
[Monk][Mistweaver]Essence Font vs Smart heal

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Post Posted: 15-04-2019, 01:11:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link: Essence Font
Bug description: Essence font does not select new targets that dont have essence font no matter what range they are, how it should work is
By rodalpho (29,182 – 8·36·473) on 2016/04/22 (Patch 6.2.4)
The devs told us how 7.0 AE heals target players at the link below.

I'm pasting it here as they typically delete the beta forums after release.
The only AoE heal that explicitly chooses the lowest-health of all damaged targets is Wild Growth.

Not going to list every heal spell, but a few off the top of my head with more custom targeting:
--Efflorescence favors targets without the Spring Blossoms HoT.
--Power Word: Radiance favor players without Atonement, then players with Atonement, then non-players.
--Renewing Mist will choose a random player who is both injured and without the caster's Renewing Mist. If there are none, it will not jump.
--Essence Font will attempt to heal 18 people over the course of its channel. On each attempt, it will choose a random target who was not healed in the previous 5 attempts. If there are none, it will not heal.

The "previous 5 attempts" is NOT 5 previous casts but 5 previous BOLTS so basically its a smart heal that will ALWAYS try to heal 18 people in RANGE of the caster like Renewing mist but without the "Injured" flag, rightnow it only heals 8-14 people at random no matter how close you get near them which is not consistent with the blue post

Edit: some clarifications.

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Last edited by Vouchery on 15-11-2019, 11:01:36; edited 6 times in total
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