
[Multiple] Char control vs. interrupted CC's

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Post Posted: 19-03-2014, 19:16:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: (didn't test this)
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: By disorient effects I mean those that make you waddle in small area around you. Problem is, when they end or break in other way than using pvp trinket, in most cases your character is still moving uncontrollably for roughly 0.1-0.5 second.

When you get disoriented, character always walks short path, stops for a moment and walks again until effect is over. Let's call this path waddle-path for convenience.
So when you use pvp trinket any time during disorient effect, waddle-path instantly breaks, you can move and do everything like normal.
When disorient ends (naturally or broken by damage) during one of those "breaks" between waddle-paths, everything is fine, just like when you use pvp trinket.
But when disorient ends during waddle-path, character always finishes it first before giving you control. You can cast instants, but cannot stop moving or move other directions. Length of this depends of course on waddle-path length and time effect ended.

Dovada / Proof:
Not the best example but it can be seen when DB ends:

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Post Posted: 20-03-2014, 00:58:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I got your message via PM reopened the report , tested and edited your post .

I can confirm the fact that during the "waddle path movement" (at the beginning when the character is about to take the first step or during the animation for the next one) if the CC is being interrupted with let's say dmg , movement wise you will not gain control of your character until the animations is finished .

Though the length for this situation will not surpass more than 0.4s at most and probably will not occur that often it nevertheless happens .

Mai exact el se plange ca in timpul CC-urilor de genul disorient(cel mai probabil este la fel ca aici) in momentul in care incepe sa paseasca caracteru daca se intrerupe CC-ul atunci cu sa zicem damage, in loc sa iti dea control asupra miscari caracterului imediat cum sa intrerupt el mai intai isi termina animatia(CC-ului) dupa iti reda controlul .

Bug-ul asta nu afecteaza instant casted spells dar cele castabile well... da . Daca folosesti trinketa sa scoti CC-ul sau CC-ul este intrerupt intre animatiile sale, totul este okay bug-ul nu apare .

Pare minor , low prio si cu repro rate scazut dar se intampla .

" you are "

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