
Hunter - Beast Mastery, PvE Guide
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2013, 23:51:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hunter - Beast Mastery, PvE

Prima intrebare cand cineva vede un guide pentru un spec este: "Ok.. de ce as juca specul asta?"

Intrebarea este chiar foarte buna, daca stau sa o analizez... la un anume adica daca cineva m-ar intreba de ce joc BM si nu surv sau MM as zice ca specul asta mi se potriveste.. ca e specul cu care eu personal joc cel mai comod, nicidecum ca BM e mai bun ca MM sau surv sau alte argumente de genul acesta .. asta depinde de stilul de joc al fiecaruia, iar eu prin acest guide voi incerca sa va prezint stilul meu de joc :) . Dar ca sa dau un argument mai bun as zice ca BM este un spec foarte distractiv ce permite celor interesati sa-l incerce posibilitatea de a avea un damage mare inca din stadiul de leveling, iar cu gear adecvat ajunge cu usurinta in top la DPS.

Un aspect foarte important la hunterul BM este ca mai mult de jumatate din tot damage-ul ce se vede pe ecran este cauzat de pet. Pet-urile specifice BM sunt cele exotice ( pet-uri care pe langa abilitatile standard detin si o abilitate bonus )

Talent Tree - link

/run t,p,a={1,12,23,33,52,63,83,91,101,113,122,141,151,162,171,182,191,2,12,23,42,3,23,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end

Glyphs :

Prime Glyphs :

-Glyph of Kill Command - scade costul de focus la Kill Command cu 3.
-Glyph of Arcane Shot - creste damage-ul la Arcane Shot cu 12%..
-Glyph of Kill Shot - iti da posibilitatea sa folosesti Kill Shot mai des, acesta resetandu-se instant daca targetul nu moare din Kill Shot-ul anterior ( desigur efectul are 6 secunde CD :P toate lucrurile minunate au si restrictii :)) ).

Major Glyphs :

-Glyph of Bestial Wrath - scade cd-ul la Bestial Wrath cu 20 sec. Nu ar fi frumos sa poti folosi Bestial Wrath cat mai des ?? :D
-Glpyh of Trap Launcher - scade costul de focus la Trap Launcher cu 10.
-Glyph of Mending - creste healul pe care-l da Mend Pet la pet cu 60%. Aici este "Calcaiul lui Ahile" la hunterul de BM: daca moare pet-ul damage-ul se injumatateste, asa ca mai bine nu te baza intotdeauna ca healerii iti au in grija si pet-ul si mai da-i si tu cate un Mend Pet la nevoie ;)

Minor Glyphs :

-Glyph of Revive Pet - asta as zice eu ca este chiar necesar doar in caz ca moare pet-ul sa nu ai pushback cand ii dai revive
celelalte 2 sunt la alegerea fiecaruia..


Sunt 100% sigur ca aici ati vrut sa ajungeti toti pt ca.. doar vorbim de Beast Mastery nu?? :P

Devilsaur -> Terrifying Roar - da 5% crit chance la tot raidul + Monstrous Bite - abilitate bonus de scade healul primit de target

Spirit Beast -> Roar of Courage - da 549 Agility & Strength la tot raidul + Spirit Walk - abilitate de stealth si primul atac sporit cu 20% + Spirit Mend - abilitate bonus de HoT(heal over time)

Core Hound -> Ancient Hysteria - abilitate alternativa la Bloodlust/Heroism de la shaman sau Time Warp de la mage + Lava Breath (wowhead link) - abilitate bonus de scade viteza de spell cast la target

toate 3 pet-urile au damage-ul aproape acelasi, a se folosi in functie de necesitatea raid-ului/party-ului

Ferocity pet talent tree :

Cu toate ca in PvE pet-ul de ferocity este cel dominant si 100% recomandat am indraznit sa mentionez si un pet de cunning.. va intrebati de ce? ei bine acest pet este cu totul special...

Chimaera -> pe langa abilitatea de single target Frost Breath Chimaera, este unul din singurele 2 pet-uri de hunter ce are o abilitate AoE si anume Froststorm Breath care la AoE intrece damage-ul dat de pet-ul de ferocity. Celalalt pet este Worm-ul care de asemenea detine o abilitate AoE, dar motivul pentru care nu il prezint este datorat damage-ului mult mai slab decat al Chimaera-ei, acesta fiind pet de tenacity.

Cunning pet talent tree :


Aspecte generale

-> Litera de lege la hunter: Combatul se incepe cu Hunter's Mark setat pe target, urmat de Serpent Sting.

-> In cazul generarii de prea mult threat se foloseste Misdirection pe tank ( sau pe pet in cazul in care faci solo ).

-> Focus Fire il folosesti de fiecare data cand se activeaza ( preferabil chiar in momentul acela ).

-> Bestial Wrath e folosit la eficienta maxima in combinatie cu trinket-ul atunci cand avem focus aproape full si cand Pet-ul are full stacks de Rabid si foloseste Call of the Wild, iar ca abilitati de burst folosim Kill Command si ploaie de Arcane Shot. A nu se folosi in combinatie cu Rapid Fire. Motivul este urmatorul: Datorita talentului The Beast Within toate shot-urile si Kill Command au costul la focus redus la jumatate, deci atunci cand avem Bestial Wrath activ nu prea avem nevoie sa folosim Cobra Shot ca sa generam focus, deci Rapid Fire ar fi cam degeaba activat.. doar pentru viteza la autoattacks care nu se merita. In schimb Rapid Fire e foarte bun sa il activam cand nu mai avem focus deoarece ne permite sa castam cat mai multe Cobra Shot intr-un interval scurt de timp ceea ce inseamna mai mult focus generat.

-> Fervor il folosesti cand simti ca ai nevoie de focus (eventual daca ai activat Bestial Wrath si ai ramas fara focus pana sa i se termine efectul)

-> La pet ii poti lasa toate spelurile sa se autoactiveze cand crede el de cuviinta.. va da buffurile automat si va folosi abilitatile de attack in functie de cat focus va avea ( si a bonusului primit de la talentele tale: Focus Fire, Fervor, Go to the Throat & Sic'Em).

Single Target Dps

-> Kill Command - de fiecare data cand nu e in CD si ai focus.
-> Arcane Shot - de fiecare data cand Kill Command e in CD si mai ai focus
-> Cobra Shot - de fiecare data cand nu ai focus
-> Kill Shot - de fiecare data cand e disponibil ( e prioritar chiar si peste Kill Command )

Area of Efect Dps (AoE) :

-> Explosive Trap - folosesti Trap Launcher ca sa il pui sub moobi de fiecare data cand e disponibil Explosive Trap
-> Multi-Shot - de fiecare data cand avem focus
-> Cobra Shot - de fiecare data cand nu avem focus
-> Froststorm Breath (wowhead link) - de la Chimaera.. fiind diferita de alte abilitati ale pet-ului de hunter, aceasta abilitate se activeaza doar manual :P


Agility - Stat-ul cu cea mai mare importanta la hunter. Ii da Attack Power si Critical Strike

Hit Rating - Range Hit cap 8% ( 7% daca esti Draenei). Mai mult de atat este inutil.

Mastery - Aici va aparea noutatea fata de Marksmanship si Survival. Mastery este un stat foarte important.. fiecare punct de mastery creste damageul la pet cu 1.67%, ideal din moment ce mai bine de jumatate din damageul tau e dat de pet, dar asta nu inseamna ca ne vom axa full pe mastery.

Critical Strike - Veti dori desigur sa aveti cat mai mult crit datorita bonusurilor oferite de talente precum Killing Streak, Invigoration (wowhead link), Go to the Throat si Sic'Em

Haste - Pentru ca l-am lasat ultimul nu inseamna ca nu este important. Ba din contra, haste este necesar pentru a casta cat mai repede Cobra Shot si a genera cat mai mult focus. Facand un scurt calcul avem 15% haste de la Focus Fire care il consideram mereu activ + avand in raid/party un surv hunter/ frost dk/ shaman cu windfury totem pentru aura de 9% haste, as zice ca un total de 45%-50% haste (adica in jur de 21%-26% haste pe gear) ar fi ideal, avand in vedere ca avem si bonusurile cumulate de la talentele si abilitatile tale si ale pet-ului. Cand faci rost de 2 piese din setul T13, haste isi scade din importanta deoarece Cobra Shot genereaza cantitate dubla de focus.. si atunci putem zice ca ocolim haste cat de mult putem, deoarece e suficient cel de la Focus Fire si aura de haste de la surv hunter/frost dk/windfury totem..

In concluzie stats-urile in ordinea importantei lor pentru tine ar fi : Agility > Hit(pana la cap) > Mastery = Crit > Haste


Meta - Agile Shadowspirit Diamond
Red - Delicate Queen's Garnet sau Delicate Chimera's Eye pentru cei cu Jewelcrafting
Blue - Glinting Shadow Spinel
Yellow - Deadly Lava Coral / Adept Lava Coral
Prismatic - Delicate Queen's Garnet sau Delicate Chimera's Eye pentru cei cu Jewelcrafting


-> Head: Arcanum of Ramkahen - 60 Agility + 35 Haste.
-> Shoulders: Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal 50 Agility + 25 Mastery .
-> Back – Greater Critical Strike – 65 Critical Strike
-> Chest – Peerless Stats - 20 all stats
-> Wrists – Agility – 50 Agility
-> Gloves – Greater Mastery – 65 Mastery
-> Belt – Ebonsteel Belt Buckle
-> Legs – Dragonscale Leg Armor: 190 Attack Power + 55 Critical Strike
-> Boots – Mastery – 50 Mastery
-> 2H Melee Weapon – Mighty Agility – 130 Agility
-> Range Weapon – Flintlocke's Woodchucker – 300 Agility proc


Reforgingul se face dupa principiul: Am crit pe item? da? ok.. Am mastery pe item? da? ok.. il las in pace. Pe scurt, cautam sa avem pe fiecare item crit si mastery unde se poate. Unde avem de ales intre crit si mastery alegem mastery. Nu dam reforge din mastery in crit sau invers!!! Grija la haste.. nu dam reforge la haste decat daca e cazul ( uita-te la stats ).

Sper ca guide-ul asta a fost util si astept intrebari daca sunt :D

P.S.: Prima imagine a fost facuta in Paint din mai multe imagini cu pet-urile mele =))

Are you looking for the english version?? Take a look --> here <--

Last edited by alyn509 on 05-08-2013, 17:44:34; edited 24 times in total
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Post Posted: 27-06-2013, 00:47:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu l-am citit pe tot insa e destul de bun.Scoate emoticoanele din ghid.Il strica complet.

So many words untold...

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-06-2013, 01:01:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Csvyo wrote:
Scoate emoticoanele din ghid.Il strica complet.

done -

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Post Posted: 27-06-2013, 12:49:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

frumos guide si interesant gg
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Post Posted: 27-06-2013, 18:54:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

bravo - frumos guide
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[Bone Fletcher]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2013, 13:31:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I wish people would stop copying guides off retail where everything is working unlike freakz.
About the talents: sick'em doesn't work at all,absolutely broken to being unusable same with killing streak.Careful aim and pathfinding or even improved SS are way better choices
Pets: core hound is unusable due to its gigantic hitbox,it cannot charge it cannot kill command,chimaeras froststorm breath deals 300 damage and burrow attack deals the same damage
Kill command is useless since it gets parried/dodged all the time even if you are hit caped following this the glyph of kill command should not be used at all since glyph of rapid fire is leagues better

Do you guys even play Beast mastery or hunters in general or are you just here for the rep?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2013, 14:41:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Starsene wrote:
I wish people would stop copying guides off retail where everything is working unlike freakz.
About the talents: sick'em doesn't work at all,absolutely broken to being unusable same with killing streak.Careful aim and pathfinding or even improved SS are way better choices
Pets: core hound is unusable due to its gigantic hitbox,it cannot charge it cannot kill command,chimaeras froststorm breath deals 300 damage and burrow attack deals the same damage
Kill command is useless since it gets parried/dodged all the time even if you are hit caped following this the glyph of kill command should not be used at all since glyph of rapid fire is leagues better

Do you guys even play Beast mastery or hunters in general or are you just here for the rep?

1. If you will find a guide from where I could copy/paste here I will delete WoW from my computer. I ensure you this guide is 100% my work.

2. This is the spec I played on another server months ago before coming to freakz. Yeah.. those talents are truly broken, but that's not my business.. this is the build that should work at maximum performance and those spells should get fixed.

3. - Careful aim in this case yes.. it would be a better choice since Sic'em doesn't work, but if Sic'Em would work Careful Aim wouldn't be such a great choice since your goal as BM hunter is to cast more arcane shots than cobra shots,
- Pathfinding no.. it has no damage improvement at all...
- Improved SS?? seriously?? BM hunters don't even use SS.. SS is only part of the MM hunter's rotation.. BM and surv hunters have CS in their rotation.

4. The Kill Command problem can be "tricked" with the following macro:

/cast Kill Command

same thing with Multi-Shot for those who have this problem with it..

5. Chimaera's froststorm breath damage.. bugged.. damage too low, should get fixed..

6. As I see my friend you know nothing about BM since you say Kill Command is useless.. it get's parried/dodged because it's a melee attack from the pet.. but not all the time.

Rapid Fire is a priority for the BM hunter as much as haste is.. BM hunters have their damage sustained by Kill Command and Arcane Shot ( we are not talking about the pet's abilities ).. as I see things Kill Command (our top dps ability) > any other ability that benefits from haste and Rapid Fire's haste has no influence on Kill Command so Glyph of Kill Command > Glyph of Rapid Fire.. if you really want to glyph rapid fire go MM where it's more useful. If you still don't belive me try a BM spec and take a look to the abilities that do your most damage.. I'm sure you will find them in this order: Kill Command -> Arcane Shot -> Auto Shot -> Cobra Shot as you could also see in the following pictures from my today's BH recount:

7. In case you haven't ever saw me playing on my hunter, I inform you that I play most of my time BM and hardly ever surv. BTW.. you can find me on Genesis, I'm a draenei hunter, name Gernethunia.. those who know me can tell you that every time they saw me in raids/parties I played BM

*edited* to add screenshots

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[Bone Fletcher]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2013, 18:23:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

- Improved SS?? seriously?? BM hunters don't even use SS.. SS is only part of the MM hunter's rotation.. BM and surv hunters have CS in their rotation.

Improved serpent sting,not steady shot and kill command is not supposed to be parried/dodged if you are hit caped since the pet should get full expertise cap as well

Once again you seem to completely miss the point about core hounds proving that you have never even used them so far on a boss.Kill command has a 5 yard minimum range on the cast,core hounds hit box is so big that they attack from whoping 10-15 yards away,i have never seen that bug happen with any of the spirit beasts or shale spiders or any of the other pets (save for the turtles) since their hitbox is not *** up and yes you could just use move pet command to put the pet onto the boss but who is going to bother doing that whenever the boss moves?
- Pathfinding no.. it has no damage improvement at all...

Do you even raid dragon soul hc? Not every single talent has to increase your damage you know,with the bugged water on yor'sahj pathfinding is pretty much mandatory for bm hunters to take.Same with hagara unless you want to risk enrage timers.

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[The Light of Dawn]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2013, 18:40:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ingenios guide, la pets mai ales e extrem de multumitor ca si explicatii, insa vezi ca la inceput la rotatie, dupa ce ai precizat partea cu Hunter's mark si serpent, ai un talent in build numit (wowhead link) . E folosind talentu ala in full burst ai sanse mari de crits la arcane shot, avand ca urmare la 3 stacks crit pe Pet attack mai exact Kill comand. Se castiga si dmg din arcane shot si sansa mai mare de crit pe kill comand

si legat de enchants, la wrist 50 agility e mult mai util ca 65 critical strike, explicatii nu-s necesare, e suficient de stiut ca Main statu la clasa bate orice alt stat secundar

vezi ca ceea ce zici despre haste nu este adevarat, este cel mai useless stat si la beast mastery si la survival, motive is multe, dar 2 motive principale ar fi, bonusu de 4 t13 si faptu ca pe beast mastery nu mai ai nev de atack speed. Cobra shot si la haste mic ~1k de ex are cast time de 1.5832 sec mai exact (daca ai quartz poti testa sa vezi ca nu mint). La un amount mai mare de haste de ex ~2k tu o sa castezi la 1.53 aproximativ, unde e castigu? pt 1000 rating sa se reduca castu cu 5 milisecunde? si un mic delay de la netu tau, sau de la server dureaza mai mult, nui viabil iti zic eu, nici macar la focus regen nu-i viabil. Din punctu meu de vedere scoti cat iti permite gearu. Am testat, si pe survival e nefolositor unde castezi mai mult ca pe bm, mai ales aici unde iti face jumate din treaba petu, care detine o groaza de talente bazate pe un stat principal (crit) prin care iti regenereaza focusu

Pathing Haste* Rating* Haste* Rating* Haste* Rating* Haste* Rating*
Ranks For 5.4% For 5.4% For 12.93% For 12.93% For 20.66% For 20.66% For 26.48% For 26.48%
0% 5.40% 692 12.93% 1656 20.66% 2646 26.48% 3391
1% 4.36% 558 11.81% 1513 19.47% 2493 25.23% 3231
2% 3.33% 427 10.72% 1373 18.29% 2343 24.00% 3074
3% 2.33% 299 9.64% 1235 17.15% 2196 22.80% 2920

asteas valorile de haste rating calculate pe toate 3 specurile la hunter in functie de gear (aici e calculat dupa 2 piese de t13) si in functie de talentul Pathing din buildu de survival

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-06-2013, 05:54:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ok.. about Improved serpent sting I can tell you only that in kinda useless.. since your rotation includes Cobra Shot which increases the duration of SS you will mostly use SS only at start..

Starsene wrote:
kill command is not supposed to be parried/dodged if you are hit caped since the pet should get full expertise cap as well

Yes I agree with you here.. I will make a post on bugs with it later if it isn't made.

Starsene wrote:
Once again you seem to completely miss the point about core hounds proving that you have never even used them so far on a boss.Kill command has a 5 yard minimum range on the cast,core hounds hit box is so big that they attack from whoping 10-15 yards away,i have never seen that bug happen with any of the spirit beasts or shale spiders or any of the other pets (save for the turtles) since their hitbox is not *** up and yes you could just use move pet command to put the pet onto the boss but who is going to bother doing that whenever the boss moves?

In this case you are right too.. I didn't managed to use the Core Hound in in raids so far since there is always a shammy or a mage there for hero/bl/TW... I will make a few testes these days to see exactly what happens with my own eyes.

Starsene wrote:
Do you even raid dragon soul hc? Not every single talent has to increase your damage you know,with the bugged water on yor'sahj pathfinding is pretty much mandatory for bm hunters to take.Same with hagara unless you want to risk enrage timers.

well I would preferably ask a druid for Stampeding Roar than using AOC or AOP since these will daze me if I get damage and as hunter at yor at least you can attack the oozes max range and move backwards to your place when the ooze approaches while not casting Cobra Shot to not lose damage.. or even use AOF.

Posturi unite automat, 29-06-2013, 06:54:25

FuNKyZz wrote:
Ingenios guide, la pets mai ales e extrem de multumitor ca si explicatii, insa vezi ca la inceput la rotatie, dupa ce ai precizat partea cu Hunter's mark si serpent, ai un talent in build numit (wowhead link) . E folosind talentu ala in full burst ai sanse mari de crits la arcane shot, avand ca urmare la 3 stacks crit pe Pet attack mai exact Kill comand. Se castiga si dmg din arcane shot si sansa mai mare de crit pe kill comand

si legat de enchants, la wrist 50 agility e mult mai util ca 65 critical strike, explicatii nu-s necesare, e suficient de stiut ca Main statu la clasa bate orice alt stat secundar

enchant-ul la wrist da.. buna observatie - .. dar vezi ca Kill Command nu beneficiaza de Cobra Shots.. doar basic attacks de la pet (adica Claw sau Bite.. depinde ce are pet-ul).. oricum si chestia cu burst merita adaugata.. modific/adaug acum in guide.. mersi -

FuNKyZz wrote:
vezi ca ceea ce zici despre haste nu este adevarat, este cel mai useless stat si la beast mastery si la survival, motive is multe, dar 2 motive principale ar fi, bonusu de 4 t13 si faptu ca pe beast mastery nu mai ai nev de atack speed. Cobra shot si la haste mic ~1k de ex are cast time de 1.5832 sec mai exact (daca ai quartz poti testa sa vezi ca nu mint). La un amount mai mare de haste de ex ~2k tu o sa castezi la 1.53 aproximativ, unde e castigu? pt 1000 rating sa se reduca castu cu 5 milisecunde? si un mic delay de la netu tau, sau de la server dureaza mai mult, nui viabil iti zic eu, nici macar la focus regen nu-i viabil. Din punctu meu de vedere scoti cat iti permite gearu. Am testat, si pe survival e nefolositor unde castezi mai mult ca pe bm, mai ales aici unde iti face jumate din treaba petu, care detine o groaza de talente bazate pe un stat principal (crit) prin care iti regenereaza focusu

Pathing Haste* Rating* Haste* Rating* Haste* Rating* Haste* Rating*
Ranks For 5.4% For 5.4% For 12.93% For 12.93% For 20.66% For 20.66% For 26.48% For 26.48%
0% 5.40% 692 12.93% 1656 20.66% 2646 26.48% 3391
1% 4.36% 558 11.81% 1513 19.47% 2493 25.23% 3231
2% 3.33% 427 10.72% 1373 18.29% 2343 24.00% 3074
3% 2.33% 299 9.64% 1235 17.15% 2196 22.80% 2920

asteas valorile de haste rating calculate pe toate 3 specurile la hunter in functie de gear (aici e calculat dupa 2 piese de t13) si in functie de talentul Pathing din buildu de survival

inteleg ce ai facut acolo si pare destul de ok.. doar ca eu personal am vazut ca am damage-ul un pic mai sporit cand am aura de haste de la dk/surv hunter/ windfury totem si de acolo am tras concluzia ca totusi nu e chiar asa inutil.. acum nu stiu ce sa zic.. ma apuc sa fac test pe dummy cu si fara aura( nu am, nu imi permit sa donez si nu donez pt full T13 so.. fair enough cu aura - ) si revin cu niste rezultate

si am mai gasit ceva legat de haste intr-un tutorial acum cand mi-ai pus problema asta -> uita-te aici <- ceea ce imi cam confirma mie de unde am damage-ul mai sporit.

BTW after we finish with this discutions about spells I'll make the english version of the tutorial as well.. since then I will respond in what language you ask me ( pls don't ask me things in chinese - )

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Post Posted: 29-06-2013, 08:37:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'll keep this in english so everybody can understand.
Beastmastery is an beautiful specc, also my favorite. However, its bugs (Killing Streak, Sic'em!, base pet damage) severely cripple it. This guide is very nice, but I'd like to add something.
The best moment to use Bestial Wrath would be when your pet has maximum stacks of Rabid and Focus Fire.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-06-2013, 10:55:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

good point.. only that Focus Fire is like all the time active.. I think you wanted to say Call of the Wild in stead - I'll add it

BM Hunter PvE Guide

Fury Warrior PvE Guide

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[The Light of Dawn]

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Post Posted: 29-06-2013, 12:01:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

alyn509 wrote:

inteleg ce ai facut acolo si pare destul de ok.. doar ca eu personal am vazut ca am damage-ul un pic mai sporit cand am aura de haste de la dk/surv hunter/ windfury totem si de acolo am tras concluzia ca totusi nu e chiar asa inutil.. acum nu stiu ce sa zic.. ma apuc sa fac test pe dummy cu si fara aura( nu am, nu imi permit sa donez si nu donez pt full T13 so.. fair enough cu aura - ) si revin cu niste rezultate

si am mai gasit ceva legat de haste intr-un tutorial acum cand mi-ai pus problema asta -> uita-te aici <- ceea ce imi cam confirma mie de unde am damage-ul mai sporit.

BTW after we finish with this discutions about spells I'll make the english version of the tutorial as well.. since then I will respond in what language you ask me ( pls don't ask me things in chinese - )

pai chestia cu buffu de atack speed te ajuta cand nu prea ai gear, cand ajungi la 2 piese deja se schimba situatia, daca dai per encounter maxim 20-30 de cobra e mult, o sa dai numa instante

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Post Posted: 29-06-2013, 18:44:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

FuNKyZz wrote:

pai chestia cu buffu de atack speed te ajuta cand nu prea ai gear, cand ajungi la 2 piese deja se schimba situatia, daca dai per encounter maxim 20-30 de cobra e mult, o sa dai numa instante

mda.. am uitat de bonusul de la 2 piese de T13.. am ilvl 381 deocamdata si inca port T12.. nu am nimic T13 inca... trebuia sa fiu atent oricum.. adaug si asta .. mersi -

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Post Posted: 06-12-2013, 09:43:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Here are some general guidelines for stat weights by spec:

BM: mastery is the worst stat, and crit/haste is best
MM: mastery is the worst stat crit is best
SV: haste is the worst stat and crit is best
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