
Lag During Deep Breath of Valionia 25 player

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Post Posted: 20-11-2011, 03:17:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello, my name is Pylraster on Genesis Realm,

I was just making a message about the Boss in Bastion of Twilight Valonia and Theralion, it seems that when Valonia is beginning to do her [Deep Breath] ability, (the one which covers 1/3 of the room with fire) there becomes some massive lag for some people, including me, and including people in Eastern Europe.

This lag only occurs during 25 player, and only occurs during Deep Breath, and has lead to us dying very many times, but we are ready & geared to kill this boss, but the lag is making it unable to kill. Maybe possibly it is the blue fire animation that is causing the lag, which seems to be a possiblity.

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