
[DUPLICATE] [Cataclysm][Spell]

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Post Posted: 08-09-2011, 16:25:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: (wowhead link)
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Unleashing this Seal's energy will deal (1 + 0.25 * holy power.16 * AP) Holy damage to an enemy and restore 15% of the Paladin's base mana.

Partea cu 15 % of the paladin base mana nu merge . Nu da mana deloc.
Dovada / Proof: O sa revin mai pe seara cu dovada acum postez de pe telefon si nu pot intra in wow. Se vede bine cum la melee swing primesc 4 mana , ceea ce nu inseamna 4% din 23422 base mana (936 mana ar trebui sa primesc ). Si pe urma in a 2 a poza judgementu e unleashed si nu am nici un mana gain (Ar trebui sa primesc 3515 mana )

Please fix it xD

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