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[Been Cursed]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 17:30:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Anunta pe Default interface, adica pe mijlocul ecranului - "Lich king cast defile on "%T" "

Setemotion - Goin Hard***
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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 17:46:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

M-am tot uitat la niste guide-uri si am facut comparatie si mie unul mi se pare ca in faza 2 cu Valkyrii,zboara semnificativ mai repede decat ar trebui sa o faca in mod normal.A si defile nu il da tot timpul pe cine zice acolo
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[The Human Equation]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 17:49:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

si inca ceva, sunt singurul care a observat ca necrotic plague nu asteapta sa expire pana sa dea damage si sa sara pe next target? gen pe la jumatea duratei omoara playerul in loc sa tina 6 secunde sau cat tine.
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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 18:25:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Huh? Necrotic plague tine 15 secunde si da damage o data la 5 secunde, sare doar cand e removed/done/target died

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook
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[The Human Equation]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 18:27:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

a, aveam alta impresie, sunt noob, nvm.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 21:06:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

am inteles ca in Phase 5, tot raidul este teleportat in Frostmourne Room, ceea ce nu este corect.

Phase 5 Abilities

After casting Quake at the end of Phase 4, The Lich King will resume acting on his normal threat table and begin to melee swing and use Infest, Soul Reaper, and Defile in the same manner as he did during Phase 3. He will not resume the use of Summon Val'kyr Shadowguard. Instead, he will use the following new abilities:

Vile Spirits - The Lich King will use this ability every ~30 seconds to summon a pack of Vile Spirits in the air above him. These Vile Spirits will float around above the area they are summoned to for ~15-20 seconds, and then each will chose a random raid member, descending to ground level as they begin to float toward that person at about the same speed as a running player. If they come within melee range of the player they were targetting, they will explode, dealing a significant amount of damage to anyone within 5 yards. To minimize this damage, the raid as a whole should move as far away as possible from the part of the platform where the Vile Spirits were summoned, and ranged DPS should immediately start killing them off while they float aimlessly in the air. Any Vile Spirits that live long enough to choose a target should be kited around by the person they are chasing until the DPS can finish them off.

Harvest Soul - The Lich King uses this channeled ability every ~75 seconds on a random raid member (data suggests that the current tank cannot be targeted). The targeted player will take a significant amount of shadow damage every second for 6 seconds, and must be healed quickly and constantly throughout the channel. If the target is still alive after the channel is over, their soul will be transferred to Frostmourne. If the target dies to the channel, or dies while inside the runeblade, The Lich King will gain Harvested Soul. See the Special Mechanics section below for more information. Note: There is a known bug with this ability, wherein anyone with agro on an add that gets transferred into Frostmourne can sometimes cause the add to follow them into the runeblade's realm. Blizzard is attempting to resolve the issue, but in the mean time, tanks should be vigilant of those targeted for Harvest Soul, making sure to Taunt any adds that might be agro'd on that person before the 6 second channel ends.

Harvested Soul - This is the buff gained by The Lich King if the player targeted for Harvest Soul dies to it, or dies while within Frostmourne. This buff lasts ~15 seconds, and increases the boss' damage by 100% in 10 man and 200% in 25 man, so be prepared to use survivability and healing cooldowns on the tank if it occurs.

Fury of Frostmourne - Once The Lich King is brought down to 10% HP, he will use this ability and kill everyone in the raid. Don't release! It's not a wipe! Just wait...

Inside Frostmourne

Terenas Menethil - Present as a friendly NPC with ~315k HP, who is already engaged in combat with a Spirit Warden and usually at about half health. The player transferred into the runeblade must aid him by either attacking the Spirit Warden or healing Terenas Menethil. Terenas Menethil will keep agro on the Spirit Warden as long as he is alive, and will do more damage to the Spirit Warden the higher his HP total is raised via healing.

Restore Soul - Once the Spirit Warden has been defeated, Terenas Menethil will use this ability on the player inside Frostmourne, sending them back to join the rest of the raid on The Lich King's platform.

Spirit Warden - Present as a single mob inside Frostmourne with ~252k HP, engaged in combat with Terenas Menethil. Each time a new player is transferred into the runeblade's realm, a new Spirit Warden will be present, and must be defeated before he kills Terenas Menethil.

Soul Rip - This is an 8 second channeled ability which the Spirit Warden uses to apply a stacking shadow damage debuff to Terenas Menethil. The player taken into Frostmourne should interrupt its cast, or dispel the debuff, if they are a class that can do so.

Destroy Soul - 60 seconds after a player enters the runeblade's realm, the Spirit Warden will use this ability on him/her, killing the player instantly and buffing The Lich King with Harvested Soul. The Spirit Warden will also use this ability on the player if Terenas Menethil is allowed to die, should that happen inside of 60 seconds.Note: This ability appears to be a bit buggy, sometimes being used only a few seconds after a player enters Frostmourne. If this happens, try to use survivability cooldowns on the active tank and move on as well as possible.

As the player transferred into the runeblade, you will have to act fast to preserve your own soul, and that of Terenas Menethil as well. This friendly NPC will be engaged in combat with a Spirit Warden, and you will have to help him fight. If you are a DPS player, kill the Spirit Warden as quickly as you can possibly manage. If you are a healer, heal Terenas Menethil's wounds as quickly as you possibly can. Regardless of role, if you have a means of interrupting the Spirit Warden's Soul Rip casts, or dispelling the resulting debuff off of Terenas Menethil, do so. If you fail to either kill the Spirit Warden or heal Terenas Menethil to full within 60 seconds, the Spirit Warden will use Destroy Soul on you, killing you and buffing The Lich King with Harvested Soul. If you succeed in either task, Terenas will cast Restore Soul on you, returning you to the normal realm with the rest of your raid.

Eu am impresia ca ai pus Vile Spirit in Frostmourne Room si plus ca ai pus cam multe asa cum se vede si pe filmulet.

Asa cum se vede si din filmuletele facute de TankSpot lupta cu LK nu se opreste niciodata, deci nu are cum sa teleporteze tot raidul in Frostmourne Room.

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[Owner Freakz]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 21:14:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

tavvy wrote:
am inteles ca in Phase 5, tot raidul este teleportat in Frostmourne Room, ceea ce nu este corect.

Phase 5 Abilities

After casting Quake at the end of Phase 4, The Lich King will resume acting on his normal threat table and begin to melee swing and use Infest, Soul Reaper, and Defile in the same manner as he did during Phase 3. He will not resume the use of Summon Val'kyr Shadowguard. Instead, he will use the following new abilities:

Vile Spirits - The Lich King will use this ability every ~30 seconds to summon a pack of Vile Spirits in the air above him. These Vile Spirits will float around above the area they are summoned to for ~15-20 seconds, and then each will chose a random raid member, descending to ground level as they begin to float toward that person at about the same speed as a running player. If they come within melee range of the player they were targetting, they will explode, dealing a significant amount of damage to anyone within 5 yards. To minimize this damage, the raid as a whole should move as far away as possible from the part of the platform where the Vile Spirits were summoned, and ranged DPS should immediately start killing them off while they float aimlessly in the air. Any Vile Spirits that live long enough to choose a target should be kited around by the person they are chasing until the DPS can finish them off.

Harvest Soul - The Lich King uses this channeled ability every ~75 seconds on a random raid member (data suggests that the current tank cannot be targeted). The targeted player will take a significant amount of shadow damage every second for 6 seconds, and must be healed quickly and constantly throughout the channel. If the target is still alive after the channel is over, their soul will be transferred to Frostmourne. If the target dies to the channel, or dies while inside the runeblade, The Lich King will gain Harvested Soul. See the Special Mechanics section below for more information. Note: There is a known bug with this ability, wherein anyone with agro on an add that gets transferred into Frostmourne can sometimes cause the add to follow them into the runeblade's realm. Blizzard is attempting to resolve the issue, but in the mean time, tanks should be vigilant of those targeted for Harvest Soul, making sure to Taunt any adds that might be agro'd on that person before the 6 second channel ends.

Harvested Soul - This is the buff gained by The Lich King if the player targeted for Harvest Soul dies to it, or dies while within Frostmourne. This buff lasts ~15 seconds, and increases the boss' damage by 100% in 10 man and 200% in 25 man, so be prepared to use survivability and healing cooldowns on the tank if it occurs.

Fury of Frostmourne - Once The Lich King is brought down to 10% HP, he will use this ability and kill everyone in the raid. Don't release! It's not a wipe! Just wait...

Inside Frostmourne

Terenas Menethil - Present as a friendly NPC with ~315k HP, who is already engaged in combat with a Spirit Warden and usually at about half health. The player transferred into the runeblade must aid him by either attacking the Spirit Warden or healing Terenas Menethil. Terenas Menethil will keep agro on the Spirit Warden as long as he is alive, and will do more damage to the Spirit Warden the higher his HP total is raised via healing.

Restore Soul - Once the Spirit Warden has been defeated, Terenas Menethil will use this ability on the player inside Frostmourne, sending them back to join the rest of the raid on The Lich King's platform.

Spirit Warden - Present as a single mob inside Frostmourne with ~252k HP, engaged in combat with Terenas Menethil. Each time a new player is transferred into the runeblade's realm, a new Spirit Warden will be present, and must be defeated before he kills Terenas Menethil.

Soul Rip - This is an 8 second channeled ability which the Spirit Warden uses to apply a stacking shadow damage debuff to Terenas Menethil. The player taken into Frostmourne should interrupt its cast, or dispel the debuff, if they are a class that can do so.

Destroy Soul - 60 seconds after a player enters the runeblade's realm, the Spirit Warden will use this ability on him/her, killing the player instantly and buffing The Lich King with Harvested Soul. The Spirit Warden will also use this ability on the player if Terenas Menethil is allowed to die, should that happen inside of 60 seconds.Note: This ability appears to be a bit buggy, sometimes being used only a few seconds after a player enters Frostmourne. If this happens, try to use survivability cooldowns on the active tank and move on as well as possible.

As the player transferred into the runeblade, you will have to act fast to preserve your own soul, and that of Terenas Menethil as well. This friendly NPC will be engaged in combat with a Spirit Warden, and you will have to help him fight. If you are a DPS player, kill the Spirit Warden as quickly as you can possibly manage. If you are a healer, heal Terenas Menethil's wounds as quickly as you possibly can. Regardless of role, if you have a means of interrupting the Spirit Warden's Soul Rip casts, or dispelling the resulting debuff off of Terenas Menethil, do so. If you fail to either kill the Spirit Warden or heal Terenas Menethil to full within 60 seconds, the Spirit Warden will use Destroy Soul on you, killing you and buffing The Lich King with Harvested Soul. If you succeed in either task, Terenas will cast Restore Soul on you, returning you to the normal realm with the rest of your raid.

Eu am impresia ca ai pus Vile Spirit in Frostmourne Room si plus ca ai pus cam multe asa cum se vede si pe filmulet.

Asa cum se vede si din filmuletele facute de TankSpot lupta cu LK nu se opreste niciodata, deci nu are cum sa teleporteze tot raidul in Frostmourne Room.

daca nu sti nu vorbii, nu teleporteaza tot raidu teleporteaza 1-5-10 playeri maxim, pe 10n azi a teleportat 1 singur player si spiritele alea nu erau asa multe, in filmulet sunt multe deoarece e pe 25hc facut cred Thinking

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 21:15:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

crisuuu wrote:
daca nu sti nu vorbii, nu teleporteaza tot raidu teleporteaza 1-5-10 playeri maxim, pe 10n azi a teleportat 1 singur player si spiritele alea nu erau asa multe, in filmulet sunt multe deoarece e pe 25hc facut cred Thinking

daca nu stii nu vorbii. nu trebuie sa teleporteze 1-5-10 playeri. trebuie sa teleporteze fix 1.

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[Owner Freakz]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 21:18:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

tavvy wrote:
crisuuu wrote:
daca nu sti nu vorbii, nu teleporteaza tot raidu teleporteaza 1-5-10 playeri maxim, pe 10n azi a teleportat 1 singur player si spiritele alea nu erau asa multe, in filmulet sunt multe deoarece e pe 25hc facut cred Thinking

daca nu stii nu vorbii. nu trebuie sa teleporteze 1-5-10 playeri. trebuie sa teleporteze fix 1.

ma rog ideea e ca pe 10n 1 singur a teleportat nu cum zici tu tot raidu Thinking

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 21:20:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

crisuuu wrote:
tavvy wrote:
crisuuu wrote:
daca nu sti nu vorbii, nu teleporteaza tot raidu teleporteaza 1-5-10 playeri maxim, pe 10n azi a teleportat 1 singur player si spiritele alea nu erau asa multe, in filmulet sunt multe deoarece e pe 25hc facut cred Thinking

daca nu stii nu vorbii. nu trebuie sa teleporteze 1-5-10 playeri. trebuie sa teleporteze fix 1.

ma rog ideea e ca pe 10n 1 singur a teleportat nu cum zici tu tot raidu Thinking

fa 10 hc.

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[Been Cursed]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 21:21:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pe normal teleporteaza un player doar. si este spawnat doar un spirit warden si menethil. pe hc este alta chestie. acolo teleporteaza tot raidul si sunt spawnati wicked spirits.

Setemotion - Goin Hard***
Setemotion's box of EDM goodies
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2011, 21:25:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pai si ce trebuie facut. din filmulet doar ii evita, da acolo nu inteleg, ca ne cam wipeaza
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Post Posted: 28-03-2011, 10:53:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

99% blizz script - Daca o fi macar 70% m-as mira, dar 99% blizz script pe un privat, nu conteaza la ce anume sa fie scriptul, imi este tare greu sa cred.. Dar daca intr-adevar e asa, felicitari. Oricum bafta la server 1st, oricum LK e prea usor, doar sa ai vent si cam atat :p As spune bafta realness, dar am auzit k nu mai este ce era acum.. luni :p

P.S Pe blizz acum LK , cu cataclysm gear, l-am facut in 3 insi pe 10 normal si 14 pe 25 normal.. Dar cataclysm gear insemnand .. 135k ( 160+ cu bufful de 30%) pt un fury war, eu, si 180k (225k + pe un tank )

M-am uitat scurt peste comment-urile catorva care au fost la el.. Chestia cu frostmourne room este in p3, adica sub 40%, dupa transition, iar pe normal 10 doar 1 este sacrificat, iar pe 25 sunt 3. Si DOAR pe hc 10 si 25 toti sunt teleportati in frostmourne room. Pe normal, cel teleportat doar trebuie sa dea dps in cel care se bate cu tatal lui arthas, daca este dps, iar daca este healer, sa ii dea heal.. Iar pe hc.. dupa cum e un filmulet postat de cineva mai sus, e total sincronization in raid, k acele spirite din room dau aoe dmg, si se imparte, asa k fiind toti in acelasi loc, sunt sanse mai mici sa muriti..

Am auzit k a fost omorat deja pe normal.. Sunt curios cine o sa il omoare pe hc , avand HP 28m, respectiv 103m -

Posturi unite automat, 28-03-2011, 11:53:40

tavvy wrote:
pai si ce trebuie facut. din filmulet doar ii evita, da acolo nu inteleg, ca ne cam wipeaza

Judecand k este aproape blizz script, incearca sa pui un mark pe cineva, gen {square} care stie bine kite-ul in frostmourne room, si tot raidul il urmareste, cam atat.. si bineinteles nu trebuie sa alergati non stop pana va scoate, ci sa mai stati pe loc cam.. 2-3 secunde timp in care sa se mai dea aoe heal. Cel mai bine setati camera la high distance, si priviti de sus, vedeti unde e loc liber si acolo stati, timp in care wicked spirits isi schimba pozitiile, automat si voi. E usor de spus, insa admit k pe wotlk, lk 10 hc e greu cu acel gear.. Nu mai spun de 25hc.. dar sunt sigur k dupa multe wipes o sa ii dati de cap

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Post Posted: 28-03-2011, 11:03:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker se poate ca textul care apare cand urmeaza sa puna defile pe vreun player ,,Lich king cast defile on ...'' sa il faci putin mai mare si eventual mai boldat?
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Post Posted: 28-03-2011, 11:13:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

asd00 wrote:
Shocker se poate ca textul care apare cand urmeaza sa puna defile pe vreun player ,,Lich king cast defile on ...'' sa il faci putin mai mare si eventual mai boldat?

Lol - // si cauta acolo DBM (deadly boss mods) o versiune mai veche, 3.3.5 . Nu exista raider fara acest addon, cel mai bun pve addon existent.

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