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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-10-2013, 18:48:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@imagination1: Rejected - posted a recount of dps without total dmg. And not feeling the app overall.

@Flavva: Rejected - obviously you did't even read the first post and you just copied an app form from Whoracle. Did't even take time to change it a bit lol. Hi Ephixia, did't know you joined us lol.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-10-2013, 02:39:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Class: Priest.
Pve spec: Holy.
Pvp spec: Discipline.
So yeah, only one pve spec, bummer.
Pve item level of my main character is 394, with only boots being Cataclysmic gladiator, cause I didn't wanna waste my precious points on them, since I can just sell them for money. So yeah, guess you can say I'm greedy. But that would be assuming, and we don't do that, do we? Nah, just owed a friend like a lot of gold, and wanted to pay back fast, so didn't buy boots for myself. So technically... The item level of my best gear that contains only pve equipment is 370, since the boots spot is left empty, cuz yeah, I don't have pve boots. At least not any useful ones.
Screenshot of my best dps: Well, I never did 6 million damage in one fight, so I guess I can't really put the ss of my super awesome 437 dps here. Well, never mind, I am a healer, so I am privileged. Damn, feels good.
* As to why I want to join you, well... Everyone keeps asking for reasons, so here are my reasons: First, i got some friends in Crysis, and I wanna be in the same community, since I have some tips that you're quite a social guild, and me being so anti-social, I wanna learn how to be a part of a society, so was hoping I can learn from you guys. Second, probably the more obvious one, but definitely the far less relevant one, I wanna raid, and your raid times seem pretty suitable to me. About my performance in raids... Well, I am not really supposed to be the judge of my own performance, am I? I mean, what will I say, that I suck? Nah, I'm perfect, flawless, I wanna improve, but there's just no way how, nothing to improve. Jokes aside, I know the scripts inside out. Though, not that well on this server, but from retail, and as a mage. Nevertheless, I would, with no modesty, say that I do know my class pretty well. Far from perfect, but I guess I can do the job, and I am definitely not only ready, but eager to improve. As you probably already know, I am also a piece of shit. But I wouldn't be a piece of shit to the guildies if I joined, pinkie swear - Just kidding, I won't change for anyone, and certainly not for you guys. I am modest, and love to be a smartass, and damn, sometimes I blow myself away by how awesome I am. I believe I am social, and I am a person who can be very disciplined, if the leader is right. So, if you can lead, then I can listen, but I will certainly not adapt to shitty leadership. So in some way, if you accept me, you will also be put on a trial, like me, and if we work for each other well, I believe we can both profit. Referring mainly to Mofu, but applies to anyone reading this. If we don't work for each other, well, as I already mention, I'm a piece of shit - So don't take shit personally from me. When the time is to make fun, and just hang out, one rule applies to me: Take me seriously, but with a huge reserve. Since, as Isisc said (I have quotes of you saying this, but I will just paraphrase it here): He is very fun, and a huge troll. Well, I'm not fun, but I am a troll. Anyway, when the time is to be serious, then I can be very reliable and trustworthy. Well bored of writing more, as I'm sure you're also bored of reading this, if anyone even reads it to the end, that is. If you wanna know something, ask me in game, I'm Tropomyosin (Yeah, you didn't say I must put my characters name in the application form, but I guess I have to, so if you read this far, you'll know).
I guess most of you pricks stopped reading by now, but my man, Mofu, probably has an obligation to read it till the end, so I'm just gonna say this for him. The real reason for me applying is not because I wanna have fun with you, or raid with you, or whatever. No, I don't give a crap about you. I am a secret super-Jew agent, on a mission. My mission is to infiltrate in your ranks, and silently bring down Hitler, because I know that he is one of you. Now, if you do not invite me, rest assured that you will pay the consequences, as well, since he will not really spare you, just because he is in your guild. Remember what he did to Stallin in the second world war? Despite having a non-aggresion pact with him, he use that fact to attack him by surprise. Luckily that was the time of the most powerful winter ever recorded in russia, and Nazis were not really readdy for it, so it failed. Point is, you will be backstabbed. Invite me, and I will deal with the pest for you, and for the whole word, and you will have bought yourself a place in the history of man kind. Well, a place that has some relevance, at least.
Tropomyosin is a protein found in the muscles of our bodies. It is covering the surface of the actine fibers in the muscles sarcomeres, and once Ca+2 iones com ein contact with it, they stip it off the actine fibers, allowing the myosine to bind to the actine, hence enabling the muscle to contract. So I'm basically a part of every single thing that you do. When you are eating, it's thanks to me, when you are taking the biggest dump in your life, and feel that heavenly releaf after it, it's thanks to me, when you have sex with your beloved partner of the opposite sex, I'm there (if it's the same sex partner, then Satan is there, not me, unless it's two girls, then I am not there, but I wanna be there, so ask for my number, there's no Satan with you, I promise). Well, so much about the origin of my name, if anyone cares, and I guess you don't, but I felt like writing it, so I expect some respect. Hope next time we talk, it's in guild chat, and I'm less boring. (Think about the world, Mofu).
Oh, btw... I'm Serbian. If you reject me, Mofu, prepare to be bombarded, because I will cry and blame it on Nationalism. Even if your have your officers reject me for you, in an attempt to cover it up.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-10-2013, 10:14:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Can you at least have enough decency to tell me the reason? Not asking for a discussion, simply you telling me why.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-10-2013, 10:55:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hes not an officer or a member of the guild so dont worry.
Minkow go troll somewhere else.

@dittopinguin3 - accepted for trial to see how big of a douche you are

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-11-2013, 20:06:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi, I would want to get into this guild.I'm warrior arms 397 ilvl pve This is my aromry link:
i have 2/4 achif hc on ds and 1/1 fl
i know tactic for all boss.I know my class very well

and hope to be accepted:D

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-11-2013, 20:36:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@roberto2905 Rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2013, 08:58:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I am from Bulgaria and I am 15 years old. That I am not a student prevents WOW.Find a balance between school and BOB.I play generally Pve but occasionally pvp.Still no heroic items but I hope soon to have.
I'm not a gamer playing for fun. I am a novice with war.
These are some links you will see some information about my war.
I've been in many guilds but I removed it or I'm out of here.
Here are some of them: (Frosaken Knights - i leave) (Freedom - i leave) and so on.
I hope many to come here because I want to become like you. - -
Every week I do all rides. A little more remains for me to become whole in Valor points.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2013, 13:51:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Goldenlion - rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2013, 22:10:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Class and Spec/Off-Spec you play.
1.1 Paladin Retri, Off-Spec Protection.
For now I'm Playing Only Retri spec.
2.My Item Level is 396 Pve with two part of pvp Cataclismic items Head and Shoulderplates.
3. Damage Done on Raiders Training Dummy Without buffs.
4. Im looking for Active pve guild since 4.3.4 patch and i want to be apart of ,,Crysis". About me Im 19 years old live in Lithuania in my free time i meeting with friends but when im sitting home in my free time Im playing Video games, i can say thatI m quick learner and a skillful player but you must see your eyes or saying the true.
My experience in wow is long im playing wow since tbc on freakz im since 4.0.3 patch.
I cant say reason why you must take to crysis guild because this will be just a words i must to show you what i have and what i can.
Progress in Dragon Sould is 2/4 hc.
Ps: Please if you will Reject me say me reason what is wrong with my Aplication. thank you.

Have A nice Day. @Palyway
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-11-2013, 01:01:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@manoges - Rejected
reason, since you asked for one: I just don't think you're what we're looking for from your application. You didn't follow the application instructions made in the first post, your English does not so good and i just don't see anything exceptional in your application that would make me want to invite you.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2013, 10:20:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I would just like to say, i was never good at being creative in the way of making forum posts look pretty, or anything visually. So i do ask that you please forgive me.

My ingame name is "Seanheals"

Class and Spec/Off-Spec you play:

I play a Resto Shaman. This has been my passion for as long as i can remember, and i plan to always be one - Specifically in Cata, they are even more viable than in wotlk, and that is why i plan to do weekly raiding here, rather than 3.3.5 . As for my offspec, I have been so into resto, that i rarely even switched specs. When i was in my raid group we would have the other guy(s) switch before i did. I do plan on learning ele to the point of having a true offspec, but as of right now, i offspec ele with fairly bad results.

PvE Item level of your main character:

My Item level is 352 with a mix between PvE and PvP. I would like to go into detail as to why, and how i think i can fix it easily. So, when i made my first character, i was just leveling like normal. Then, a priest came up to me and asked if i wanted to be powerleveled. I only enjoy raiding, and i thought that sounded great. We hit 85 and then i come to find out i have little to no gear. No gold to buy AH, no gear to fight with. Hell, i had a level 5 chest. Recovering from a bad start, and being my first character here, i am trying my best to gear up. The general idea is nobody wants a 352 with them, so i cannot raid / do ET. With not being able to raid I cannot gear up. It's like a vicious cycle trying to gear up. My idea is that if i am accepted the guild can help me gear up. In return, i would like to also help others gear up.

 A screenshot of recount of your damage/dps with at least 6 million damage done on the Boss Dummy (not for healers and tanks obviously):

N/A - healer

Application part about why you want to join Crysis, a little bit about your self and the reasoning why you think we should invite you:

I would like to you join you guys because this guild not only seems to be good, but they also seem to have mature, and easy going group of players. I think i would fit into your guild. In terms of socially and raiding wise.

My name is Sean. I am a long time PvE based player, and i am very dedicated to whatever i do. I've been playing WoW since a few weeks before BC, and i still enjoy this game. I've had some on/off time with WoW, but i rarely forget the things i haven't done in awhile. My favorite expansion is Cata. This was where i had the most experience learned in one expansion, and i just personally agree that this is the best expansion. Not to say i hate any of the others, i don't. I even play all expansions actively. I just think in the end Cata is my favorite. My guild and I full cleared heroic dragon soul before it was nerfed into the ground, and on an role-play server, that was kind of cool. I did raid the first 3 raids in MoP, but i decided that my family had better places to spend $15/month. I've also done numerous raids in wotlk, as a resto shaman. I think in terms of PvE my most heroic achievement would be being able to keep up with a iCC geared healer (resto shaman), when i am mix-matched in between Ulduar through iCC geared healer (resto shaman). Where that said player relies on gear, i rely on a better knowledge of the spec. There is a point where he will completely overpower me, but for awhile, and in most fights, i actually do very well to keep up with him. I'm going to talk about my own personal self now. I am 17 years old, and my birthday is on November 29th. I have a good 19 days till i turn 18! I live in the united states. Pennsylvania is specifically where i live. I am on the eastern standard time zone. I'm actually a high-school drop out, and i do not have a job yet. This leaves me a lot of time to play video games. I plan to be working on learning how to drive, and also getting my G.E.D . I am a really laid back player, but i do not take raiding lightly. I put my all into the fight when we activate combat. I would call myself a hardcore raider, but in no way am i an elitist. The different between me and Elitist is , instead of raging, i would rather try to figure out what went wrong, if it can be fixed, and if not, how can we adjust to it? I think that i would make a good part of your guild because i am really passionate about helping people. This extends to my healing, as well. The main reason i heal is because i feel like i am helping people. That sounds a little goofy, i know. I think in general my previous guilds would say I'm a good guild member -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2013, 11:01:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I spoke to this player for a while seems friendly has a grasp of English and wants to heal.
As we all know starting out is hard to get geared ect as mentioned in the app and a good app is a good app.

Mofus milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
But Rars milkshake gets them to the basement

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2013, 13:18:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Seems to be a good enuff app and positive one too gear doesnt matter we all had to start somewhere ill vouch for ur app and maybe even throw inv to the guild if mofu also vouches (forgot he aint on for weekend) ill like to talk to u ingame if u can .
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2013, 17:08:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@SeanHeals - Sorry for not replying faster, I'm off for the week, visiting my family back home. I will be back at my place tomorrow evening so if you can wait till then for a short interview over raidcall i would be happy to give you a shot, since your application sounds decent enough. If you want to speed it up a bit you could try and contacting Repentance/Arthas/Woe ingame for the same, just note to him that i approved your app on the forums and sent you to him for a raidcall interview.

Other then that, you are aware of the raid times? Would they be suitable for you?
P.S. i would pick Enh as an off-spec, ele is not good and not a lot of Enh shamans in the guild either.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-11-2013, 00:43:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Raids times can work for me. Only change for me would be going to sleep / waking up different. I'll take a look into Enhance, thanks. I will also contact Arthas for a raidcall interview

Thanks for the reply

EDIT: If you want contact me on skype i will be faster to respond, as this is not the only server i play on. My skype is [email protected]

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