Eu am facut 280 fishing skill in balta din Ironforge (sunt dwarf). Intradevar se face foarte greu skill-ul, de multe ori peste scapa [Oh no, your fish got away ! ] si cand se intampla sa scape pestele, pluta ramane in apa dar fara firul de la undita. In cateva secunde se duce la fund, si iar zice [Your fish got away]
In schimb, peste se prinde - atunci cand merge - si achivement-ul [old Ironjaw] l-am facut in cam 10 minute. In juma de ora cat am stat la peste l-am prins de vreo 4 ori.
Fir intins !
The Earth quakes as our rams charge into battle!
Our blunderbusses fill the sky with the sound of thunder!
Our foes blood runs like lava red and hot!
Feel the fury of the Mountain!