
Please, do give PvP some love!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-03-2019, 14:08:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Seems like the vast majority of players, and even the mods, simply don't care about PvP on this server.. Under the excuse that "Legion PvP sucks", but that's kinda silly to me since PvP was never really balanced, in no expansion or Patch, but 2v2 & 3v3 Arena is still 2v2 & 3v3 Arena. Pure, unalterated PvP combat. The essence of WoW, really. So why is it that we all just brainlessly farm Mythics & ToS and only 10-15 of us are queuing up for Rated Arenas? And half of these people are donors -.- More often than not the matchmaking is horrendous, likely because there's just not many people queuing up. Classes & talents being bugged is probably also one of the factors, but idk.. I just wish both the players and GMs cared about PvP more, and not just Mythics & random bgs..

Sorry if this sounded rant-y. Cheers lads!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-03-2019, 13:25:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I can give you a few reasons why people don't really care about PVP. When I say PVP I mean 2v2/3v3:

1. 95% of the server are PVE heroes

2. MMR system is broken

3. Reward system for items from PVP is broken. From 2v2/3v3, everything you get is 855/860 ilvl regardless of the rating you are playing at. Seriously you better do world quests cause you can get likew 890 ilvl titanforged/warforged. This is a major MINUS for PVP since you cannot get gear unless you PVE, hence people start to PVE just to get gear while no one queues arenas. Keep in mind that the ilvl that drops should get higher with rating as well. I know this for a fact cause i played legion on retail

4. Because number 3 is not working or to boost PVP, multiple people suggested on forum to give some kind of rewards from PVP but they are ignored completely. As this post is going to be

5. Majority of classes are bugged, important PVP talents are not working at all

6. People that still do PVP(the very few ones) tend to have partners or play only with people that they know. For 2 weeks i couldn't do the cap for 2v2 because i found no healer to play with. When i whispered healers that i saw in durotar to play with me and told them i am multi glad they were laughing at me saying that they don't play with randoms lol

7. People are dodging or don't want to queue vs certain comps that most probably will loose(in their head) while they don't even try. But this is rarely seen since no one is queuing in the first place

And i can continue like this all day long.

This are hard facts and i hope you don't take this the wrong way. To stimulate a bit PVP or at least go in the right direction, fix point 2,3 and 5.

My humble opinion.

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Post Posted: 06-03-2019, 20:31:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

From time to time I check what hotfixes were made to classes. Untill all the major bugs and hotfixes are made you can't do arenas .
In my case I'm waiting for the fixes and afterwards I will queue -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-03-2019, 10:01:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

raven3 wrote:
From time to time I check what hotfixes were made to classes. Untill all the major bugs and hotfixes are made you can't do arenas .
In my case I'm waiting for the fixes and afterwards I will queue -

I need you when the season starts -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-03-2019, 15:24:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

These are all fair points, I 100% agree with Pt. 3 & 5, and sincerely hope the mods and developers are at least considering doing something about these massive issues. I understand PvE is more of a thing in Legion, but having NO PVP WHATSOEVER is really saddening :/ Would be nice to at least have the option to do PvP, for those who want to..
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-03-2019, 14:30:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Gear from instanced pvp was a joke in legion, and the joke is even more unfunny on freakz. Sure the pieces that dropped scaled with rating (2k was the starting point for elite gear, 7.3.5 forum posts say that you got +5ilvl starting from 930ilvl per 200 rating, so 2.4k rating would give 940ilvl pieces at the end of the week), but that won't really apply to freakz as long as the MMR system is as broken as it is. I mean seriously, people have 4k+ rating in 2v2, how would you expect ilvl to scale with this kind of rating?

But the problem was never in getting gear through pvp, everyone knew pve was a much more efficient way of doing so. Legion pvp "random drop" system was just a bonus (a bonus everyone disliked, people liked farming for pvp gear), the whole stat squish that legion brought ensured a more casual pvp environment. Not many took arena seriously, but bgs were really fun especially since you could do them with a newly dinged 110 toon and actually top the charts. But seriously, do you even need that extra few % of stats in pvp? The whole concept of "skill > gear" is much more applicable in legion than ever before. Even though pvp drops have a low ilvl, the fact that freakz has implemented it so that you can change random stats (which applies to most pvp off-pieces) is already a huge victory for pvp'ers.

World pvp is not even worth mentioning; if you have a rogue with the mantle legendary (no matter the spec), you're the god of open world pvp in the broken isles (ofc not counting tanks, that's another level of broken).

You think freakz players are the only ones complaining about pvp in legion? Just google "legion pvp" and read the countless amounts of forum posts where people just trash talk blizzard into oblivion for ruining their lives and what not. Seriously, don't expect more from freakz than you would from blizzard. It really does feel like legion is a pve expansion, and pvp is just a leisure activity you casually do while waiting for the raid locks to expire. Of course what would help is fixing the MMR system and implementing scaled ilvl drops. Suddenly you'd have 30 people doings bgs every day than the 20 doing them right now. -

PS. In case you missed the sarcasm, fixing MRR and pvp gear is a lot of work and little reward. That sure sounds like a top priority bug fixing!

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Post Posted: 15-03-2019, 05:16:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

After they fix all(critical bugs) from class talents/spells we can start thinking how to improve gear & mmr whatsoever... until than we can take a(big) break.
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