
[Monk] Brewmaster Guide 8.3.7

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-01-2021, 18:07:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello my name is Koraya and I have been playing Brewmaster since the beta of Mists of Pandaria. I fell in love with this class as soon as it got announced to be released. Also I have been playing the Tank role since Cataclysm so it was clear to me that this new class would be my new main. And Ive been sticking to Brewmaster since then. The biggest success I had was back in Mists of Pandaria. I was the raidlead and maintank at the same time and we got at Throne of Thunder release under the top 1000 guilds in the world. But enough talking about me, lets get into the guide.


  • Smooth damage intake
  • high mobility
  • solid damage output
  • good cc possibilities
  • unique spells like [Ring of Peace]
  • living brewery with style


  • lowest healthpool of all tanks
  • low selfheal
  • not very forgiving if you mess up your brew management

  • [Will to Survive]: Removes all stun effect. This effect shares a 90 sec cooldown with other similar effects.
  • [The Human Spirit]: You gain 2% more of all secondary stats(Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, Versatility) from all sources.

  • [Stoneform]: Removes all harmful Poison, Disease, Curse, Magic, and Bleed effects and reduces all physical damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds.
  • [Mighty of the Mountain]: Reduces damage taken from Physical attacks by 2%.

  • [Nature Resistance]: Reduces Nature damage taken by 1%.
  • [Quickness]: Increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 2%, and your movement speed by 2%.
  • [Shadowmeld]: Activate to slip into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence. Lasts until cancelled or upon moving. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect.]
  • [Touch of elune]: Increases your Haste by 1% during the night. Increases your Critical Strike by 1% during the day.

  • [Spatial Rift]: Tear a rift in space. Reactivate this ability to teleport through the rift. 30 yd range. 3 min cooldown.
  • [Chill of Night]: Reduces Shadow damage taken by 1%.
  • [Entropic Embrace]: Your abilities have a chance to empower you with the essence of the Void. Entropic Embrace increases damage and healing by 5% for 12 sec. It has a 33% proc chance with 60 seconds internal cooldown.

  • [Fireblood]: Removes all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects and increases your primary stat by 600 and an additional 200 for each effect removed. Lasts 8 seconds.
  • [Forged in Flames]: Reduces damage taken from Physical attacks by 1%.

  • [Brush It Off]: Increases Versatility by 1%. When you take damage, heal for 2% oft hat amount over 4sec.
  • [Haymaker]: Wind up, then unleash your might upon your foe, dealing Physical damage, stunning for 3 sec, and knocking them back substantially.

  • [Combat Analysis]: You gather and analyze combat data every 5 sec, increasing your primary stat by 25, stacking up to 10 times. The data decays while out of combat.
  • [Emergency Failsafe]: When you fall below 20%, heal for 15% of your maximum health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2.5min.
  • [Hyper Organic Light Originator]: Summon Organic Light duplicates to distract your foes for 15sec.

  • [Blood Fury]: Increases your attack power by 400 for 15 sec.
  • [Hardiness]: Duration of Stun effects reduced by an additional 20%.

  • [Touch of the Grave]: Your attacks and damaging spells have a chance to drain the target, dealing Shadow damage and healing you fort he same amount. Additionally, you can breathe underwater indefinitely.
  • [Will oft he Forsaken]: Removes any Charm, Fear and Sleep effect.

  • [Brawn]: Critical strike damage and healing increased by 2%.
  • [Endurance]: Increases your Stamina by 235 (scales with level).
  • [War Stomp]: Stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yds for 2 sec.

  • [Regeneration]: Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total Health regeneration may continue during combat.
  • [Da Voodoo Shuffle]: Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 20%. Trolls be flippin out mon!
  • [Berserking]: Increases your haste by 10% for 10 seconds.

  • [Ancestral Call]: Invoke the spirits of your ancestors granting you their power. Increases a random secondary stat by 102 for 12 seconds.
  • [Savage Blood]: Reduces the duration of Poisons, Diseases, and Curses by 10%.

  • [Regeneratin]: Regenerate 100% of your maximum health over 6sec. interrupted by damage.
  • [Embrace the Loa]: Choose your Loa by making an offering at Loa Shrines around the world. Each Loa offers unique powers. Guards in Dazaralor will tell you where Shrines can be found.
    • Embrace of Paku: Your abilities have a chance to grant you 4% Critical Strike for 12 seconds.
    • Embrace of Kragwa: Taking damage has a chance to grant you $ additional Health and $ Armor.
    • Embrace of Akunda: Your healing abilities have a chance to heal their target for 2
    • Embrace of Gonk: Increase movement speed by 5%.
    • Embrace of Kimbul: Your damaging abilities have a chance to cause the target to bleed for 15 over 6 seconds. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
    • Embrace of Bwonsamdi: Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal 0 Shadow damage and heal you for 100% of the damage done.

  • [Fire Resistance]: Reduces Fire damage taken by 1%
  • [Nose for Trouble]: When you first take damage from an enemy reduce that damage by 5% of your maximum health.
  • [Bag of Tricks]: Pull your chosen trick from the bag and use it on target enemy or ally. Enemies take damage, while allies are healed.

  • [Epicurean]: Your love of food allows you to receive 100% more of the stats from Well fed effects.
  • [Quaking Palm]: Strikes the target with lightning speed, incapacitating them for 4sec, and turns off your attack.

Play the one that pleases you the most. The race selection does not make a significant difference whether you are a good or bad monk. The only situation where it makes sense to choose a specific race is when you want to make real high end progressive content. For example, a race first or top rankings in the m+ ladder.

When playing the Alliance, the BiS race for Brewmaster is KulTiran. The passive acts as a small counterpart for our Stagger and the ability is an additional stun.

You could also go back to dwarf or dark iron dwarf. Both give us good passives and abilitys for our brewmaster.

If you play Horde, the BiS Race Highmountain Tauren would be a good choice, as we get a Versatility buff, a Stun and a damage reduction passive. You can also go back to Maghar Orc, as we get a damage buff (which is unfortunately random, but increases a secondary stat) and the duration of DoT effects is reduced. Since Brewmaster is very vulnerable to DoT damage, Maghar is a good option.

If you dont care about the faction, you should switch to Kul Tiran (as soon as they are available), as this race is the most suitable.

But as I said before, play what you enjoy.

  • [Eye of the Tiger]: Should be your go-to Talent for M+ & Raids, since it is overall the more consistent talent. If your Raiding its the only choice.

  • [Chi Wave]: Not worth it.

  • [Chi Burst]: Only shines when you can do a lot of AoE Dps. So in dungeons like Freehold its good if you can align the mobs and Chi Burst them.

  • [Celerity]: not worth it.

  • [Chi Torpedo]: You spin a longer distance and get a movement speed buff. For my playstyle this is the better option, because I combine it with Ring of Peace and other spells. So if you need a larger Spin take it.

  • [Tigers Lust]: I think you should only consider this Talent in M+ runs. The reason for that is it removes all root and snares which can help you and your teammates in critical situations. For example Tigers Lust can dispell Lord Stormsongs Debuff Mindbender in Shrine of the Storm.

  • [Light Brewing]: Your go-to Talent especially in M+ runs. You get +1 charge and reduced cd on your Brews. It is too strong to consider the other two.

  • [Spitfire]: Not worth it.

  • [Black Ox Brew]: If you need a „Brew Panick Button“, you can pick that. But as I said Light Brewing is way stronger than this Talent.

  • [Tiger Tail Sweep]: not worth it since we have Tiger Sweep as a default spell.

  • [Summon Black Ox Statue]: May be useful in Situations where you need to pull/aggro a lot of mobs. But it is in my opinion too situational to pick.

  • [Ring of Peace]: This is the best spell ever invented for M+ runs. If youre doing dungeons, pick it. If you want to know how to play with it go to the playstyle section.

  • [Bob and Weave]: This talent extends our Stagger for 3 seconds and smooths your damage intake a little bit more. Very useful in situations where you get a lot of consistent Physical Damage like Freehold.

  • [Healing Elixir]: Not worth it.

  • [Dampen Harm]: So this is a possible Defensive cooldown. You can pick this if you encounter something where you know that you get heavy damage in a short period of time. Pick it instead of burst damage or magical damage.

  • [Special Delivery]: Not worth in M+ since it can break ccs with his 8 yards range. Wouldnt take it at all since Rushing Jade Wind is more consistent.

  • [Rushing Jade Wind]: This is your go-to Talent. Gives you more consistent Damage and is a must-have if you have to pull a large amount of mobs.

  • [Invoke Niuzao the black Ox]: Not worth it.

  • [High Tolerance]: Your go-to Talent. Gives you free Haste, quicker Brew recharges (if you dont want a large downtime of your Brews you need to pick it).

  • [Guard]: Not worth it.

  • [Blackout Combo]: You could use it, but only if you somehow have too much gear, and know exactly how to react in the situations you will encounter. But as long as youre doing content that is challenging for you, always go with High Tolerance.

Warmode Talents:

Since this is a PvE Guide i wont dive into PvP Talents. But for those who are curious what the best PvP Talents are, here is my choice:

[Gladiators Medaillion]
[Double Barrel]
[Erie Fermentation]
[incendiary breath]

As a Brewmasters we really need to adjust our Stats to the current ilvl and playstyle situation. Also we need to differentiate our Stats between M+ and Raids.
Brewmaster is heavily relied on armor since we dont have any shields or other mechanics that absorb incoming damage. That means we need to stack armor as much as possible. So if Armor would be a stat you could farm that would be our go-to stat. But right now the only way to get more Armor is to get gear with a higher Ilvl. So the first „stat“ you want to farm is item level.

Now in my opinion you should have a healthy balance between your Stats before you go all in on one.
So try to reach the following Stats before maxing out one:

Crit 25-30%
Haste 10 – 15 %
Mastery 20%
Versatility 10%+

Critical Strike:
Crit has 2 upbringings for us as a Monk. First, we do more damage. Second, we DO and GET more healing [Celestial Fortune]. Monk is currently the tank with the lowest selfheal. So we heavily rely on the heal we get from our healer. In the higher Key runs you cannot always hope that you get healed from your healer. So how can we get more out of our low selfheal? The more crit we can get, the more our [Orbs] can heal us. How exactly our selfheal works and how to use it properly will be explained later in the Playstyle section. But for now all you need to know is that the more Crit you can stack, the more you do damage and the more you can heal yourself. And if your a good Brewmaster that takes no high spikes of dmg AND can heal himself you are basically a god.

If youre not feeling comfortable with your brew management you should definitely go with more haste since this is your live or die mechanic. When you get more and more experience with your Brewmaster you can remove haste until you are around 10%.
Depending on how good you are and you know how to time your Brews you can also go with less haste. I already played with 3% haste and had no issues. (Please dont play with such a low haste %)!
Also if you are raiding you can even go lower with your haste (around 8%), since you have a downtime with tanking. Go with more versatility for raids.

Dont go above 20% Mastery, try to keep it on the point.
In order to see why exactly 20% Mastery, go to the Azerite Traits section for a deeper explanation.

If you hit every stat from above you should go ham on stacking Versatility. This stat gives you more damage and more damage reduction. Stack it as much as you can.

[Training of Niuzao]: Must have Trait. Take as much as you can oft hem, mostly 3.

[Boiling Brew]: Also a must have trait if you doing m+. It gives you more AoE damage and gives you more healing orbs which results in more selfheal.

[Elusive Footwork]: So here I want to show you how our [Mastery: Elusive Brawler] works. So whenever you get hit by a meele attack or hit with [blackout strike] you get an additional stack of [Mastery: Elusive Brawler].

Our dodge chance is by default at 20%. And now we calculate with a 20% Mastery value.
So what that means now is the following. Every time you get hit or hit with blackout strike you get a new 20% stack of elusive brawler.
20% Dodge by default + 1 Stack of elusive brawler (20%) = 40% dodge chance.

  • On your second stack of elusive Brwaler you get 60% dodge chance.
  • On your third stack of elusive Brwaler you get 80% dodge chance.
  • On your fourth stack of elusive Brwaler you get 100% dodge chance.

Obviously you only need a 100% dodge chance, if youre now over 20% your over capping and wasting Mastery.
The next cap would be at 40% Mastery but you will waste so much stats on mastery that its not even worth to think about.

For raiding you should take [Boiling Brew] out and take more [Elusive Footwork] since you dont have many Mobs in Raids.

Here you have basically 2 choices which are both strong. Either you pick one of the stat traits or you pick [Azerite Veins]. [Azerite Veins] is a really strong trait and specially useful in M+ content since you get more "constant" selfheal. Its a great addition to [Impassive Visage].

If you dont have the option to take one of these traits you could take [Unstable Flames] for more Critical Strike.

In the smallest circle pick the defensive ones over the offensive since the defensive traits are stronger for us.

Update for 8.0 Patch:

To make things more clear I will add this note section so people should understand it easier why to pick those traits.

In the Patch 8.0 its not recommended to pick 3x [Training of Niuzao]. The reason for that is that we lack circles from which traits we can choose. In the future patches there will be circels added and therefore we have more "main" traits we can choose from.

I actually think its not even worth to take [Training of Niuzao] at all in 8.0 Patch (ONLY as long as you have atleast 20.0% Mastery). You rather should go for 2x [Boiling Brew] with 1x [Elusive Footwork] or 2x [Elusive Footwork] and 1x [Boiling Brew].

If your doing M+ content you should try to have 1-2x of the [Boiling Brew] and as i said, if your raiding you can drop [Boiling Brew] and take [Elusive Footwork].

In the future Patches when we have more circles available you definitely should go for 3x [Training of Niuzao] since you just get more tankier over time (depending on your staggerlevel). And then you go with the explained 2x/1x or 1x/2x tactic with the additional main traits I already told you about.

So since every Brewmaster plays in his own Stats/playstyle world I wont give you any BiS Gear List. I already explained in the Stats section which Stats priority you should go and i dont want to update this List every Patch.

With the trinkets, it currently feels stronger when you go with defensive trinkets.
For example, [Lingering Sporepods] is a very strong trinket for M+ runs, since you have more selfheal and do additional aoe damage.

But again you can choose between an offensive and defensive playstyle.

If you want to go with a more offensive playstyle pick trinkets that give you more one your secondary stats (preferably Versatility).

My recommendations:

For the current patch you should try to get your hands on [Lingering Sporepods], [Lustrous Golden Plumage], [Xalzaixs Veiled Eye] (depending on what you need/play).

Trinkets that are not releases yet:

When they are released the [Bloodthirsty Urchin] is your new BiS item. I would definitely pick this + 1 trinket that fits to your current encounter (m+ or raid).

I will go in deeper on how to play with Brewmaster in the next section but here is the Rotation for Single Target and AoE Dps.

-> Ironskin Brew needs to be up 100% of the time.
-> Rushing Jade Wind needs to be up 100% of the time (if skilled).

  1. [Keg Smash] on cooldown and ALWAYS before you want to use [Breath of Fire] so you get the debuff on your enemies.
  2. [Breath of Fire] on cooldown.
  3. [Blackout Strike] on cooldown.
  4. [Tiger Palm] as Filler, also use it to keep your [Eye of the Tiger] up.

Make sure your [Ironskin Brew] is up all the time and you have enough [Purifying Brew] up to purify your [Stagger]. [Stagger] management ist he hardest thing on Brewmaster. If you mess up your brews you will quickly realize how weak you are without them.

Please learn Mechanics of the encounter youre going to face. Since we dont have much defensive cooldowns and you need to know your brew management its even more crucial to know what button to press at certain times.
People say Brewmaster is much more forgiving at bad playing than the other tanks but i dont agree with that at all. If you mess up your brews and dont have an Ironksin brew up you can wipe your whole raid or grp. It can also cost your healer cooldowns he could need for a much more important situation. Also if you dont have your Brew up and you are getting hit by a large attack you will get smashed.

Learn mechanics.
Know what and when to press.


So Stagger should normally have his own Section. But since I personally dont like Guides that go too much into depth I will keep it as short and simple as possible.

Everytime a Brewmaster gets hit we dont lose the full amount of incoming dmg we take a % of the dmg into Stagger, recalculate it and get a Dot which smoothens the remaining dmg out over 10 sec.
In other words, we dont mitigate the incoming dmg we smooth it out through our DoT. Also you cannot die from Stagger no matter how high it ist. It always stops at 1 HP even if its currently red.

Overall we have 3 Levels of Stagger. Green, Yellow and Red.

So everytime youre get hit the amount of Stagger increases and depending on which Level your in it changes to yellow or red.
Obviously, if youre in a raid or dungeon and you take a large amount of damage you will stack your stagger and get increasing Dot ticks from stagger. That eventually lets you bleed out.

So what can we do against that?
Blizzard gave us [Purifying Brew]. With that ability we actually can mitigate the incoming damage. In other words, you delete 50% of your current Stagger.

For those who like Maths:

Lets say you have 50% Stagger and you get hit for 50k Physical Damage.
  • 50.000 * 0,50 (50%) = 25.000.

Now you have 25k dmg that you take and 25k that go into your Stagger. That means the 25k for the Stagger get transformed into a DoT that ticks over 10sec.
  • 25k / 10sec = 2.500 damage per second over the next 10 seconds.

And that calculation get always refreshed as soon as you take damage again.
So as I already said, if you dont use Purify Brew, you would basically bleed out

Brew Management:

Depending on if your tanking with the [Light Brewing] Talent you have 3 or 4 charges. [Ironskin Brew] and [Purifying Brew] share charges. If you use one, you lose a charge on both. So be careful and manage your charges wisely.
Always keep your Ironskin Brew up and at least one charge for the Purifying Brew so you can soak critical damage without any problems.

Never use your purify too early, because you will then very quickly get problems with your brews in heavier content. When and in which situation you should use your purify is hard to say, because every Brewmaster behaves differently and every situation/encounter is different.
If your stagger has reached yellow you can slowly think about purifying it depending on the situation. There are also situations where it makes sense to continue fighting with a red stagger for a few seconds. The heavier the content, the sooner you will enter the red zone. Especially beginners always panic easily when the red stagger appears. Stay calm and watch what comes at you in the next minute and then decide what you will do. Decide to purify your stagger too late rather than too early and then die from lack of charges.

Therefore, you need to know what is coming up in the next 1-2 minutes and then you need to assess if and how many brews / purifys you can use before you get into trouble.

This is our selfheal mechanic. So basically everytime you lose 100% of your health a healing sphere will be produced. You can combine this ability with your [Expel harm] spell (it also shows your current Orb count) to do additional aoe dmg and or to heal you instantly if needed. You also can walk through these Orbs to heal yourself. Always use it when you have 3+ orbs ready.

So this is your Taunt. In the following I will call it the „Speed Taunt“. Why speed taunt? Read the Tooltip and you will know why. Every mob that gets hit with Provoke gets a 50% increased movement speed buff.
And if you use your speed taunt in the right situations it can safe you a lot of time, specially in m+ runs.
Lets say your currently in Siege of Boralus at first Boss. Pretty lame fight as a Tank right? You know how you can make more impact on this fight? Taunt the Boss, so he gets the movement speed buff. With that he gets more often dragged into the bombs and that means more damage and a faster kill.

Also you will encounter a lot of patroulling Mobs in Bfa dungeons. That means if you make the wrong decision and pull too early or too late you will pull and additional pack. So you can avoid that by using the speed taunt so the mob moves faster and you dont pull the patroulling mob/pack. Also if you have mobs you want to kite out of something you can use it since they move faster. If used correctly you will love this spell.

If youre in any M+ and you want to CC certain Mobs i always recommend to use Paralysis in combination with [Crackling Jade Lighting]. With that you can save your speed taunt for situations where you need it the most

    This is your best Spell for any M+ Dungeon and has so many upbringing for our gameplay.

  • You can interrupt adds
  • You can split Adds (especially useful in Infested dungeons so the Ghuun adds cant reach the other mobs)
  • If you are on low health you can [Leg Sweep] Or spin back and then place RoP between you and the Mobs so the healer can heal you up, while the dps has time to take them down. You should try this tacitc more often since you dont take damage, the healer safes mana and ur dps has time to kill them. But please train to position your Ring of Peace. If you place it directly in fron of the enemy you will kick them away way too far. Go back and place your ring so that the opponents dont peek back and start getting bumped off when they try to enter the ring. You will only upset your dps if you mess up their rotation and pull the adds out of their aoe dps. Set the ring so that your teammates can continue to do damage undisturbed.
  • Also you can easily reset Necrotic Stacks whenever you want.
  • And you can use it as a defensive spell since you dont take any damage if you place the ring between you and your enemies.

If you have skilled Dampen Harm you have an additional Defensive ability which is very strong, when used correctly. Since this ability lets us, depending on the incoming dmg, soak almost 50% damage its a really good defensive spell. Also it lasts for 10 sec. which gives you enough time to soak the incoming damage. But since this (if skilled) is only one of your few defensive abilities, use it only in Situations where you know that big damage will be coming.

Most Tanks forget that we can dispel too. And thats one hell of a mistake, especially if you want to take as little damage as possible (I mean which tank doesnt?). When I am in a dungeon where I know that certain trash packs will give me any Poison / Disease affect I always dispel myself. For example the trash mobs before the third boss in Siege of Boralus, this Poison will tick like hell if not dispelled. And try to keep that Detox on cooldown. You will take less damage and your healer has less to do. Its a win win for the both of you.
Every Dot on a Brewmaster should be dispelled ASAP. Since we dont really have an active damage mitigation, every DoT on us fells like its melting us.

Use. Your. Dispell.

So this is a very unique ability almost no Brewmaster knows how to use or use it at all. But for me its an additional defensive ability. The only problem here is that you literally can only soak one melee hit. You really need to know when and how to soak the meele attack. Since every other meele attack you get hit by, will interrupt this Mediation you can almost not use this Spell if there is any Add in your reach.
For example you can use this spell at the last boss in Kings Rest. He does Blade Combo (it contains 4 attacks so you need to time if perfectly to hit the third or fourth hit) which is a bursty attack. You can soak the third or fourth attack if you time it right and get 60% less damage.

To use this ability properly it will take you a lot of tries and failures until you get used to it. But one key thing here is, to know exactly when the attack is coming and how to position yourself.

For me Professions are the same as choosing your Race. Pick whatever you want. I personally go with Engineering, cause of the [Tinkers Nitro Boosts] that gives you a nice movement speed buff.
Every Profession gives a slight improvement in Stats. Or like I said a movement speed buff from engineering.
If you want to know what bonus you can get from skilling every profession you can watch this video made by method:

Just pick what you like the most.


[Enchant Ring – Pact of Versatility]: Should your go to Enchantment

[Enchant Ring – Pact of Mastery]: Use it if you have low ilvl and are in need of Mastery

[Enchant Ring – Pact of Critical Strike]: I wouldnt recommend them at all but you can still can consider them if you want more damage


[Enchant Weapon – Versatile Navigation]: If you want more Versatility

[Enchant Weapon – Stalwart Navigation]; Recommendet if you have a low ilvl or want a defensive choice. If you dont want more damage you should pick this variation.

There is also one weapon enchantment with Mastery and one with Haste but compared to the choices above they are too weak.


[Flask of the Vast Horizon]: Go-to tank flask.
[Flask of the Currents]: Depending of the difficulty of the content youre doing you should switch between these Flask. The harder the encounter is the more you should consider to take the [Flask of the Vast Horizon] for a larger health pool.


[Abyssal Healing Potion]: You always should have some health potion in your bag. You will use them more than you think.
[Battle Potion of Agility]: If you want more damage take this.
[Steelskin Poition]: If you need to be more tanky take this.

Food & Drink:

[Sailors Pile]: If you are in need of more Mastery.
[Spiced Snapper]: If your not in need of more Mastery always go with this.


If you click the Addons name you get a Link to the 8.3.7 Version on Curseforge so you cant directly download it.

  • Mythic Dungeon Tool: If you dont know what or how much to pull in a dungeon, youre a bad tank. Plan your M+ runs so you know exactly what to pull and which Path you take. If you dont come out at the end with exactly 100% trash killed you wasted time.

  • Deadly Boss Modes: Must have for every PvE player

  • Recount / Skada: keep track of your Dps/heal/

  • WeakAuras: very useful for keeping track of your stagger and other spells, since every UI looks different i wont recommend any WAs here.

  • MythicPlusTimer: Nice addon if you want to keep track of your current time in M+ dungeons

I hope this guides helps every fellow Brewmaster player and gives a direction on how to improve your gameplay. Also if anyone has any question you can always write me on discord Koraya#2770 or ingame (my ingame name is also Koraya).

May the brews with you.

I will keep this Guide as updated as possible and will update this section when something gets changed.

Update 1 | 14.02.2021: I added a note for the current 8.0 Patch in the Azerite Trait section to make it more clear what traits you actually should choose right now.

Last edited by vhaany on 14-02-2021, 14:30:21; edited 3 times in total
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Post Posted: 28-01-2021, 03:21:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ooo. Very nice -
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-02-2021, 14:28:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Update 1 | 14.02.2021: I added a note for the current 8.0 Patch in the Azerite Trait section to make it more clear what traits you actually should choose right now.

If you guys still have questions about the Azerite Traits or any other Brewmaster topic just hit me up -!

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