
[FIXED] [Warrior] Rage
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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 12:21:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: -
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: critical hits genereaza 200% rage si nu ar trebui; iar formula de calcul a rage-lui per swing este gresita, da ceva mai mult rage decat ar trebui.
Formula ar trebui sa fie 6.5* weapon base speed
Dovada / Proof:

"Q: How does Rage generation work now?
A: The amount of Rage you generate on a successful hit is now simply 6.5 * base weapon speed. Damage, Crit, fast vs slow weapons, glancing blows etc. no longer affect your rate of Rage generation. Only Hit, Haste and Expertise will have an affect.
in 4.2 :
Q: How does Rage generation work now?
A: The amount of Rage you generate on a successful hit is now simply 6.5 * base weapon speed, and half that for offhand hits. Damage, Crit, fast vs slow weapons, glancing blows, dodges and parries no longer affect your rate of Rage generation. Only Hit and Haste will have an effect.

LE: Screenshots de pe oficial(multumesc NoSkillz):
Link non crit warrior arms 29 rage la hit
Link critical damage warrior arms tot 29 rage/hit

Cantitatea de rage confirma formula de calcul 6,5 * base swing speed of the weapon pt fury iar in arms se adauga 25% rage din Anger Management!
PT cine vrea calcule:
Fury MH rage: 6.5 * 3.6=23.4/hit
OH rage: 6.5 * 3.6 * 0.5=11.7 rage/hit (0.5 pt ca ia 50% rage)
Arms: 6.5 * 3.6 * 1.25 = 29.25 rage/hit (25% rage increase din Anger management) cantitatea identica cu cea din Screenshots de mai sus!

Last edited by Mr.Faith on 10-03-2012, 12:25:32; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 13:36:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Interesant . Eu raman fara rage de multe ori in arena , si tu zici ca da 200 % mai mult . Ma uit la alte video cu alti warriori si pe aia nu i-am vazut niciodata la 0 rage. Cum am zis , interesanta chestia asta .

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 14:00:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi, guys. I can tell you where the problem is but yoiu must read, I'm not throllig this time.

First of all thanks to Mr. Faith for pointing this out. Sooner or latter this bug will have beedn eventually reported anyway.

Yes, you gain double rage when you crit. And you know why? becouse the whole formula is wtill form wotlk.
But the thing is that warrior have really low crit so they mostly ragestarv in cata.

So as Bigblackjoe said, he is ragestarving most of the time in arena in raid it doesn't matter, arms furry it still doesnt matter becouse the formula is wrong. Besides have you ever seen any wideo with warrior in cata who will ragestarv? NO!

And the formula is wrong becouse even if it was fixed back 2011 10 17:
[b]- Rage generated when dealing damage (it was wotlk formula, it has been decreased on cataclysm)[/b]
- Bladestorm makes you immune to Mind Control in any situation
- Spell Reflection now reflects Mind Control too
- Thunderstruck now activates only from Thunder Clap
- Execute damage now correctly benefits from additional rage
- Intercept damage (it was double)
- Blitz now correctly affects only targets in melee range

This fix was working only few weeks after some more updates it got broken and no one noticed.

Mr.Faith is right it doesnt mater you cirt or not in cata it gives normalized rage, it doesnt depend on weapon gear anything. If you hit it you get it, if you hit it faster you get it faster. Easy and simple. The thing is that now you get about 20 rage from non cirt as you always should get about 35 rage!

Please fix it asap or atleast check what is wrong with that.

The main profs are given by Mt.Faith but fing is that rage given is not dependant on weapon speed at any means only haste affects that!

If you need I can find any info proving that.

Here is some more info:
Rage is being normalized so that its generation is no longer based on damage done by auto-attacks. Each auto-attack will provide a set amount of Rage, with off-hand weapons granting 50% of the rage main-hand weapons do. Haste will allow Rage to generate more rapidly by increasing attack speed. In addition, while taking damage, the amount of Rage generated will now be based on the warrior's health rather than the opponent's level. The essence of this change is to improve the scaling that occurs with warrior gear. With warriors balanced around the top tiers of items, we've found that the class tends to underperform more drastically than others in lower-quality items. These changes should correct that.

Last edited by arnisgd on 09-02-2012, 14:23:27; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 14:06:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Huh? eu am testat personal pe un warrior pe blizz, o sa iau iar warrioru ala si testez sa-ti arat, revin cu printuri.
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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 14:25:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Something is definately worng after that fix it was working perfectly no rage starv just perfect, and as I said after few weeks it got broken.

Maybe this is the problem:

2) Rage from damage taken will no longer be based on a standard creature of the character's level, but instead will based on the health of the warrior or druid. Again, there is a constant that is multiplied by the rage generated in order to allow for fine-tuning. [b]This calculation ignores all damage reduction from armor, absorption, avoidance, block, or similar mechanics[/b], so improving your gear will not reduce Rage gained.


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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 15:52:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Inca o dovada care atesta ca NU TREBUIE sa ia 200% rage la crit de white damage

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 16:01:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yep you shouldn't get double rage when crit, you should allways get averaged value about 35-38 rage on main hand swing.
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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 16:34:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mr.Faith wrote:

Inca o dovada care atesta ca NU TREBUIE sa ia 200% rage la crit de white damage

Bai cumetre daca pe blizz inca se ia asa dc vii si trolezi aiurea??..A zis zohl ca o sa testeze mai ho inteleg ca vreti toti nerf incontinuu la warr ca va bat aia fury prin arene...dar nici chiar asa.De cand a bagat cata aici si pana sa se faca 2-3 fixuri la warr rage era bug da..luam rage mult..dar akum daca nu da cva constant in mine nu am rage APROAPE DELOK...deci si in raiduri trebuie sa iau cva dmg constant sa pot sa am rage...deci nu mai trola aiurea pe aici.Daca pe blizz da tu vrei aici sa nu dea a? ca tu esti Mr. faith...omfg

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 16:38:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mr.Faith wrote:

Inca o dovada care atesta ca NU TREBUIE sa ia 200% rage la crit de white damage

Aia numesti tu dovada? arata post oficial de pe blizzard si sa nu fie PTR

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 18:01:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tamaie wrote:
Mr.Faith wrote:

Inca o dovada care atesta ca NU TREBUIE sa ia 200% rage la crit de white damage

Bai cumetre daca pe blizz inca se ia asa dc vii si trolezi aiurea??..A zis zohl ca o sa testeze mai ho inteleg ca vreti toti nerf incontinuu la warr ca va bat aia fury prin arene...dar nici chiar asa.De cand a bagat cata aici si pana sa se faca 2-3 fixuri la warr rage era bug da..luam rage mult..dar akum daca nu da cva constant in mine nu am rage APROAPE DELOK...deci si in raiduri trebuie sa iau cva dmg constant sa pot sa am rage...deci nu mai trola aiurea pe aici.Daca pe blizz da tu vrei aici sa nu dea a? ca tu esti Mr. faith...omfg

Are dreptate.
Voi nu testati acest lucru , asta e o frustrare ca poate pierdeti duelul vs un warr , sau ceva de genul asta ! Mr. Faith , ai vreun warr ?
Ai jucat vreodata cu warr ?
Daca ai fi jucat , ai fi vazut ca ramai fara rage de multe ori , mai ales in arena.
Astept raspunsul lui Zohl la aceasta problema.

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 19:12:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu are nimic de'a face cu nerf-ul sau orice altceva. Mi-am postat bugurile pozitive de la propria clasa de am jucat cu ea (druid resto), asa ca postez si de la ce mai intalnesc ca nu merge corect. Nu sunt ca altii sa tin bugurile care le gasesc pt mine. Putin ma intereseaza ca voi vreti ca sa aveti chare atotputernice, joc de fun.

Cat despre ramas fara rage, normal ca ramai daca dai de cineva care chiar stie sa joace vs war. Nu e mare branza sa il kitezi cat sa nu iei charge si melee-uri prea multe. Voi vreti rage infinit, 2 lovituri full rage...frumos n-am ce zice.

Sunt tare curios de ce zice Zohl.

@ Joey...da am warr, vreo 3 aici pe server daca tin minte bine, insa nu ma mai atrage clasa, desi stiu sa joc cu el.

Last edited by Mr.Faith on 09-02-2012, 19:39:19; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 19:34:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mr.Faith wrote:
Nu are nimic de'a face cu nerf-ul sau orice altceva. Mi-am postat bugurile pozitive de la propria clasa de am jucat cu ea (druid resto), asa ca postez si de la ce mai intalnesc ca nu merge corect. Nu sunt ca altii sa tin bugurile care le gasesc pt mine. Putin ma intereseaza ca voi vreti ca sa aveti chare atotputernice, joc de fun.

Ok . O intrebare , ai observat ca Pounce si Maim nu are dr ? Sau ce mi se pare suspect la druid , este ca nu ramane fara mana ...
Chiar vroiam sa intreb un druid sincer , din moment ce , ceilalti isi apara clasa , sau nu vor sa posteze.

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 19:37:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok guys dont start oftopic here. The prombleim is that warrior rage gain is *** up and they are rage starving becouse of some bug!
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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 19:55:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

arnisgd wrote:
Ok guys dont start oftopic here. The prombleim is that warrior rage gain is *** up and they are rage starving becouse of some bug!

Dude , MrFaith said that the warrior is generating 200% more rage when he crits. I dont know about that , but i cant agree with him, because i am rage starving a lot in arenas , and i dont know why.

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 19:56:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mr.Faith wrote:
Nu are nimic de'a face cu nerf-ul sau orice altceva. Mi-am postat bugurile pozitive de la propria clasa de am jucat cu ea (druid resto), asa ca postez si de la ce mai intalnesc ca nu merge corect. Nu sunt ca altii sa tin bugurile care le gasesc pt mine. Putin ma intereseaza ca voi vreti ca sa aveti chare atotputernice, joc de fun.

Cat despre ramas fara rage, normal ca ramai daca dai de cineva care chiar stie sa joace vs war. Nu e mare branza sa il kitezi cat sa nu iei charge si melee-uri prea multe. Voi vreti rage infinit, 2 lovituri full rage...frumos n-am ce zice.

Sunt tare curios de ce zice Zohl.

@ Joey...da am warr, vreo 3 aici pe server daca tin minte bine, insa nu ma mai atrage clasa, desi stiu sa joc cu el.

Deci 1 la mane nene eu nu jok fury in pvp in arene,jok arms deci nu am probleme cu partea asta cu rage.Eu ma refeream STRICT PVE ca toti va plangeti ca nsh ce.Problema nu esta la rage,nu scrie NICAIERI oficial ca rage'ul pe blizz este la fel pt crit si non-crit melee attacks.Nu pastrez nimik fav pt clasa mea,de cand jok am raportat ce a fost bug si crede'ma ca jok de ceva timp.Eu zik ca deja s'a umblat prea mult la warrior rage si deja devine enervanta treaba cu "warrior rage"=>bug report de fieare data.Nu exista "rage INFINIT",inseamna ca nu joci warrior delok sau nu ai jucat in ultimele 2 saptamani,abtine'te cu balariile astea.Nu apar clasa sau ceva,cum am zis si in alte topicuri daca voi credeti ca e cva la warr si vreti sa testati imi dati /w in game si nu e nici o problema vin si vedem ce si cum.bft~

casuta zohl

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