
[NPC] High Admiral "Shelly" Jorrik

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[Campion pa' sate]

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Post Posted: 06-02-2011, 18:54:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz Spell Link: High Admiral "Shelly" Jorrik
Descrierea bugului: NPC-ul are factiunea gresita, si nu da reputatie

Din cate stiu, ar trebui sa aiba factiunea Booty Bay, si cand il omori ar trebui sa-mi deie

+5 Bloosail Buccaneers
-25 Booty Bay
-12,5 Ratchet
-12,5 Gadgetzan
-12,5 Everlook => inmultit cu ratele serverului

Din cate vad pe wowhead, la commenturi, da reputatie si daca am exalted 1/999, eu am in acest moment 17,140/21,000 revered

Never say NO to Panda~

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