
De ce ban????

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Author Message1304
[Banned user]


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(since 08-09-2011 18:49)
Joined: 03 Feb 2011
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Post Posted: 27-02-2011, 21:55:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

oro is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* c.I.c : dmi gag 20 min

aSdzOr connected
viktor dropped
viktor has left the game
*DEAD* SyReX : datii gag 200 de min lu cic

D13 l D i A b L o has left the game
*DEAD* muZiKie : da ma stiu

NowskI : de ce sa-ti dau?
*DEAD* muZiKie : iti dadusem leg

aSdzOr is joining the Terrorist force
smiley killed Carla with usp
*DEAD* c.I.c : sa ma calmez

Crime Mod killed smiley with awp
dskt10s connected
ADMIN twister: kick D13 l D i A b L o
*DEAD* muZiKie : prin perete

Yo|SK-_-Dev1 ' sgc dropped
dskt10s is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
[] Pastrati limbajul decent. In caz contrar veti primi Gag/Llama/Ban
[Cor 95] - - |$h0KaT| connected
fundamentalist killed Yapiz with awp
DaN!eL^ killed Carla with awp
*** muZiKie killed twister with a headshot from awp ***
[Cor 95] - - |$h0KaT| is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* PeScArU : bv

muZiKie killed c.I.c with awp
dskt10s killed Moro with awp
smiley killed NowskI with awp
Crime Mod killed HARDelement with awp
] amx_who
Admini Online ::
-=-=- High Warlords -=-=
-=-=- Warlords -=-=
-=-=- Generals -=-=
-=-=- Champions -=-=
Freakz * Ken
-=-=- Blood Guards -=-=
-=-=- Grunts -=-=
Player dropped
*DEAD* GameOver : anjura si ati dau:)

aSdzOr killed DaN!eL^ with awp
r3m1 killed 123 with usp
qwerty connected
*DEAD* GameOver : -

Crime Mod killed SyReX with awp
aSdzOr killed smiley with awp
GameOver killed aSdzOr with awp
fundamentalist killed GameOver with awp
SyReX dropped
SyReX has left the game
*DEAD* Yapiz : na -
fundamentalist killed boogie with awp
boogie : "injura si iti dau"
darck killed [Cor 95] - - |$h0KaT| with awp
Bullseye killed PeScArU with awp
muZiKie killed r3m1 with glock18
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
Player connected
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
*DEAD* c.I.c : da sa imi dea ban:

Crime Mod killed BANANA UCIGASA with awp
dskt10s has left the game
qwerty dropped
qwerty has left the game
Player dropped
Player has left the game
*DEAD* GameOver : iau cate 1-

*DEAD* c.I.c : -

*DEAD* GameOver : /rankstats

MOUSE3 is unbound.
Crime Mod killed Bullseye with glock18
*DEAD* c.I.c : nowsky plzz

ADMIN Freakz * Ken: ban dskt10s for 200 minutes (Reason: respecta)

*DEAD* ryla : boogie frumos scor!

*DEAD* c.I.c : plmzz ma

muZiKie killed Bullseye with awp
[] Folositi comanda amx_page mesaj in consola daca aveti de reclamat un codat
DaN!eL^ killed PeScArU with awp
Crime Mod killed r3m1 with awp
Informatii despre ban
Nume: c.I.c
Motiv: Nespecificat
Durata banului: 100000 minute.
Admin: twister
Ora si data: 21:59:08, 27 February 2011
Harta: awp_bycastor32

Consideri ca ai luat ban pe nedrept ? Intra pe forumul nostru:
Kicked by Console: "Ai fost banat. Vezi consola pentru informatii."
Kicked :"Ai fost banat. Vezi consola pentru informatii."
You have been banned from this server.

You have been banned from this server

tot nu inteleg dc am luat ban atata timp - - eram nervos si i-am zis sa-mi dea gag si twister sa gasit cu banu si nu inteleg dc

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(since 12-11-2024 09:55)
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Post Posted: 27-02-2011, 22:14:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

te-ai linistit?ma bucur!sal vedem cand iti expira e de 100 de minute.
cat despre am chef sa caut jignirile aduse unor jucatori..prin log.dar daca insisti o sa o fac...stii prea bine la ce ma refer.

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(since 26-11-2020 18:23)
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Post Posted: 28-02-2011, 04:29:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

*DEAD* c.I.c : plmzz ma
Asta ai facut-o intentionat .
+ ai stresat adminu` ... mi se pare normal ban , daca tot erai nervos , te-ai calmat , nu ?
Have fun , spor la joc.

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