
[Hunter]Pet's attack speed/melee

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[Harley Quinn]

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Post Posted: 03-04-2016, 14:34:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link: Can't find it in database, idk what is it listed as.
Bug description: Hunter's haste is not fully inherited into pet's attack speed.
Pet's do not gain full hunters haste amount, and they do not scale properly with haste buffs.

How should it be:
I did quite a lot of research and it seems that pet's melee attack speed works just as normal character attack speed with one exception. It doesn't inherit range attack speed increase for example Rapid fire.

Pet attack speed is increased by all haste or attack speed buffs that are not specifically labeled as ranged only

Attack_speed = "current attack speed" / (("Percent increase or decrease" / 100) + 1 )

Weapon speed = 1.8
Slice and Dice = 40%
Blade Flurry = 20%
JuJu Flurry = 3%
Attack_speed = 1.8 / ( (40 / 100) + 1 ) = 1.2857
Attack_speed = 1.2857 / ( (20 / 100) + 1 ) = 1.0714
Attack_speed = 1.0714 / ( (3 / 100) + 1 ) = 1.0402


A quick way to determine resultant attack speed, without applying the formula for each increase, is the following:

[current attack speed] / (increase1 * increase2 * increase3...etc)


1.8 / (1.40 * 1.20 * 1.03) = 1.0402

With this formula doing easy maths: Basic pet attack speed is 2, specced into ferocity pet has passive named Spiked Collar, which increases attack speed by 10%. I personally on my hunter have base amount of 33,4% haste and with for ex. this buff I get 46.74%. Buff includes both Ranged as well as melee attack speed. No buff:
Screenshots below\/

The issue persits with Users haste only because spiked collar increases attack speed by itself correctly (naked i have 1.81 attack speed which is correct).

Just did another test and turns out its not only users haste. Bloodlust doesn't scale properly aswell.
No bloodlust my stats and pets attack speed\/



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Post Posted: 06-04-2016, 17:10:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Confirmed. This affects every permanent pet in the game, not just hunter pets.

In short, they do not gain full benefit of the master's melee haste.

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