater
- Prisoner of the Bladespire
- Showdown
- Thrusting Hodir's Spear
- Green Technology
- Riding the Wavelength: The Bombardment
- Fringe Science Benefits
- Total Ohmage: The Valley of Lost Hope!
- Amped for Revolt!

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Misdirection & Tricks of the Trade will now correctly redirect threat
- Meteorite Crystal
- Glyph of Blast Wave
- Wrathful Gladiator's Idol of Tenacity lifebloom bonus heal
- Lifebloom mana regain recent problems
- Miss problems at dispells when dealing with anti-dispel talents

- No target/combat exploit at Valithria Dreamwalker adds (this thime should work ok)
- Lay on Hands heal anti-cheat problems at Valithria Dreamwalker
* The Lich King:
- Blink on the platform
- Tirion no flying animation and have him cast Disengage when getting out of Ice Lock
- Raise Dead animation/visual
- Raging Spirit visuals (clone the player)

- Call of the Crusade

- Flame Leviathan Must Die!
- Survey the Land
- Frostmourne (Lady Sylvanas Windrunner spawned)
- Garments of the Moon
- You've Really Done It This Time, Kul (open doors problems)
- Hot and Cold
- Raising Hodir's Spear
- Spy Hunter
- Valkyrion Must Burn
- Felsworn Gas Mask (Wildlord Antelarion to give Felsworn Gas Mask if you lost it)
- Speak with Mog'dorg (Bladespire Supplicant spawned)
- Purging the Chambers of Bash'ir
- The Smallest Creatures
- Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater
- Prisoner of the Bladespire
- Showdown
- Thrusting Hodir's Spear
- Green Technology
- Riding the Wavelength: The Bombardment
- Fringe Science Benefits
- Total Ohmage: The Valley of Lost Hope!
- Amped for Revolt!

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