
Mist of Pandaren and Cataclysm servers separation idea

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[Sith Lord]

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Post Posted: 16-11-2014, 16:58:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'm posting this thread because I believe that it's unfair that we all must quit playing our favorite expansion simply because others are bored. Instead I would suggest and encourage the WoW Freakz team to create two servers, similar to Genesis, Exodus and Evolution. Which is what every other private server has done and this way, you grant us more freedom to choose how we play instead of being forced to start over on an expansion that some of us may dislike.

I understand there may be an issue with the money and with the computer power required, but as I've said before you did have enough computer power and money to run 3 separate servers; Genesis, Exodus and Evolution. So I don't see why one MOP server would hurt anyone, and if anything, it might actually reduce initial lag when you start it up because if there are two options, then chances are the population may split, making it easier for the people on the MOP server to play in peace.

I would also take into account the amount of money spent on Cataclysm donation gear, and the tremendous waste of money you'd be causing by updating the one server that we go on into a MOP server. Like myself, having spent roughly 5,000 dollars over a period of 3 or 4 years on this server, would rather keep what I have and enjoy playing Cataclysm, and I believe you would find that there are people who would agree with this issue if you ask the server yourselves.

I would think that your private servers would benefit tremendously from giving us two different servers to choose and play on, I will take give you some examples of how this is a good thing. The Arena Tournament Private Server, they give you the option to play on three different expansions; WOTLK, CATA and MOP, all using the same account. Heroes WoW, gives you the option to either play on WOTLK or to play on MOP. Another server called Molten WoW allows you to choose between WOTLK and Cataclysm. They are all very successful servers with an extremely high population of players on each one. This is another reason why I suggest this idea to the WoW Freakz team, not only that it'll benefit the players, but it'll benefit you and help expand your player population.

I hope that the people who read this and the WoW Freakz team who reads this, will choose to support this idea and for the WoW Freakz team to have a change of heart in completely upgrading Genesis into a MOP server, and instead will create two separate servers, a Cataclysm 4.3.4 one and a MOP (Whichever patch it is) to grant the players of WoW Freakz the option to choose between either one.

Many thanks,


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Post Posted: 16-11-2014, 16:59:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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