
[Frost] [Death Knight] PvP Guide

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Author Message1032

[Best in Slot]

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Post Posted: 06-03-2021, 21:34:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Note From the Author

I am playing DK since 2011, and played it throughout all of the expansions.
Older players from freakz know me as Amnezx or ***/Retardclassx.
Regarding my PvP experience I have peaked with 2750 back on retail WoD and I have achieved multiple Rank ones on ladder on Freakz and also on private server that was at that time Arena-Tournament.
You can find me in game @Barelyviable


Frost Death Knights have the ability to force defensive cooldowns from enemies and have some of the strongest sustained damage outside of burst cooldowns. Even when a Frost Death Knight does not have offensive cooldowns active they can still force defensives with the large amounts of damage they can do.


+ Strong Burst
+ Powerful cleave
+ High anti-mobility and anti-cooldown recovery
+ Good Survivability


- Low amount of CC
- Predictability in terms of burst
- Low on mobility



Human - Being able to use Relentless against comps that revolves around CC and still being able to get out of stuns with Every Man for Himself


Orc - Stun reduction from Hardiness and being able to use Gladiator's Medallion


Other Choices

Beath of Sindragosa Can be taken against melee cleaves for powerful aoe set-ups.

Can be taken into consideration if you struggle survive to mitigate some more damage

PvP Talents

Chill Streak should always be taken when playing with WW Monk/Havoc DH for high cleave setups
Heartstop Aura is a must in all matchups
Necrotic Aura is a good choice while playing with DH for both higher sustain and burst damage

Other Choices

Lichborne vs teams that relies heavily on shutting down you via stuns/fears
Anti-Magic Zone can be a strong team def CD against heavy spell cleaves
Dark Simulacrum can be taken into consideration against mages/locks/druids to steal CCs and reverse their pressure

Azerite Traits

Frozen Tempest having a high impact of your overall damage, both on single target and AoE situations
Echoing Howl great AoE Pressure generator tool
Frostwhelp's Indignation great addition for your burst damage

Other Choices

Icy citadel


Dread Gladiator's Insignia
Vial of Animated Blood
Dread Gladiator's Badge
Dread Gladiator's Emblem - if you need an extra def CD


Offensive Build

Mastery > Versatility > Crit > Haste

Defensive Build

Versatility > Mastery > Crit > Haste

Stats Note

Usually a safe versatility for this season would be around 10-12%, but feel free to play with as much versa as you feel comfortable

Viable Arena Compositions


Frost + MW Monk


Frost + WW + MW Monk/Rsham/Hpala
Frost + Havoc DH + MW Monk/Rsham/Hpala
Frost + Awar + MW Monk/Rsham/Hpala

Note: To be added at readers' demand: Macros, Gameplay tips, Setting up Burst opportunities, also feel free to come up with requests
Note 2: This guide is up to date for current Freakz content - 8.0 and it will be updated as soon as the content will rise

Last edited by Amnezx on 06-03-2021, 22:02:26; edited 3 times in total
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